They're shooting at Cops in Dallas, Eleven Officers Shot, Two Civilian Injured ,Five CONFIRMED DEAD-

What's good with people wanting the world to collapse?

For years people have been waiting on wall street to implode and martial law invoked.

You really don't want them problems. :lol:

They really want to tell people "I told you so..."
You never stop do you man?

I'll be ignoring you from here on out, but here's the attention you wanted.

If you think black folks are in less danger after last night, you're wrong. If you think this isn't the prequel to more violence coming OUR way, you have cloudy vision. If you think having no way to defend yourself IF the funk comes your way is the way to live, I disagree. If you think that after 500... YES 500 years of oppression your oppressors are going to grow consciousness, magically out of nowhere, I don't know what to tell you.

I haven't advocated for the random killing of anyone on this site nor did I jump up and celebrate last night when this was happening. If anything it puts a BIGGER target on our backs and I doubt that's a coincidence.

While they're playing chess, as a whole, we're playing checkers. No matter who the shooters ACTUALLY were, the first thing the media did was plaster the image of a black man with a gun up for all racists to see. Look at the headlines posted in this thread in the aftermath. Read some of those Twitter feeds.

While the country reacts to this and loses site of the two EXECUTIONS of black men (state sponsored btw... paid leave, no arrests) we'll take a couple of steps backward and have to answer for things we didn't do or condone. You can't see strategy in this? I'll save my opinions on it, BUT in the meantime I'll be ready to protect my two daughters and my gf from the biggots that live all around me in this "nice" neighborhood.
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None but this pushes us further back into martial law and a race war, I don't see how you see that as a better option.
i dont see that as a better option nor did i state that. i simply asked what progress has been made in your opinion.
I am just so saddened and disheartened with the events over the past 3 days. The past 72 hours have truly been one of the darkest stretches of time in our country. Innocent people losing their lives is not cool. I don't care what side of the coin you're on, this just doesn't sit right. I'm just sitting here thinking. Thinking about the state of our country and how we probably have the most important election in our history coming up soon and how things have completely gone down hill. I'm really at a loss for words, but all you can do is hope that things somehow get better. Enough is enough. I hope those injured make a recovery. RIP to the innocent. That goes for Sterling, Castile, the officers who were killed last night, and all of those who came before them. We've GOT to do better out here as a whole.
i dont see that as a better option nor did i state that. i simply asked what progress has been made in your opinion.

My fault g, wasn't trying to infer that on you but I don't believe any real lasting progress has been made since the civil rights movement.

The problem with this situation, especially in this current racial/political climate is that it gives these white racists all the ammunition, pun intended.

It was already easy for them to kill us without reason and now that News Corp/Trump will be sure to continue their agenda of pushing the fear of a black planet, it will only get worse.

I need all my black people out here to please stay as safe as you can during this time, I'm scared of where things go from here.
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Dallas mayor just said the female suspect they detained is a "light skinned african-american".  

End well, this will not. 
Dallas mayor just said the female suspect they detained is a "light skinned african-american".  

End well, this will not. :smh: :smh: :smh:  

Yes, smh

Supposedly 5 officers killed and 7 injured and 2 civilians hurt via CNN updated info

And then a light skinned red bone shorty being interviewed

I knew they were gonna name at least 1 of the 4 shooters black

Damn smh
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 The past 72 hours have truly been one of the darkest stretches of time in our country. 
i dont know about that

I think so...back-to-back shootings of Sterling/Castile...and now the officers shot and killed in Dallas.

This is not a great time in our country. This is not an attack coming from foreign soil...these are American citizens turning on each other.

Truly terrible.
People are blind to not think marshall law is around the corner (terrifying to think).

Protect yourselves incase of that situation, but killing each other and hating other races wont help us.

Racial divide amongst civilians will only help marshall law, because races will be too focused on killing each other while the real dangers laugh atop the political powers pulling strings.
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