They're shooting at Cops in Dallas, Eleven Officers Shot, Two Civilian Injured ,Five CONFIRMED DEAD-

I wonder if they'll claim he was mentally ill and a lone wolf.

Who am I kidding.
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I used to work in Utah. One of my coworkers was telling a story of how his wife went up to a black guy and asked if he was Michael Jordan. My coworker said "she just didn't know any better because she hasn't seen any black people".... I couldn't handle utah's social scene so I left.

To be fair, is this you playing pickup?

I was saying it's only going to get worst by cops being super aggressive checking every single suspect.. "thugs" come in all colors I wasn't being specific to one race ... but i feel race won't even matter EVERYONE will soon get the same treatment as cops will always be on their toes.. i didnt mean to offend anyone.. i am currently waiting on my call up for the SF PD this hits too close to home for me

And he did it again so you know it's not a typo :rofl:
This is the same palce that let JRose5 run free for years so can you really be surprised

I got banned from the NBA offseason thread for responding to a personal attack and yet dudes can come in these threads that are far more serious and spew ignorant and racist garbage that is actually offensive and they letting it ride.

I just don't get it.
I feel like every black male right shoul be going ot in w/e is that they do to make money so that if we're ever in a situation like the 2 men this week we will be able to help out even when we're gone
Some of you guys have NO idea of the concept of an open forum. If someone has an opinion that is remotely against anything that you believe, "reported", "reported"...etc. SMH. I understand in some situations there are trolls, and people baiting, but don't acknowledge them, and keep it moving.

I feel like every black male right shoul be going ot in w/e is that they do to make money so that if we're ever in a situation like the 2 men this week we will be able to help out even when we're gone

That's what I've been on.

These incidents only have me more inspired to be the best black man that I can be and I know it has done the same for a lot of y'all.

We been responding to pain and oppression with greatness and will continue to do so.
VA is racist too I was in Richmond in January at a restaurant these older white women were scared to get out of there car as I was talking on my phone outside the spot
I've been profiled in silver spring, md several times, called a colored in Newport, RI and straight up told to leave in some hick town in PA. It's all around you if you're not oblivious.
I was saying it's only going to get worst by cops being super aggressive checking every single suspect.. "thugs" come in all colors I wasn't being specific to one race ... but i feel race won't even matter EVERYONE will soon get the same treatment as cops will always be on their toes.. i didnt mean to offend anyone.. i am currently waiting on my call up for the SF PD this hits too close to home for me

I thought thats what you meant. But if thats already happening... It's been happening, just not publicized. Media arent the only outlets anymore. People can live stream, post to IG or FB, and go viral. Local media didnt even cover the deaths this week of those innocent men who were killed in my area.
I understand the All Lives Matter talk, cuz they do.

However most of the injustices are targeted towards black in this country. Reasoning for Black Lives Matter is to bring awareness to that fact, however it seems to be spun as we're putting our race above others. Am I the only one feeling this way?
That's exactly why the All lives matter hastag was birthed to be used for imo
Some of you guys have NO idea of the concept of an open forum. If someone has an opinion that is remotely against anything that you believe, "reported", "reported"...etc. SMH. I understand in some situations there are trolls, and people baiting, but don't acknowledge them, and keep it moving.

It's easier to request a ban for the ones who don't conform to the group think.

Scary stuff in this thread, RIP to all those innocent victims.

I would encourage everyone to open their mind and challenge their self-fulfilling prophecies. Education and openness to learning is the only way to do that. Good luck.
Got to be honest
Of someone that is not of white or black hue, this has been a terrible week for race relations for both races

All this hate disturbs me
On one hand I didn't want the shooters to be black. Because it reinforces a narrative.

But on the other hand it maybe lets the cops nationwide know that the number of docile negroes is decreasing and the tolerance for this **** is decreasing.


RIP to the innocent cops slain and all that though.
I understand the All Lives Matter talk, cuz they do.

However most of the injustices are targeted towards black in this country. Reasoning for Black Lives Matter is to bring awareness to that fact, however it seems to be spun as we're putting our race above others. Am I the only one feeling this way?
I don't feel we're putting our race above others. 

everyone knows that all lives matter. 

but minorities need the support the most. 
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