They're shooting at Cops in Dallas, Eleven Officers Shot, Two Civilian Injured ,Five CONFIRMED DEAD-

That NY Post headline can't be real

Newspapers will say anything on the front page to sell.

The New York Post is a glorified right wing tabloid. No one should take anything that trash newspaper does seriously

They will never be on the same level as the Times, so the go after the bottom of the barrel reader
I realize now most ain't aware of the NY Post :lol: Typical trash "news" rag. I expect similar from the NY Daily News.

SO, the Suspect is now dead by self inflicted wounds. 
How convenient.
Man I call BS.
There was more than one shooter and they're still alive for now.
This **** just doesn't add up man.

I'm far from a conspiracy guy.  And I generally believe that bad **** happens often and that humans are capable of some disgusting stuff.

But we go from a peaceful protest where by all accounts the dynamic between protestors and police was cool, to cops getting sniped on?

This is gonna be one hell of a story when (if?) the details come out.  
Went to bed when the shooters were still at large and I wake up to an even higher body count...this is nuts man :x :x :x

Of course most folks I see online are blaming Obama for "divisive" rhetoric :rolleyes
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You know, i never realized how lucky I was born and grew up and live in Hawaii. About 12 years ago, i met this Black guy, and we started casually talking. He told me that even though there was very little black people here, He was so happy he lived here, how, he had found "peace". At this moment, i couldn't comprehend what he meant. I assumed, Naively, that he meant persecution, or racist behavior about white people, and told him about my own experiences in the mainland. I went on to explain, that white people here are a minority, probably the only major metropolitan city in the US where neither Black or white people are in the top 3. I started going on about how because no race here has a true majority, we kind of have a weird racial harmony here.

Anyway, he told me that had nothing to do with the peace he found. He went on to explain that for the first time in his life, he can go to the store, drive his car, go out to eat, without ever worrying that a police officer was going to pull him over or single him out cause he's black. I laughed and said that rodney King happened 10 years ago, things are different now. I guess I was wrong, Things aren't different. People should not have to live in fear, that the people that are supposed to be protecting you, are going to execute you. You should not fear selling CD's or having a broken Taillight. Last time I checked, those aren't death penalty offenses. Until the officers cross that blue line, and take a stand themselves, against other cops doing things like this, there will never be peace, only mistrust. As sad as I am about this, I am hoping, that there will be cops out there that denounce the killings, and start taking accountability for the actions of their fellow officers.
They show black people getting killed from every angle in full 4K when that pops off but cnn using the same fuzzy footage shot with a potato for the last 8 hours? Fohcnn
They tried to pin the killings on this guy .... smh ... He was smart enough to act before anyone tried to hurt him ......

Man can't even imagine the fear dude must'v felt when he found out they were considering him as a suspect :x,smart man not taking chances. They were still trying to pin it on him after he willingly gave u his gun and went in for questioning on his own power??
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That's probably what's holding up news stations from labeling it a terrorist attack...
Im thinking the motive was to instigate a battle between protestors and police amid the chaos. Cui bono?
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Man can't even imagine the fear dude must'v felt when he found out they were considering him as a suspect
,smart man not taking chances. They were still trying to pin it on him after he willingly gave u his gun and went in for questioning on his own power??
I mean yeah but that's hat his dumb *** gets for walking around like that

As far as Dallas goes, there are innocent lives lost at war.

I do have sympathy for the families but cops are starting to feel like black men.

Cops will just have more firepower and weapons soon enough. Tanks will come if things get real crazy.
Honestly can't tell if race/religion relations are getting worse or better anymore. Always felt like time was progressively going to improve things. Language like we're going forward or backwards when it comes to race & religion makes it feel like it's a linear progression and that it's a foregone conclusion that ultimately we'll keep reaching points of closer unity, but ultimately it's just thoughts and thoughts can go anywhere at any moment. Don't know where we're headed anymore.
What's good with people wanting the world to collapse?

For years people have been waiting on wall street to implode and martial law invoked.

You really don't want them problems.
It's happening.

I feared it would come to this man..

This solves nothing, I dig the frustration, this isn't the way though. But.... I do understand.

Both of these.

I can't agree with this at all, I understand the frustration and the need for vengeance but this will only make things worse and bring more violence.

We can't beat them at their own game.
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