They're shooting at Cops in Dallas, Eleven Officers Shot, Two Civilian Injured ,Five CONFIRMED DEAD-

The precedent has been set.

Nobody cares because it doesn't tangibly affect them. 

Same happened with the Patriot Act, if you can't understand what we lost when that bill was signed, then you assume we didn't lose anything. It wasn't tangible enough for the average citizen.

People say why would someone stage this? Being able to pose such a question is precisely why someone would stage this....
now, take into account that a whole generation has grown up, thinking that the Patriot act is the norm. They don't remember, or can't have a tangible understanding as to how badly our civil liberties were ripped apart.
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Now the precedent of police using what are essentially man operated drones to bomb US citizens on American soil under the proper circumstances is set.

When you think about it outside of the context of this situation, you should be wary.
The precedent has been set.

Nobody cares because it doesn't tangibly affect them. 

Same happened with the Patriot Act, if you can't understand what we lost when that bill was signed, then you assume we didn't lose anything. It wasn't tangible enough for the average citizen.

People say why would someone stage this? Being able to pose such a question is precisely why someone would stage this....

I expect unmanned drones and remote controlled robots to be the next frontier in quelling descent like at rallies and protests to further remove risk from officers but also to further disconnect the emotional part of urban combat. That's one of my biggest worries with this. You'd have to be a fool to think they haven't been watching reactions to this.

If you support it, I can't take you seriously if you speak on militarization of police. Period.
Obama said, “I think it’s very hard to untangle the motives of this shooter. As we’ve seen, in a whole range of incidents with mass shooters, they are, by definition, troubled. By definition, if you shoot people who pose no threat to you, strangers, you have a troubled mind. What triggers that, what feeds it, what sets it off, you know, I’ll leave that to the psychologists and people who study these kinds of incidents. What I can say is that, although, he may have used as an excuse, his anger about previous incidents, as has been indicated, at least in the press, and as Chief Brown I think indicated, in no way does that represent what the overwhelming majority of Americans think.”

He later argued, “I think the danger, as I said, is, that we somehow, suggest that, the act of a troubled individual speaks to some larger political statement across the country. It doesn’t.”

He sounds kind of delusional. Or he is simply running out the clock and sticking his head in the sand. Treating it as some random event.

unfortunately Trump or Hillary will both likely be more divisive than Obama. Most people who hate Hillary will disregard what she says and Trump is just not fit to deal with serious situations. 

It's been a terrible year. Social media and 24 hour news media make it worse, sure. And there is the element of being a prisoner of the moment. But even objectively it's just been pretty crazy.
Biggest problem for Obama, is that growing up in Hawaii, you don't deal with the same racism you do on the mainland. Honestly, nobody cares if you're black here. The Hawaiian word for a black person is popolo. I think he lacks the perspective of a young black person growing up in the south, or DC or LA. Ironically, the racial harmony that we have here (white people probably suffer the most "racism" ironically), which is what the country should strive for, hurts him in the fact that he doesn't feel what some people across the nation feel.
I've been out of the loop the last day or so.

Did they ever explain the "3 suspects captured" thing?
-Do people even know what Obama did before he became president? The is definitely aware of the extent or racism against black people. At time he just refuses to speak completely honest about it, maybe because he knows the blow back it will cause. But he contentiously alienates young black folk to treat white folk with kid gloves

-And I may be wrong, I heard the speech, and I there was a lot I disagreed with, but it sounds like he was trying to separate this shooter from BLM.
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Obama said, “I think it’s very hard to untangle the motives of this shooter. As we’ve seen, in a whole range of incidents with mass shooters, they are, by definition, troubled. By definition, if you shoot people who pose no threat to you, strangers, you have a troubled mind. What triggers that, what feeds it, what sets it off, you know, I’ll leave that to the psychologists and people who study these kinds of incidents. What I can say is that, although, he may have used as an excuse, his anger about previous incidents, as has been indicated, at least in the press, and as Chief Brown I think indicated, in no way does that represent what the overwhelming majority of Americans think.”
He later argued, “I think the danger, as I said, is, that we somehow, suggest that, the act of a troubled individual speaks to some larger political statement across the country. It doesn’t.”

He sounds kind of delusional. Or he is simply running out the clock and sticking his head in the sand. Treating it as some random event.

unfortunately Trump or Hillary will both likely be more divisive than Obama. Most people who hate Hillary will disregard what she says and Trump is just not fit to deal with serious situations. 

It's been a terrible year. Social media and 24 hour news media make it worse, sure. And there is the element of being a prisoner of the moment. But even objectively it's just been pretty crazy.

What exactly about what the man said is delusional

Because it seems everything that comes out of the man's mouth troubles you. I can't keep track anymore

- And the major thing divisive about Obama is his skin color. Let's be honest here. White supremacist where in DC protesting him weeks after he came in office. You know what happened to those white Supremacist, they became the Tea Party.
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What exactly about what the man said is delusional

Because it seems everything that comes out of the man's mouth troubles you. I can't keep track anymore

- And the major thing divisive about Obama is his skin color. Let's be honest here. White supremacist where in DC protesting him weeks after he came in office. You know what happened to those white Supremacist, they became the Tea Party.
What is hard to understand about the shooter's motives? He wanted to kill white cops because he was upset about black people being abused and killed by policemen on a regular basis.

Saying it doesn't speak to a larger political statement across the country implies that this was just a one off random event. It ignores how people are fed up and how this could spiral even more. Downplaying this event won't make the underlying powder keg go away. He has a history of downplaying things he doesn't want to deal with or doesn't want to spend political will on.

I agree that the primary thing about Obama being divisive is because he's black. That is what is kind of amazing. That Trump and possibly Hillary are arguably even more divisive than a black president. That's how toxic they are. 
Remember when the DOJ report on Darren Wilson came out. The DOJ went the extra mile and expose the Ferguson police department for the oppressive, racist, white supremacist organization that it was.

What did many deflectors say in response, that the DOJ cleared Darren Wilson so we should put this issue behind us, and that the extra bit exposing the police department was divisive.

The man brought you proof, and he was still dismissed.

Conservatives rolled black a major Civil Rights Acts because a black man and the audacity to get elected twice, and advocate for empathy and the common good. But he is the divisive one.

Hillary and Trump wouldn't be as divisive, because at least bigoted white folks we feel they got there country back.
Remember when the DOJ report on Darren Wilson came out. The DOJ went the extra mile and expose the Ferguson police department for the oppressive, racist, white supremacist organization that it was.

What did many deflectors say in response, that the DOJ cleared Darren Wilson so we should put this issue behind us, and that the extra bit exposing the police department was divisive.

The man brought you proof, and he was still dismissed.

Conservatives rolled black a major Civil Rights Acts because a black man and the audacity to get elected twice, and advocate for empathy and the common good. But he is the divisive one.

Hillary and Trump wouldn't be as divisive, because at least bigoted white folks we feel they got there country back.

It was "Obama's" DOJ :lol:
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What exactly about what the man said is delusional

Because it seems everything that comes out of the man's mouth troubles you. I can't keep track anymore

- And the major thing divisive about Obama is his skin color. Let's be honest here. White supremacist where in DC protesting him weeks after he came in office. You know what happened to those white Supremacist, they became the Tea Party.

What is hard to understand about the shooter's motives? He wanted to kill white cops because he was upset about black people being abused and killed by policemen on a regular basis.

Saying it doesn't speak to a larger political statement across the country implies that this was just a one off random event. It ignores how people are fed up and how this could spiral even more. Downplaying this event won't make the underlying powder keg go away. He has a history of downplaying things he doesn't want to deal with or doesn't want to spend political will on.

I agree that the primary thing about Obama being divisive is because he's black. That is what is kind of amazing. That Trump and possibly Hillary are arguably even more divisive than a black president. That's how toxic they are. 

It is not just black people get killed on a regular basis, it is the lack of justice that pisses people off, if every killer cop went to jail, there would be less protest.

His point was the MAJORITY of Americans, especially those that want better policing, especially black people, especially BLM are not down with random killings

People are not looking for vengeance, they are looking for justice.

So it was smart for Obama not to tie this dude with BLM. Look at Rudy Guilini's nonsense today to see why Obama was smart not to add fuel to the fire
Remember when the DOJ report on Darren Wilson came out. The DOJ went the extra mile and expose the Ferguson police department for the oppressive, racist, white supremacist organization that it was.

What did many deflectors say in response, that the DOJ cleared Darren Wilson so we should put this issue behind us, and that the extra bit exposing the police department was divisive.

The man brought you proof, and he was still dismissed.

Conservatives rolled black a major Civil Rights Acts because a black man and the audacity to get elected twice, and advocate for empathy and the common good. But he is the divisive one.

Hillary and Trump wouldn't be as divisive, because at least bigoted white folks we feel they got there country back.

It was "Obama's" DOJ :lol:

That clown Blco was in the Ferguson thread demanding apologies for folk saying Wilson was guilty :smh: :lol:
I think you're underestimating how hated Hillary is. Trump would be extremely divisive and much more than Obama.

Regardless this isn't really the thread to argue this. My main point was I don't think either candidate is going to help much on this issue and in such a troubling time, it worries me.

It might be easier for Hillary, simply because she isn't black.

But unless cops start going to prison or stop these seemingly indefensible shootings (like you said)... I don't know how any president would really help. Like you stated. Body cams seem like a great step until no conviction happens. Then it makes it even worse.

People will say that when you start throwing police in jail, then there will be a massive reduction in new recruits. I don't know how true that is.

There are also differences between killings. Some really are genuine mistakes and those are the hardest to decide what to do with.
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Remember when the DOJ report on Darren Wilson came out. The DOJ went the extra mile and expose the Ferguson police department for the oppressive, racist, white supremacist organization that it was.

What did many deflectors say in response, that the DOJ cleared Darren Wilson so we should put this issue behind us, and that the extra bit exposing the police department was divisive.

The man brought you proof, and he was still dismissed.

Conservatives rolled black a major Civil Rights Acts because a black man and the audacity to get elected twice, and advocate for empathy and the common good. But he is the divisive one.

Hillary and Trump wouldn't be as divisive, because at least bigoted white folks we feel they got there country back.

I've always felt this. A lot of white people are threatened by immigration and being the minority.

You'll always see how Republicans say how Obama has hurt race relations, but they never say how.

This is essentially what Joe Walsh said.
I think you're underestimating how hated Hillary is. Trump would be extremely divisive and much more than Obama.

Regardless this isn't really the thread to argue this. My main point was I don't think either candidate is going to help much on this issue and in such a troubling time, it worries me.

It might be easier for Hillary, simply because she isn't black.

But unless cops start going to prison or stop these seemingly indefensible shootings... I don't know how any president would really help. Like you stated. Body cams seem like a great step until no conviction happens. Then it makes it even worse.

Obama has been asking for criminal justice reform from the jump. He got the weakest compromise I have ever seen.

He wanted to extend the Ferguson commission to give black people new federal protections. Nope

The damb problem is that whenever Obama wants to make real positive change, he is rebuked, only when another tragedy happens to folk want to pick apart his words and be on some "he didn't say what I liked" steez.

If you look up the major political concerns of the black community, and the major policies of Obama that have been blocked/dead on arrival. You will notice a pattern.

That is not an accident
Acts of white supremacy are not a bug in the system, they are part of the design.

For 8 years Obama has been the soft spoken IT dude saying "yeah guys, maybe we should rewrite some of this code" and for 8 years conservative whites been telling him that he is annoying them. The more aggressive IT specialist of BLM have been ignored completely

Conservatives been thinking their bootleg copy of 'Norton's Anti-Social Justice" would keep the problem under control

Finally the system crashed and took some of their precious police files got deleted, so you can now catch these same clowns up at the Geek Squad asking "Can we just reboot and run the system in Safe-We all in this together-Mode".

The answer is no; so only thing for them do is blame the IT soft spoken guy for not doing anything to avoid to this day, or say that the BLM matter ones must have planted a virus.
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Good read for anyone who wants to know how polluted a police department can become and the results.
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