They're shooting at Cops in Dallas, Eleven Officers Shot, Two Civilian Injured ,Five CONFIRMED DEAD-

Gamble...did you just call " a spade a spade" in a thread in which one of the main gripes is police stereotyping and profiling people?

I don't think you thought that one all the way through bud.
Fam your hut is located in NY the birthplace of stop & frisk :rofl:

How obtuse can you be lmao

stop and frisk is a Brooklyn/south bronx thing, ive never been randomly stop & frisked in my life.

if you're familiar wit comstat, its da NYPD's guide to locate & track violent crime. da heights is a drug infested hood, not a gun infested hood full of gangs & murders, like da Bronx or central/East Brooklyn.

hell you can track live crime now

knock yourself out.
This. Dudes always seem appalled when I ask them in travel threads if it's safe for me to go certain places.

That **** is a real concern. White racism has blanketed the globe and destroyed positive perception of us everywhere.

"Bruh thats cool but it is not really safe to be travelling around lots places as a white guy too."
I also have a chinese gf.
Taking her certain places is actually very dangerous.
Im with people demanding better from cops "but to pretend" white people robbed you of safe global travel is crazy.

When a black person is talking about his struggle, and you respond with saying things like this. You shouldn't be bothered by others calling you "ignorant". Maybe look at yourself first and ask why was I called this. Instead of dismissing it as just "oh I can have a different opinion so it's cool".
Titanium I'd suggest you go look up the meaning of that idiom & try a little harder next time. If someone is calling Ninja ignorant it's bc his track record shows thats simply the truth. Just look at 2 posts up. Homie has really deluded himself into thinking that he lives in a world where race is nonexistent. It doesn't get anymore witless than that.
Let the cobra loose then. You ain't got nothing on me. I don't post like a complete imbecile unlike yourself.

You can't come in here and try to paint yourself as some "I don't see color" kind of guy when you are in full support of trump.

oh please, mixing politics and your opinion to extrapolate w/e concoction u got of your mind to rationalize continually insult me.. :lol: u sound like da very same people you're railing against.

we're in a thread where a radical gunned down 5 cops and ur talking bout Donald Trump :lol:

time for some re-evaluation b.
he lives in a world where race is nonexistent. It doesn't get anymore witless than that.

maybe you should visit a hispanic hood some day, race isn't a factor...some of ya's rejection of that is "well its cause you in a bubble" well, da bubble exists, maybe ya need to take this bubble's winning formula & spread it around.
Let the cobra loose then. You ain't got nothing on me. I don't post like a complete imbecile unlike yourself.

You can't come in here and try to paint yourself as some "I don't see color" kind of guy when you are in full support of trump.

oh please, mixing politics and your opinion to extrapolate w/e concoction u got of your mind to rationalize continually insult me.. :lol: u sound like da very same people you're railing against.

we're in a thread where a radical gunned down 5 cops and ur talking bout Donald Trump :lol:

time for some re-evaluation b.

Your own posts are a bigger insult to you than anything I could ever type up.

You gotta ask yourself why so many Black NT members disagree with you so often.

Thinking everybody else is some staunch democrat, lefty socialist definitely is not the reason

The people that agree with you the most end up banned for going off the deep end with racist trolling/baiting.

Ask yourself why does your opinion align with those kind of people the most.
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Cops killed a dude in my city this morning. He had a gun but didnt even point it at the cops. All dude was tryna do was get his horse back that someone stole smh.
Before you continue defending Ninjahood. I advise you to read these posts and revise your opinion.

Excerpt from page 440 of the political discussion thread regarding systemic racism
 Originally Posted by ninjahood

Da problem with this is "liberals" subscribe to "systemic racist oppression" that demonizes what you call "normal conservatives" that tend to vote or advocate for conservative policies and you'll just emd up calling em racist bigots anyway.. 

Ill give you an example. Voter ID laws.
Whats da problem? I got an ID, im a minority.. Dimelo? If voter ID laws are passed all of a sudden its "racist discrimination" and im like [emoji]129300[/emoji][emoji]128580[/emoji]
Cuz in MY experience AS a minority in 2016 haven't felt ANY of such theorized conjured academia.
From the same page, further explaining his beliefs of systemic racism:
I feel its advantageous to their liberal cause to stir up da racial demagoguery because of da continued monolithic black vote, its a politics chess move to keep minorities voting 1 way and scare them from ever leaving da Democratic party. (Its over 85-90% blacks voting Democrat).
If you thought the ignorance was over, fear not:
"White supremacy" politics is strictly a play to protect da Democratic black vote...

Cuz Democrats been rocking with 60+ years wit da black vote...has poverty changed? Has population number crept up as a success of voting for 1 party only? Ill let u tell it. [emoji]128064[/emoji] :
Now you see why people don't welcome his self-proclaimed "wisdom" in some threads, particularly ones involving race.
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Lol I'm not about to argue with you fool. Take a look a brief look at the history of your own country & wash your face with all that nonsense you posting. End of the day as you said it's an open forum & just as you have the right to post as many of your benighted beliefs as you can, so do other posters have the right to check you on your ignorance every single time :lol:
Let the cobra loose then. You ain't got nothing on me. I don't post like a complete imbecile unlike yourself.

You can't come in here and try to paint yourself as some "I don't see color" kind of guy when you are in full support of trump.

oh please, mixing politics and your opinion to extrapolate w/e concoction u got of your mind to rationalize continually insult me.. :lol: u sound like da very same people you're railing against.

we're in a thread where a radical gunned down 5 cops and ur talking bout Donald Trump :lol:

time for some re-evaluation b.

Your own posts are a bigger insult to you than anything I could ever type up.

You gotta ask yourself why so many Black NT members disagree with you so often.

Thinking everybody else is some staunch democrat, lefty socialist definitely is not the reason

Why are the people that agree with you end up banned for going off the deep end with racist trolling/baiting?

mostly all my hispanic folks agrees with, especially those that live in my radius...some of ya just are antagonist to anything that doesn't compliment your world view point.

what others do to get booted isn't my concern.
stop and frisk is a Brooklyn/south bronx thing, ive never been randomly stop & frisked in my life.

if you're familiar wit comstat, its da NYPD's guide to locate & track violent crime. da heights is a drug infested hood, not a gun infested hood full of gangs & murders, like da Bronx or central/East Brooklyn.

hell you can track live crime now

knock yourself out.
Well The Village and midtown are ranked the 2 most dangerous neighborhoods in NYC
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Quit crying about disrespect when you the same poster that basically said the transatlantic slave trade was a cakewalk amongst the countless other foolish things you've typed up on here over the years. Don't like ppl calling you ignorant or dismissing everything you say as utter babble then don't play that position simple as that.
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Before you continue defending Ninjahood. I advise you to read these posts and revise your opinion.

Excerpt from page 440 of the political discussion thread regarding systemic racism

[QUOTE name="ninjahood"]
 Originally Posted by ninjahood
Da problem with this is "liberals" subscribe to "systemic racist oppression" that demonizes what you call "normal conservatives" that tend to vote or advocate for conservative policies and you'll just emd up calling em racist bigots anyway.. :lol:

Ill give you an example. Voter ID laws.

Whats da problem? I got an ID, im a minority.. Dimelo? If voter ID laws are passed all of a sudden its "racist discrimination" and im like [emoji]129300[/emoji][emoji]128580[/emoji]

Cuz in MY experience AS a minority in 2016 haven't felt ANY of such theorized conjured academia.
From the same page, further explaining his beliefs of systemic racism:

I feel its advantageous to their liberal cause to stir up da racial demagoguery because of da continued monolithic black vote, its a politics chess move to keep minorities voting 1 way and scare them from ever leaving da Democratic party. (Its over 85-90% blacks voting Democrat).
If you thought the ignorance was over, fear not:

"White supremacy" politics is strictly a play to protect da Democratic black vote...

Cuz Democrats been rocking with 60+ years wit da black vote...has poverty changed? Has population number crept up as a success of voting for 1 party only? Ill let u tell it. [emoji]128064[/emoji] ::nerd:
[thread="629164"] A special bonus, from the infamous "I want to encourage are more constructive discussion over race relations" thread:[/thread]
[QUOTE name="ninjahood" url="[URL][/URL]"]

No one in 2016 looks at people other races as 2/5th a human being...[/QUOTE]

[emoji]128580[/emoji] excuse me for subscribing to da notion that MLK for da most part accomplished his mission.


Uhh yeah i do...

There isn't anyone i feel in da United States in 2016 that would look at da baby of any race and consider it sub-human.

Now do i think contemporary people engage in classism,Tribalism and sectarianism?


Race though? Especially wit da type of diverse mosaic of media we all participate in? Naw..i think thats a wrap for da vast part, especially when da aforementioned play way more immediate parts in our lives.

Now you see why people don't welcome his self-proclaimed "wisdom" in some threads, particularly ones involving race.

you act like i aint post a link that "systemic racism" isn't a partisan issue

like everything im entitled to my opinion

da right's vantage point of "systemic racism"

da left's vantage point of "systemic racism"
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Quit crying about disrespect when you the same poster that basically said the transatlantic slave trade was a cakewalk

so we taking quotes outta contexts like a slimey politician? :lol: this is where we at now?

"compared to da islamic slave trade which lasted centuries longer and started centuries before" was da whole quote.

if u gonna try to slander me, at least keep it honest :smh: :lol:
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maybe you should visit a hispanic hood some day, race isn't a factor...some of ya's rejection of that is "well its cause you in a bubble" well, da bubble exists, maybe ya need to take this bubble's winning formula & spread it around.
where you live doesnt represent how it is everywhere. i stay in a hispanic hood and race certainly is a factor. 
You don't compare an inhumane institution to a cakewalk period. Idgaf what comparison your brain told you to attempt to make. I legit think you may have a concussion bruh

Now you're attempting to pitch that racism doesn't exist among Hispanics when just take a look at the history of where the slave ships taxied your own people to :rofl:
You don't compare an inhumane institution to a cakewalk period. Idgaf what comparison your brain told you to attempt to make. I legit think you may have a concussion bruh

spare me da your moral use of idioms :smh: :lol:

if one institution lasted only a few hundred years, vs one thar lasted almost a millennium, its a cakewalk...or w/e idiom u wanna insert to compare really bad to extremely worst.
i stay in a mexican area in  so cal. very few black dudes around here but dudes always be starting ish with them. lot of racist people of every color. 

well thats different, mexicans & blacks have gone to war with each other over many things, and its not really a "race" one is perceiving da next person as "subhuman"(unless u got a story) its definitely a clashes of cultures thou.
not when it reaches da level of being disrespectful, period.
You're one to talk about being disrespectful. You're entitled to your opinion of course but you're also entitled to being called out for incredibly ignorant views. Any of your posts I quoted are infinitely more offensive and disrespectful than any sort of slander that comes your way as a result of your actions.
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