They're shooting at Cops in Dallas, Eleven Officers Shot, Two Civilian Injured ,Five CONFIRMED DEAD-

Those ain't murders based on race? In your opinion.

Of course played a huge role, don't get me wrong brah. But the Dallas shooter was a rare event mainly fueled by ole boy hate for the police. Calling that a hate crime (which I disagree on this btw) isolated him from the larger BLM movement and black community. Because BLM and black folk not about hate and vengeance, we are about justice

The shootings by the police, all over the country are the result of much more than a few random cops hate for black guys, cops terrorizing black people goes beyond that, it is a systemic issue. And murderous cops are just the worst manifestation of that. Municipal fines are still robbing robbing black communities blind. Local cops still think they are in a damb Call of Duty game when they having to run up in a bando to catch a $300 weed dealer. All of those things aren't fueled on hate, they are fueled by white supremacy.

And you and me both know, there are tons of white supremacist and sws that like black people. The last two presidents before Obama probably fit that bill. :lol:

So imo, calling it a hate crime lets all police off the hook, by placing the blame on a few bad apples. Calling it a systemic failing puts all police, judges and prosecutors on notice that they are all responsible for what is going on to black people.

The shootings, the municipal fines, the lack on indictments, the failures of just, the terrorizing of poor people must be addressed too.
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You know, I went on and on about how using robot bomb by the police is the starting of a scary new trend. So I looked up dpd. It seema like they are one of the most progressive, balanced, fair police force out there. Then I thought, what if the NYPD, lapd, or even some backwater Ferguson police dept starts getting robobombs? Do we trust them with robobombs?
they're waiting for a robot that can tell the race of the victim perpetrator.

reminds me of that south park episode with mj.
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When NYPD officer Michael Birch was summoned into a performance evaluation meeting with his commanding officer and a lieutenant one day in August 2012, he was expecting to hear more of what he’d heard in the past about the way he did his job: that he wasn’t generating enough “activity.” As an officer in the transit bureau, he says, that meant being told to issue more summonses for fare evasion, and arresting more people for stealing fellow straphangers’ cell phones.

Instead, “the conversation just turned completely weird to me,” he said in an interview this week. “Because he’s basically telling me it’s OK to racially profile.”

Birch provided Gawker with what he claims is a recording he secretly made of that meeting, on which a man who seems to be his commanding officer can be heard repeatedly questioning him about his recent summonses, placing particular emphasis on the fact that he has only stopped two black men out of 54 total people. “Two male blacks,” the man says at one point. “So you’re telling me you only saw two male blacks jump the turnstile?”

In January, Birch filed a federal lawsuit against the city and several individual NYPD officials, alleging that he was retaliated against for speaking out about what he calls an illegal quota system. A judge dismissed his complaint, and he filed an appeal with a higher court last month.

Read more nydailynews.​com
The New York Daily News made reference to Birch’s recording and quoted from it, in a January story about his lawsuit, though it did not publish the recording itself. A roughly two-minute excerpt from Birch’s original 36-minute recording is below, followed by a partial transcript.

(On the recording, the men make reference to “TABs” and summonses that “pop.” TAB is NYPD jargon for a summons issued for a transit violation such as turnstile jumping; according to Birch, “popping” refers to when a summons leads to an arrest, because the person you’ve stopped has a warrant against them.)

Commanding Officer: Who commits the crimes in the city?

Birch: Who commits the crimes? Well, it’s mostly teenagers, anywhere between the ages of 15 and 19, mostly male blacks and Hispanics.

OK. Who are you stopping?

Everybody. I stop everybody.

Fifty-four TABs up to 8/20. Twenty-five of those are female. Half.

Like I said, I stop everybody. I’m not targeting anybody.

You just told me who the bad guys are.

Yeah, I know that. But there’s also other people who are committing violations as well. I’m not saying that there’s not violations being made.

The male blacks, that you told me commit the crimes—

Plenty of people that I write summonses to are male blacks and male Hispanics.

You stopped two male blacks.

Not for the whole year. You’re telling me for the whole year I only stopped two male blacks on summonses?

8/20. From January 1st to August 20th. Fifty-four TABs: two male blacks, seven Hispanics, seven other, ten white, three Asian. So where are you targeting the perps that you just told me?

Like I said, if I don’t see a perp jumping over the turnstile, what am I supposed to do to him?

These people are not going to pop.

How do I know that? A female Hispanic that I stopped in Sheepshead Bay did pop, actually, for a warrant, and I arrested her. Female Hispanic. The Hispanics that we’re supposed to be going after. That are committing the crimes. The people that I—

Did you think that she was going to pop?

Did I think she was going to pop? I didn’t put no thought into it. If you come up for a collar, I’m taking you in.

Here’s what I see. You just described to me who’s committing the crimes. You’re fully aware of it. But you’re not targeting those people.

I am. I’m targeting everybody.

Two male blacks.

Whoever is out there. If I—

So you only saw two male blacks jump the turnstile?

If you’re saying that’s what’s in front of you, then yes, that’s all I saw, is two male blacks for the whole year jumping the turnstile. If you’re saying that’s what’s in front of you, I’m not disputing that. If that’s what I got there.

That is what you have. That is not disputed here.

I’m saying, we’re also talking Hispanics as well. I stopped a lot of Hispanics, too.

Seven male Hispanics. But more than half are female.

And like I said, everybody’s committing violations in front of me.
Birch, who is part Puerto Rican, said he interpreted the commanding officer’s questioning as instructions to issue summonses to black men more often. “I was shocked,” he said about the meeting. “I was not only shocked, I was mad. My last name is Birch. I look white. They didn’t realize I was a Puerto Rican kid, and they’re just saying this to me like it’s OK. It’s OK, we’re amongst friends.”

“I don’t want to be stopped because I’m Puerto Rican,” he added. “I want to get stopped because I did something wrong.”

Birch’s commanding officer at the time was Constantin Tsachas, then captain of the transit bureau’s 32nd district, and Birch said that it is Tsachas who can be heard questioning him on the recording. Tsachas did not respond to multiple emails and phone calls to numbers associated with his name requesting comment on this story. The NYPD’s press office also did not respond to multiple requests for comment.

As the Daily News noted last month, Tsachas was recently cleared for a promotion from captain to deputy inspector. Tsachas is named as an individual defendant in Birch’s suit, along with NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton; former commissioner Ray Kelly, who led the department at the time that Birch made his recording; and Joseph Fox, chief of the NYPD Transit Bureau. In June, Bratton defended Tsachas’s promotion to deputy inspector. “I have full faith and support in him,” the commissioner said. “This department does not engage in quotas and does not push its officers for activity that’s inappropriate.” Bratton did not respond to comment on this story.

John Scola, Birch’s attorney, said his client is suing to combat what he sees as a larger trend of policing that disproportionately affects minority New Yorkers. Scola is also representing the so-called “NYPD 12,” a group of NYPD officers of color that has filed a class-action suit against the city over the alleged use of quotas in policing. “The targeting of minorities by the NYPD has caused so many problems throughout our city yet the NYPD continues to promote officers who engage in these activities,” he said.

The NYPD has made strides toward reducing discriminatory policing since Bratton became commissioner in 2014, such as drastically cutting back the use of stop-and-frisk and limiting arrests for certain “quality of life” crimes like public drinking and urination. Birch, a 16-year NYPD veteran who works in the 79th precinct after being transferred out of the transit bureau, believes that the department has gotten marginally better since he made the recording, when Kelly was commissioner, but only because of officers who speak out against discrimination, like those in the NYPD 12. He said that the issues he takes with the department are primarily driven by a systematic emphasis on statistics. Commanding officers need to be able point to the numbers of people arrested and given summonses in their districts if they want to be promoted, he said, and one good way to grow those numbers is to place pressure on the officers on the ground.

“It’s very hard to have a job where the whole public is against you, including your bosses. And when you actually try to do something right, they don’t care,” he said. “I can’t wait to get away from this place.”

Love how this story pops up a few hours after my last post. Tsachas was recently cleared for a promotion from captain to deputy inspector :smh:

This is the kind of behavior that gets to the top of the ranks usually, these ******* are rewarded for this behavior, yet somehow people tend to think that race doesn't play a huge role in this stuff
-flags are half staff for the cops.
-obama cuts his trip short for those cops' funeral. nothing more.
-he speaks to ppl about what its like to be a poc in the u.s. with kid gloves.
-the dallas police chief can go to hell with his comments about if we want change we should stop protesting and join the police force. f i look like. AS IF that is the answer. as if in the time he's been a cop diallo, louima, bland, brown, martin, sterling, castile, bell, garner, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. haven't been a hashtag or on a poster somewhere.

negro please.
What's wrong with the flags being half-staffed? 

Man, see, no offense...but...I think this is what the issue is. The Dallas PC offers up some great (IMO) advice on how people can be the solution, but you say it's stupid because of this and that. Both "sides" (again, disappointing I have to call it that) of this situation are too stubborn to step up and change what has been done in the past. Newsflash: What's being done isn't working.

This cycle will only continue to get fed if certain white cops don't stop being racist or if these protests discontinue or if FOX News continues to be the stupidly right-winged organization or if black people continue with the "they kill us, let's get back at them" attitude.

Do I know the EXACT answer? No, I don't. I just know the answer isn't what's happening and props to David Brown for at least offering up a solution.
One crazy, lone wolf kills cops and then it turns into "if black people continue with the they kill us, let's get back them" attitude. That narrative and generalization couldn't be any further from the truth. Black people have peacefully put up with this **** for years. Don't spew that nonsense. 
 Dallas Police Chief ‘We’re Asking Cops To Do Too Much In This Country’

DALLAS (CBSDFW) – “We are all worried for our safety. We are all on edge and being very careful.” said Dallas Polce Chief David Brown at a Monday press conference following the deadly shooting that took the lives of 5 Dallas Police officers Thursday night.

Saying he was “running on fumes,” Brown spoke frankly about everything that his employees have to deal with on a daily basis – and that it can be overwhelming at times.

“We’re asking cops to do too much in this country” said Brown.

“Every societal failure, we put it off on the cops to solve” said Brown. He listed mental health, drug addiction, loose dogs, failing schools as problems the public expects ‘cops to solve.’

“Seventy percent of the African American community is being raised by single women, let’s give it to the cops to solve that as well” said Brown. “Policing was never meant to solve all those problems.”​

When asked what advice he would give black men, Chief Brown said, “Become a part of the solution, serve your community. Don’t be a part of the problem…we’re hiring. Get off that protest line and put an application in. We’ll put you in your neighborhood – we will help you resolve some of the problems you are protesting about.”

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 Dallas Police Chief ‘We’re Asking Cops To Do Too Much In This Country’

DALLAS (CBSDFW) – “We are all worried for our safety. We are all on edge and being very careful.” said Dallas Polce Chief David Brown at a Monday press conference following the deadly shooting that took the lives of 5 Dallas Police officers Thursday night.

Saying he was “running on fumes,” Brown spoke frankly about everything that his employees have to deal with on a daily basis – and that it can be overwhelming at times.

“We’re asking cops to do too much in this country” said Brown.

“Every societal failure, we put it off on the cops to solve” said Brown. He listed mental health, drug addiction, loose dogs, failing schools as problems the public expects ‘cops to solve.’

“Seventy percent of the African American community is being raised by single women, let’s give it to the cops to solve that as well” said Brown. “Policing was never meant to solve all those problems.”​

When asked what advice he would give black men, Chief Brown said, “Become a part of the solution, serve your community. Don’t be a part of the problem…we’re hiring. Get off that protest line and put an application in. We’ll put you in your neighborhood – we will help you resolve some of the problems you are protesting about.”
this is real talk though...

you can't expect a police force made up of a demographic that doesn't understand us to be able to police our communities fairly...

the police are just the police... there is no magical training or federal guidelines that are going to make them better at dealing with a community they don't understand

Being in control of our own policing > any alternative
One of the biggest problems is the cops don't represent us, I think this is a viable option. But I don't want the organization to take it as "ok, that's it". No, fix the system that enables bad cops and keeps the others quiet.
but why cant "the demographic" understand us?

and what does it take for "that demographic" to treat people as human beings?

telling black people to become part of a corrupt system in order to "fix it from within" is basically telling those people to assimilate

police dont have to change, but society does by policing itself

its almost like saying police yourselves so that the next time we kill one of yours, you will be the cop so you cant complain anymore
I firmly agree black men need to become police officers, BUT the culture of policing has to change as a whole putting black men on the force isn't going to fix the problem we have to change the way police forces operate in this country regardless of an officers skin color first and foremost.
You could churn out a completely new policing system or an all Black police force quicker than you could fix a system that enables bad cops and keeps good ones quiet.

I mean "fixing a system that enables bad cops and keeps others quiet" is impossible, because that is the system, literally.

You just have to start all over.
Or, "infiltrate", become the majority and implement change.

Nobody is going to bite the hand that feeds them,
but why cant "the demographic" understand us?

telling black people to become part of a corrupt system in order to "fix it from within" is basically telling those people to assimilate

police dont have to change, but society does by policing itself

its almost like saying police yourselves so that the next time we kill one of yours, you will be the cop so you cant complain anymore

All this is pretty naive.
In a fair world you make good points, but it's not a fair World.

You say "telling black people to become a part of a corrupt system in order to fix it from within" is too much to ask?

Well just who do you suppose is going to fix it if it's broke? Not being an *** but for real?

Does Somebody need to arrest all the bad cops? Who's going to do that? The "bad cops" ARE the cops bruh...

People want change, but The Chief dude offers an action to help an the immediate response is "who the hell does this Cheif think he is asking us to fix his mess"
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Who's to say that once they get the badge and power they don't assimilate and get right down with the way the current system is. I mean they got the brotherhood now backing them and can operate with impunity. Again and again the burden is not on the oppressed but the oppressor to want to change. And this comes be fixing the system not putting more black bodies into a broken one to absolve the greater force from blame.
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For most of American history, it has been literally or practically illegal for black people to acquire wealth.

Add to that, they were intentionally left out of most of the New Deal Policies that built the middle class, and we thriving communities were targets of terrorism and other discriminatory public policies.

Then after the Civil Rights Act, we go almost immediately to the Drug War and Tough on crimes policies. When the Great Recession happened and it seemed like the country was ready for socially democratic policies again. Racism against our black President was used to turn people against them
Like you got poor white people believing the government should not try to insure they have affordable healthcare, quality jobs, and adequate food, because "the blacks and illegals" will milk the system.

All these things have snowballed and we see the results. Because poor urban communities with bad economic prospects are were gangs thrive. That is true for all races. The thing is, many poor whites live

They tell black people to pull themselves up by their bootstraps, and maybe we could, if they took they boots off the communities neck.

Had to quote this. This should be explained to everyone

Birch’s commanding officer at the time was Constantin Tsachas, then captain of the transit bureau’s 32nd district, and Birch said that it is Tsachas who can be heard questioning him on the recording. Tsachas did not respond to multiple emails and phone calls to numbers associated with his name requesting comment on this story. The NYPD’s press office also did not respond to multiple requests for comment.

As the Daily News noted last month, Tsachas was recently cleared for a promotion from captain to deputy inspector. Tsachas is named as an individual defendant in Birch’s suit, along with NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton; former commissioner Ray Kelly, who led the department at the time that Birch made his recording; and Joseph Fox, chief of the NYPD Transit Bureau. In June, Bratton defended Tsachas’s promotion to deputy inspector. “I have full faith and support in him,” the commissioner said. “This department does not engage in quotas and does not push its officers for activity that’s inappropriate.” Bratton did not respond to comment on this story.

John Scola, Birch’s attorney, said his client is suing to combat what he sees as a larger trend of policing that disproportionately affects minority New Yorkers. Scola is also representing the so-called “NYPD 12,” a group of NYPD officers of color that has filed a class-action suit against the city over the alleged use of quotas in policing. “The targeting of minorities by the NYPD has caused so many problems throughout our city yet the NYPD continues to promote officers who engage in these activities,” he said.

The NYPD has made strides toward reducing discriminatory policing since Bratton became commissioner in 2014, such as drastically cutting back the use of stop-and-frisk and limiting arrests for certain “quality of life” crimes like public drinking and urination. Birch, a 16-year NYPD veteran who works in the 79th precinct after being transferred out of the transit bureau, believes that the department has gotten marginally better since he made the recording, when Kelly was commissioner, but only because of officers who speak out against discrimination, like those in the NYPD 12. He said that the issues he takes with the department are primarily driven by a systematic emphasis on statistics. Commanding officers need to be able point to the numbers of people arrested and given summonses in their districts if they want to be promoted, he said, and one good way to grow those numbers is to place pressure on the officers on the ground.

“It’s very hard to have a job where the whole public is against you, including your bosses. And when you actually try to do something right, they don’t care,” he said. “I can’t wait to get away from this place.”

Love how this story pops up a few hours after my last post. Tsachas was recently cleared for a promotion from captain to deputy inspector :smh:

This is the kind of behavior that gets to the top of the ranks usually, these ******* are rewarded for this behavior, yet somehow people tend to think that race doesn't play a huge role in this stuff

And what is even worse is that you have people that think this type of stuff doesn't go on. These people are either totally aloof, are simply very naive that it goes on, or don't want to believe that it goes on since it doesn't directly affect them.

 Dallas Police Chief ‘We’re Asking Cops To Do Too Much In This Country’

DALLAS (CBSDFW) – “We are all worried for our safety. We are all on edge and being very careful.” said Dallas Polce Chief David Brown at a Monday press conference following the deadly shooting that took the lives of 5 Dallas Police officers Thursday night.

Saying he was “running on fumes,” Brown spoke frankly about everything that his employees have to deal with on a daily basis – and that it can be overwhelming at times.

“We’re asking cops to do too much in this country” said Brown.

“Every societal failure, we put it off on the cops to solve” said Brown. He listed mental health, drug addiction, loose dogs, failing schools as problems the public expects ‘cops to solve.’

“Seventy percent of the African American community is being raised by single women, let’s give it to the cops to solve that as well” said Brown. “Policing was never meant to solve all those problems.”​

When asked what advice he would give black men, Chief Brown said, “Become a part of the solution, serve your community. Don’t be a part of the problem…we’re hiring. Get off that protest line and put an application in. We’ll put you in your neighborhood – we will help you resolve some of the problems you are protesting about.”
this is real talk though...

you can't expect a police force made up of a demographic that doesn't understand us to be able to police our communities fairly...

the police are just the police... there is no magical training or federal guidelines that are going to make them better at dealing with a community they don't understand

Being in control of our own policing > any alternative

While this is true, you have to be allowed to get to that position in the first place. For every 1 black person that gets in to these positions, you have a lot of others probably just as qualified that are being held out by those old style good ol boy beliefs. Sure, you do have to "infiltrate", but in order for things to be fully right, you need wholesale sweeping changes, and not just a band-aid here and there.
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One of the biggest problems is the cops don't represent us, I think this is a viable option. But I don't want the organization to take it as "ok, that's it". No, fix the system that enables bad cops and keeps the others quiet.

One just because your from an environment doesn't mean your FROM the environment, i've had black/hispanic cops treat me just as bad if not worse then white cops. And although that isn't the majority of officers the fact still remains that there are quotas that need to be met, there is always pressure from the top, and the top of police brass in most cases no matter which department is dominated by older upper class white males. These guys aren't gonna lose their job & "reputations" in order to keep fairness in the black community.

Do you guys see some of the stuff that comes out the mouth of the NYPD's union leader? this police system just 5-6 decades ago was racist and not even hiding it... that structure still exist, changing the pawns on the ground isn't gonna help at all. Hell if most forces were black I guarantee you the urge to ignite a people vs cops war would be even higher.
Would be great if we could police our own but segregation kinda killed that. I mean it's good to live amongst other races but we are basically living in places where we don't have any power, we don't own **** and your rights are ignored. In all these mixed areas through out the country it looks good but if you're black you can be killed by a cop and nothing will happen.

The Black Panthers tried to police their own commuties. They were feeding and sheltering people. Running up on drug dealers. Then FBI killed 'em off or locked them up on fake charges. White racist people are never gonna just let us have our own ****. Just like in Tulsa Oklahoma. They didn't wanna be around black people. So those brothas and sistahs said aight we'll build our own businesses. Then when that area started getting real prosperous the racist came in and destroyed it. Dropped bombs and everything. In North Carolina they had black businesses and that was taking over. Racism is almost like this jealousy they have. Their mindset is seek out, kill, destroy, take what they have. **** been going on for hundreds years. Shout out to Christopher Columbus.
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