They're shooting at Cops in Dallas, Eleven Officers Shot, Two Civilian Injured ,Five CONFIRMED DEAD-

Obama is like the black kid at the all white school. He's in a token, powerless position. He can't really change anything. And when he speaks on race in America he's always extra PC about it. He dances around it. He has to be real safe cuz he knows who's in power. Black people don't have any power in this country so he's not gonna be 100% real about the issues. At best he's gonna play both sides.
Remember when the DOJ report on Darren Wilson came out. The DOJ went the extra mile and expose the Ferguson police department for the oppressive, racist, white supremacist organization that it was.

What did many deflectors say in response, that the DOJ cleared Darren Wilson so we should put this issue behind us, and that the extra bit exposing the police department was divisive.

The man brought you proof, and he was still dismissed.

Conservatives rolled black a major Civil Rights Acts because a black man and the audacity to get elected twice, and advocate for empathy and the common good. But he is the divisive one.

Hillary and Trump wouldn't be as divisive, because at least bigoted white folks we feel they got there country back.

I've always felt this. A lot of white people are threatened by immigration and being the minority.

You'll always see how Republicans say how Obama has hurt race relations, but they never say how.

This is essentially what Joe Walsh said.

They never say how about a lot of things, yet they continue to beat it over people's heads until they trick them into simply following whatever the narrative is.

Yikes at the shooter pic. Being intact like that just means he died of severe trauma. When I heard they detonated a bomb, I wasn't expecting it like they attached some C4 directly to him or something :lol: :smile:x)
Are we looking at the same picture? Son looks fu**ing destroyed 
Lol @ blm being labeled as a terrorist organization. It's not like they use bombs like other terrorists.......
It's funny how one person who starts killing cops represents a whole group of people /blm according to people. Yet we can't twist it/ do the same and say cops who are racist and murder for no reason represent all of the police force. Funny how things work like that. Hypocrisy........
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It's funny how one person who starts killing cops represents a whole group of people /blm according to people. Yet we can't twist it/ do the same and say cops who are racist and murder for no reason represent all of the police force. Funny how things work like that. Hypocrisy........

It's funny how one person who starts killing cops represents a whole group of people /blm according to people. Yet we can't twist it/ do the same and say cops who are racist and murder for no reason represent all of the police force. Funny how things work like that. Hypocrisy........

Completely agree, and this is the exact thing I thought when I saw somebody's FB post claiming "a few bad apples messing it up for all the good cops", with the very next sentence painting the entire BLM movement as a terrorist group instead of singling out the bad ones.
God is coming back. This world is going to hell.
What are you talking about? The world has always been a messed up place. Look at Syria and Iraq, those are modern day hells right there. Humans have been and are always destructive. With all the weapons that we have now in this era, I'm kinda glad the world hasn't been blown to pieces yet.
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