They're shooting at Cops in Dallas, Eleven Officers Shot, Two Civilian Injured ,Five CONFIRMED DEAD-

What I do know is that Haiti for example didn't become free from standing in the street, marching, looting, holding up signs, picking off random folks who had nothing to do with their plight, turning their cheeks, etc.

Eyes wide shut...I'm sleep though...Iamjusayn...Louverture asf!
Am I missing something or are people just allowed to call ninjahood whatever they want?
Dude has a different opinion.

I dont think that gives people the right to tell him to shut up and then start name calling him and disrespecting his neighborhood.

Thats whack

An ignorant poster sticking up for another ignorant poster wow what a surprise.

You posted some off the wall s_ in other threads about rap music in Canada and da ninja has been posting crap for years but really turned it up a notch

while waving his pom-poms for da donald. I would implore the people who feel Black people are going to hard at da ninja to read some of his posts since he has made

his I finally got "da Jesus piece off da layaway now I'm back with da ignorance" return. This clown constantly telling Black folks how to feel and what they should do while

at the same time denying his own Blackness. My post wasn't a shot at Wash Heights it was a shot at a old man who honestly believe that racism doesn't exist and is

made up by democrats so minorities will vote for them. :stoneface: He has no experience in dealing with the BS that goes on in different cities and states. So his opinion quite like

this titanium tea dude (Canada) means nothing if you have not had to deal with racist people in the U.S.
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Didnt have to blow the person up

Still use a robot, but instead of a bomb/explosive, use a flashbang/stun grenade to disorient the person

Then u can get him and get more information(and the truth)

If I'm in the tin foil hat category, shrugs

With that said, got an itch to get on BO3
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What I do know is that Haiti for example didn't become free from standing in the street, marching, looting, holding up signs, picking off random folks who had nothing to do with their plight, turning their cheeks, etc.

Eyes wide shut...I'm sleep though...Iamjusayn...Louverture asf!

  • brokehomie_rodneyDid the slaves pray their way out of slavery, or was there a civil war? I'll wait. Violence is necessary
  • weho_girlI'm sure black folks been praying since 1800...I don't have time to wait on a god the white man created... 'God' dont move fast enough for me....
  • g_dot_9This GOD figure has to be left out of certain things pertaining to black folks. It's totally gets in the way of people's mental health/ finances economic growth.. GOD'S GOT US.. no he does not. Lol
  • fayefinBlack people BEEN praying ever since the White man came to Africa and taught us how.
  • g_dot_9Pray. All black folks do is pray. We should have as much as the Jewish people economically or even more if prayer instead getting shot down is the prize. Lol
  • iciaandersonHow is violence not the answer against violence? & yall still praising the white mans God.
  • _diamondstudded_Sorry, but prayer isn't going to stop a bullet, Jesus can't matrix bullets and they fall. Prayer is a waste of time, our ancestors and their ancestors prayed to deities and they ended up no where. But I forgot, God is allowing this to happen. *rolls eyes*
  • charlene_fiongBlack people have been praying since slavery. Something doesn't add up.
  • nubiankinggWe been praying to their white Jesus for 400+ years and what has happened! Nothing so it's time! If you don't wanna fight then get killed like the animal they see us. The system will never change.
  • originalmissteePlease don't say "violence isn't going to fix it" without following up with what IS going to fix it. No one wants to hear that FOH.
So it's ok to use a robot with a bomb to blow up a man sometimes I wonder "who raised you people"

It's crazy how a dark situation can shed light on the way some of you guys think. You closed minded people would never survive in the real world I can honestly say that.

I don't see the issue with using modern warfare tactics against a civilian murdering people with tactics used in warfare.

He was barricaded with explosives, more ammunition with a clear line of sight to continue killing, and capable of detonating the bombs he stated he had rigged all over the city. Do you really think that negotiating is viable after he killed that many cops who were being friendly with the peaceful protesters? He even injured a civilian that was at the protest supporting the cause.

And before anybody tries to race bait, law enforcement should've killed all the assailants in previous mass shootings regardless of race by any means necessary. Dudes that carry out attacks like this, the Orlando shooting, the NC church shooting, and any of these other nut cases that want to kill innocent civilians and/or law enforcement officers that haven't done any wrong.

Wow I cut through here to go to work sometimes. I knew something major happened when a fire truck was blocking the entire entrance way. They only do that when there's a fatality on the scene, to keep people from seeing a dead body. Based on the article though, this has nothing to do with quick trigger officers. That seemed to be a dumb reckless citizen.
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An ignorant poster sticking up for another ignorant poster wow what a surprise.

You posted some off the wall s_ in other threads about rap music in Canada and da ninja has been posting crap for years but really turned it up a notch

while waving his pom-poms for da donald. I would implore the people who feel Black people are going to hard at da ninja to read some of his posts since he has made

his I finally got "da Jesus piece off da layaway now I'm back with da ignorance" return. This clown constantly telling Black folks how to feel and what they should do while

at the same time denying his own Blackness. My post wasn't a shot at Wash Heights it was a shot at a old man who honestly believe that racism doesn't exist and is

made up by democrats so minorities will vote for them. :stoneface: He has no experience in dealing with the BS that goes on in different cities and states. So his opinion quite like

this titanium tea dude (Canada) means nothing if you have not had to deal with racist people in the U.S.

Again with the name calling.
titanium tea titanium tea

There's so much more than some name-calling in that post. You asked a question and got a response.

ninjahood hasn't done a good job of not insulting a large portion of this board on numerous occasions. Sometimes that kind of ignorance follows you around. It is what it is. You reap what you sow.
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titanium tea titanium tea

There's so much more than some name-calling in that post. You asked a question and got a response.

ninjahood hasn't done a good job of not insulting a large portion of this board on numerous occasions. Sometimes that kind of ignorance follows you around. It is what it is. You reap what you sow.

Yeah well if I should follow the rules, so should people that dont like ninja.
If you cant refute his opinions without calling him or me names, I dont think you should even be typing here at all.
Calling someone ignorant as an opener? Nah.
A clown?
Now you're just violating the Nt safe space
An ignorant poster sticking up for another ignorant poster wow what a surprise.

You posted some off the wall s_ in other threads about rap music in Canada and da ninja has been posting crap for years but really turned it up a notch

while waving his pom-poms for da donald. I would implore the people who feel Black people are going to hard at da ninja to read some of his posts since he has made

his I finally got "da Jesus piece off da layaway now I'm back with da ignorance" return. This clown constantly telling Black folks how to feel and what they should do while

at the same time denying his own Blackness. My post wasn't a shot at Wash Heights it was a shot at a old man who honestly believe that racism doesn't exist and is

made up by democrats so minorities will vote for them. :stoneface: He has no experience in dealing with the BS that goes on in different cities and states. So his opinion quite like

this titanium tea dude (Canada) means nothing if you have not had to deal with racist people in the U.S.

Again with the name calling.

he lucky he such a small fry & i aint feeling petty enuff to sic da cobra at him, heavens forbid someone has a different opinion & vantage point of da world :lol: :smh:

people should feel encouraged that people like myself live in areas where race plays absolutely no factor in anything..a real post racial society, not some uptopian fantasy.

and whoever biggin up da killer :x , u know he's basically Dylann Roof in reverse..
Fam your hut is located in NY the birthplace of stop & frisk :rofl:

How obtuse can you be lmao
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titanium tea titanium tea

There's so much more than some name-calling in that post. You asked a question and got a response.

ninjahood hasn't done a good job of not insulting a large portion of this board on numerous occasions.

yo, find me a quote where i said anything about anyone personal that i initiated.. otherwise stop spreading falsehoods, if u dont like my opinion its called keep it moving, when u clap imma clap back..i still got a old PM from meth talking about "you cant retaliate, report" i dont, until it gets to a point where if this was on da street u wouldn't say da nonsense typin my face.

bottomline this is a open forum, u don't like my opinion and it doesn't break da rules keep it pushing b, i aint here to please or cater to anyone.
Let the cobra loose then. You ain't got nothing on me. I don't post like a complete imbecile unlike yourself.

You can't come in here and try to paint yourself as some "I don't see color" kind of guy when you are in full support of trump.

I could post everything you've typed in the political, trump, confederate flag, and or any other thread involving race to show how backwards you are on these topics.

You claim to stay away from these "dumpster fire threads" but yet here you are. You like a moth b. Attracted to da flame.
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