They're shooting at Cops in Dallas, Eleven Officers Shot, Two Civilian Injured ,Five CONFIRMED DEAD-

You don't compare an inhumane institution to a cakewalk period. Idgaf what comparison your brain told you to attempt to make. I legit think you may have a concussion bruh

Now you're attempting to pitch that racism doesn't exist among Hispanics when just take a look at the history of where the slave ships taxied your own people to :rofl:
Ninjahood has his opinions based on where he is, I don't knock him, I necessarily rock with majority of his opinions because it is futile. He believes what he believes, and anti-Ninjahood folks believe what they believe, and it just goes round and round and neither side gives in.

But I will say this, if people haven't ventured outside of the porch or stoop then you're not seeing real life.

EDIT: You are seeing real life I suppose, a small slither of real life. There is so much going on past the confines of the block. But if you haven't seen any of if because you're protected by said block, then get off of the soapbox preaching and regurgitating what was seen on Fox or Tomi Lahren. Get out of your comfort zone and see how other people live and what they go through. Don't tell us how to act or conduct ourselves based on what you heard, but haven't seen. You can act like what ever race you are are better than us, cool, but don't be surprised when they treat you like us because they don't view you as different than us, or better, they lump you into the same class as us.
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not when it reaches da level of being disrespectful, period.
You're one to talk about being disrespectful. You're entitled to your opinion of course but you're also entitled to being called out for incredibly ignorant views.

straight hyperbole....its called anything that doesn't agree with your viewpoint ignorant :lol: :smh: i just posted da links as proof that you're merely on 1 side of a partisan issue.. period.





Arab slave trade was the practice of slavery in the Arab world, mainly in Western Asia, North Africa, Southeast Africa, the Horn of Africa and certain parts of Europe (such as Iberia and Sicily) beginning in the era of the Roman Empire and continuing until the early second half of the 20th century.


The Atlantic slave trade or transatlantic slave trade took place across the Atlantic Ocean from the 15th through 19th centuries

i rest my case, insert w/e idiom u feel like :smh: :lol:
Since it's gotta be spelled out for you, NOTHING about the transatlantic slave trade was a cakewalk. NOTHING. Your ancestors werent using slave ships as an Uber to get to DR, they were forced there. Don't you ever in your life disrespect my people like that.
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I still stand by what I said earlier, I don't give a damn how the dude died. He didn't give a damn about how those innocent people died. In the clip, he toyed with that cop and unloaded on him. Johnson got what he deserved. I wouldn't feel bad if those three officers were met with the same fate from Baton Rouge or Minnesota.
I still stand by what I said earlier, I don't give a damn how the dude died. He didn't give a damn about how those innocent people died. In the clip, he toyed with that cop and unloaded on him. Johnson got what he deserved. I wouldn't feel bad if those three officers were met with the same fate from Baton Rouge or Minnesota.

Yes man, we get it. You've repeated this exact same thing like 10 times in here. Im sure everyone knows your opinion and the fact you're gonna stand by it. Sheesh
i saw that this dude in portland pointed a gun at blm protesters because he felt threatened.

he was there to stir up trouble, and wanted an excuse to shoot someone.

if there was a shooting at a rally where alot of these right wing idiots are packing it would be a bloodbath, they'd kill so many of their own before they even knew who the enemy is.

you can see in the clip that the gentleman who had his image plastered all over the media kept his cool all along, not to mention you dont even see him reach for his piece.

the nutjobs always say that had so and so had guns they'd still be alive, is a bunch of garbage, you even hear stories about cops shooting their own during gun fights and even in the battlefield.

its also crazy as hell that they just blew the suspect up, those cops must've been so damn scared to see a black man with an automatic and pretty much being invincible.

this is doing nothing but enforcing that a black mans life is worthless.

this is amerikkas worst nightmare.
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Yes man, we get it. You've repeated this exact same thing like 10 times in here. Im sure everyone knows your opinion and the fact you're gonna stand by it. Sheesh

As long as it's understood. Plus, check the other thread, people came in and said what they said, then started back tracking.
Unfortunately slavery was adopted by THE ENTIRE WORLD since we started.
There has not been a single nation that has not gone through some horrible oppression.

By saying that I am not trying to undermine what happened in north America or say that you dont personally suffer right now.
People have 100% legitimate grievances.
Im even arguing that cops need a complete overhaul.

If you dont like that I feel music has a subconscious effect on people or that ninjahood thinks his neighborhood is a good example for police relations, thats fair.
You can agree to disagree.
Slavery aint past tense. Theres still an estimated 30 million slaves around the world today.


Millions have died in the conflict in the Congo.[/Video][/Video][/Video]
Since it's gotta be spelled out for you, NOTHING about the transatlantic slave trade was a cakewalk. NOTHING.

in a vaccum? no... compared to a waaaaaaaaaaaaaay longer islamic slave trade which arguably was more brutal & inhumane?

yes. while da United States was enjoying full civil right on this side of da world, people were still getting bought & sold like property, so "cakewalk" or w/e idiom u wanna insert to describe it applies.
Since it's gotta be spelled out for you, NOTHING about the transatlantic slave trade was a cakewalk. NOTHING.

in a vaccum? no... compared to a waaaaaaaaaaaaaay longer islamic slave trade which arguably was more brutal & inhumane?

yes. while da United States was enjoying full civil right on this side of da world, people were still getting bought & sold like property, so "cakewalk" or w/e idiom u wanna insert to describe it applies.

Fully Civil Rights for black people!? When did this happen :lol:

Ninja you stay wanting give the United States and the Atlantic Slave trade credit for not being as bad the Arab Slave trade.

That is like telling a crackhead good job for not getting addicted to heroin

Not to even mention that the United States had to fight the bloodiest war in its history for the institution of slavery to end. That was even after deals to end it with war and compensation were rejected.

I don't know if you studying for the GRE or not, but you can miss me with this "cakewalk" bull **** when discussing the Atlantic slave trade. Every time you open your mouth regarding lack people, something disgusting comes out
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I have never been a slave in the sense that my ancestors were, but I know nothing about slavery was a cake walk. That's just flat out disrespectful. Whether Islamic , Arabian, or North American, flat out disrespectful. Tell that to the North American slaves, "Hey! Quit your ******, this is a cake walk compared to slavery else where" nah man, that's bull****. How the **** is slavery of any sort a cake walk?

People want to discredit the trials and tribulations that blacks have had to endure, but yet, they want to appropriate certain aspects, everything is cool about being black, unless you have to struggle.
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Since it's gotta be spelled out for you, NOTHING about the transatlantic slave trade was a cakewalk. NOTHING.

in a vaccum? no... compared to a waaaaaaaaaaaaaay longer islamic slave trade which arguably was more brutal & inhumane?

yes. while da United States was enjoying full civil right on this side of da world, people were still getting bought & sold like property, so "cakewalk" or w/e idiom u wanna insert to describe it applies.

Fully Civil Rights for black people!? When did this happen :lol:

Ninja you stay wanting give the United States and the Atlantic Slave trade credit for not being as bad the Arab Slave trade.

because it wasn't..and thats a statical fact.
After lurking this thread for awhile, can confirm Ninja is a certified house slave.


Never been the only black person in a science classroom.

Never been told "oh, you speak so well"

Never been told "so, you really like math, uh?" after acing a test

Never reached beyond the expectations of massa.
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