They're shooting at Cops in Dallas, Eleven Officers Shot, Two Civilian Injured ,Five CONFIRMED DEAD-

This whole thing is so shady CNN posting that cops were justified in baton rouge BC he reached for a gun in his front pocket after he was taxed and tackled then they confiscated the film of what happened.

Im sure we will never see it or will get an edited version. Crazy that we can show how a sniper was killed immediately but we still ain't seen the video released.

Dallas looking mad suspect in my eyes. Obama is on his way out. I understand his speeches are great but he literally has done nothing for the black community while president. He did more in Chicago then he has done in the white house smh.

Sorry for the rant but its frustrating.

This silent protest for a month also ain't the answer

What can Obama have done more for the black community with a GOP controlled congress? Serious question
This whole thing is so shady CNN posting that cops were justified in baton rouge BC he reached for a gun in his front pocket after he was taxed and tackled then they confiscated the film of what happened.

Im sure we will never see it or will get an edited version. Crazy that we can show how a sniper was killed immediately but we still ain't seen the video released.

Dallas looking mad suspect in my eyes. Obama is on his way out. I understand his speeches are great but he literally has done nothing for the black community while president. He did more in Chicago then he has done in the white house smh.

Sorry for the rant but its frustrating.

This silent protest for a month also ain't the answer

What can Obama have done more for the black community with a GOP controlled congress? Serious question

But not only that, although Presidents are elected every 4 years Congress is elected every 2, votes were needed there and then, too(if you're into that kind of thing or believe in change that way). The House is tricky as their elections go through Districts which are constantly changed by Politicians for obvious benefits but the Senate is elected by the State and each State gets 2 Senators regardless of size.

That's why if you are going to vote, or weigh in on what should change, it's important to vote locally if anything, for your State officials where real change can be made.

People thought they'd vote in the Black guy and things would change, and the vote was over. Likely the only two times folks did vote were the two times for Obama and that's it.

No votes for the other positions or even an understanding of why it's "important". But they'll sure sit back and complain about how things are worse or not changing, yet they seek no change, only expecting change while continuing their same path.

Most people couldn't tell you who their State officials are and what party they represent, so expecting them to understand (in theory) why Obama "didn't do anything for them" is a long shot.

They just know things didn't change, no clue why other than seeing or even hearing, **** got worse.
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-flags are half staff for the cops.
-obama cuts his trip short for those cops' funeral. nothing more.
-he speaks to ppl about what its like to be a poc in the u.s. with kid gloves.
-the dallas police chief can go to hell with his comments about if we want change we should stop protesting and join the police force. f i look like. AS IF that is the answer. as if in the time he's been a cop diallo, louima, bland, brown, martin, sterling, castile, bell, garner, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. haven't been a hashtag or on a poster somewhere.

negro please.
What's wrong with the flags being half-staffed? 

Man, see, no offense...but...I think this is what the issue is. The Dallas PC offers up some great (IMO) advice on how people can be the solution, but you say it's stupid because of this and that. Both "sides" (again, disappointing I have to call it that) of this situation are too stubborn to step up and change what has been done in the past. Newsflash: What's being done isn't working.

This cycle will only continue to get fed if certain white cops don't stop being racist or if these protests discontinue or if FOX News continues to be the stupidly right-winged organization or if black people continue with the "they kill us, let's get back at them" attitude.

Do I know the EXACT answer? No, I don't. I just know the answer isn't what's happening and props to David Brown for at least offering up a solution.
Also — this might be one of the most real statements I've ever heard. 

"Too often we judge other groups by their worst examples, while judging ourselves by our best intentions.”
Also — this might be one of the most real statements I've ever heard. 

"Too often we judge other groups by their worst examples, while judging ourselves by our best intentions.”

I find this quite reality-based and applicable to both sides (and ISIS):

“The surest way to work up a crusade in favor of some good cause is to promise people they will have a chance of maltreating someone. To be able to destroy with good conscience, to be able to behave badly and call your bad behavior 'righteous indignation' — this is the height of psychological luxury, the most delicious of moral treats.”

- Aldous Huxley
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Also — this might be one of the most real statements I've ever heard. 

"Too often we judge other groups by their worst examples, while judging ourselves by our best intentions.”
I find this quite reality-based and applicable to both sides (and ISIS):
“The surest way to work up a crusade in favor of some good cause is to promise people they will have a chance of maltreating someone. To be able to destroy with good conscience, to be able to behave badly and call your bad behavior 'righteous indignation' — this is the height of psychological luxury, the most delicious of moral treats.”
- Aldous Huxley

Bottom line — No one is perfect. Not to preach the gospel but Ecclesiastes 7:20: Indeed, there is no one on earth who is righteous, no one who does what is right and never sins. That's all we need to know...just wish more would realize this. Treat others the way you want to be treated, while recognizing you're no better than anyone else.
Also — this might be one of the most real statements I've ever heard. 

"Too often we judge other groups by their worst examples, while judging ourselves by our best intentions.”

The issue is that the police act as one and as if they're beyond criticism or reproach. They do act as if they're a gang and not public servants. This will continue to be an issue until they admit some fault and change their ways.

Black police need to step up.
Also — this might be one of the most real statements I've ever heard. 

"Too often we judge other groups by their worst examples, while judging ourselves by our best intentions.”
The issue is that the police act as one and as if they're beyond criticism or reproach. They do act as if they're a gang and not public servants. This will continue to be an issue until they admit some fault and change their ways.

Black police need to step up.
Agreed with admitting fault and changing their ways.

Honestly, I think a good amount of black police have done a great job handling the issue. (But, it never hurts to see more.)
This whole thing is so shady CNN posting that cops were justified in baton rouge BC he reached for a gun in his front pocket after he was taxed and tackled then they confiscated the film of what happened.

Im sure we will never see it or will get an edited version. Crazy that we can show how a sniper was killed immediately but we still ain't seen the video released.

Dallas looking mad suspect in my eyes. Obama is on his way out. I understand his speeches are great but he literally has done nothing for the black community while president. He did more in Chicago then he has done in the white house smh.

Sorry for the rant but its frustrating.

This silent protest for a month also ain't the answer

What can Obama have done more for the black community with a GOP controlled congress? Serious question

But not only that, although Presidents are elected every 4 years Congress is elected every 2, votes were needed there and then, too(if you're into that kind of thing or believe in change that way). The House is tricky as their elections go through Districts which are constantly changed by Politicians for obvious benefits but the Senate is elected by the State and each State gets 2 Senators regardless of size.

That's why if you are going to vote, or weigh in on what should change, it's important to vote locally if anything, for your State officials where real change can be made.

People thought they'd vote in the Black guy and things would change, and the vote was over. Likely the only two times folks did vote were the two times for Obama and that's it.

No votes for the other positions or even an understanding of why it's "important". But they'll sure sit back and complain about how things are worse or not changing, yet they seek no change, only expecting change while continuing their same path.

Most people couldn't tell you who their State officials are and what party they represent, so expecting them to understand (in theory) why Obama "didn't do anything for them" is a long shot.

They just know things didn't change, no clue why other than seeing or even hearing, **** got worse.

If you have kids, teach them the importance of civics. They don't do that in schools and wonder how American adults can be so apathetic to the political process.
What can Obama have done more for the black community with a GOP controlled congress? Serious question

Let's not act like when he first got in that he didn't have the backing of dems when he first got into office. Things went bad later in his term with the house switching over to repub. However you only need 2 out of the 3 (president senate ) to push something if you really want to.

The first four years we knew were gonna be cleaning up bush's mess the next 4 were supposed to be his vision.

As much time as he spends with athletes, he could've done much more when incidents like this have happened. He doesnt need legislation or bills to help his community he has the best platform out there to talk about many of the issues we discuss in this very platform. We keep talking about the need for leaders to sit down and discuss the issues, he is a leader and I bet he won't be present for that conversation.
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No shade, but if you think that you only need 2 out of the 3 to push something through, you don't know basic civics.

That is false, plain and simple.
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Also — this might be one of the most real statements I've ever heard. 

"Too often we judge other groups by their worst examples, while judging ourselves by our best intentions.”

as a black man in America no i'm not judging the police on their worst example... that would be them being racist savages out to kill all black people.
Instead i'll judge them by their regular everyday actions, those actions are backed by statistics that in most cases show that there is a huge disparity between the arrest of blacks & whites, blacks areas are targeted had a much more accelerated rate than white neighborhoods (check the statistics on stop & frisk in NYC, i believe it was like 3-4 times the amount) , these departments have a very small percentage of black people the higher you get in the ranks, those who patrol majority black neighborhoods are usually white and not from that environment.

The police departments in America are systematically broken & targeting blacks regardless of them killing us or not. these departments have never faced actual reform and have kept the same structure since the days of the openly racist departments of the 60's and 70's. & i'm basing this off of NYC department which is one of the most diverse and public departments in America, so i can only imagine what these numbers are like in small rural towns, or places with much less diverity.
Also — this might be one of the most real statements I've ever heard. 

"Too often we judge other groups by their worst examples, while judging ourselves by our best intentions.”
as a black man in America no i'm not judging the police on their worst example... that would be them being racist savages out to kill all black people.
Instead i'll judge them by their regular everyday actions, those actions are backed by statistics that in most cases show that there is a huge disparity between the arrest of blacks & whites, blacks areas are targeted had a much more accelerated rate than white neighborhoods (check the statistics on stop & frisk in NYC, i believe it was like 3-4 times the amount) , these departments have a very small percentage of black people the higher you get in the ranks, those who patrol majority black neighborhoods are usually white and not from that environment.

The police departments in America are systematically broken & targeting blacks regardless of them killing us or not. these departments have never faced actual reform and have kept the same structure since the days of the openly racist departments of the 60's and 70's. & i'm basing this off of NYC department which is one of the most diverse and public departments in America, so i can only imagine what these numbers are like in small rural towns, or places with much less diverity.
I obviously cannot disagree with you based on stats.

However, I offer this — is it fair to say this is possible due to lower income/poverty? As in, unfortunately a significant percent of black families are not living in ideal areas. These are areas where gangs, drugs, prostitution is common...which would result in more police visits.
Also — this might be one of the most real statements I've ever heard. 

"Too often we judge other groups by their worst examples, while judging ourselves by our best intentions.”
as a black man in America no i'm not judging the police on their worst example... that would be them being racist savages out to kill all black people.
Instead i'll judge them by their regular everyday actions, those actions are backed by statistics that in most cases show that there is a huge disparity between the arrest of blacks & whites, blacks areas are targeted had a much more accelerated rate than white neighborhoods (check the statistics on stop & frisk in NYC, i believe it was like 3-4 times the amount) , these departments have a very small percentage of black people the higher you get in the ranks, those who patrol majority black neighborhoods are usually white and not from that environment.

The police departments in America are systematically broken & targeting blacks regardless of them killing us or not. these departments have never faced actual reform and have kept the same structure since the days of the openly racist departments of the 60's and 70's. & i'm basing this off of NYC department which is one of the most diverse and public departments in America, so i can only imagine what these numbers are like in small rural towns, or places with much less diverity.
I obviously cannot disagree with you based on stats.

However, I offer this — is it fair to say this is possible due to lower income/poverty? As in, unfortunately a significant percent of black families are not living in ideal areas. These are areas where gangs, drugs, prostitution is common...which would result in more police visits.
I would offer to you that the reason black people are more likely in poor income/poverty situations and living in these not ideal areas is because of the racist misdeeds of this country before/now (see redlining, Housing discrimination, predatory loaning practices etc.) and how they affect our overall living standards today.
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I obviously cannot disagree with you based on stats.

However, I offer this — is it fair to say this is possible due to lower income/poverty? As in, unfortunately a significant percent of black families are not living in ideal areas. These are areas where gangs, drugs, prostitution is common...which would result in more police visits.

That is true in the case of true crimes yes... however in terms of things such as parking tickets, drinking violations, summons etc etc the numbers still point to a significant difference in how the two groups are policed. These kind of small time violations aren't a product of poverty, also while there is no statistic to justify this life experience shows me that the simple convo between a cop and a black person is usually carried much different from a conversation with a white man.
Let's not act like when he first got in that he didn't have the backing of dems when he first got into office. Things went bad later in his term with the house switching over to repub. However you only need 2 out of the 3 (president senate ) to push something if you really want to.

The first four years we knew were gonna be cleaning up bush's mess the next 4 were supposed to be his vision.

As much time as he spends with athletes, he could've done much more when incidents like this have happened. He doesnt need legislation or bills to help his community he has the best platform out there to talk about many of the issues we discuss in this very platform. We keep talking about the need for leaders to sit down and discuss the issues, he is a leader and I bet he won't be present for that conversation.

That's not how it works. If the senate and the president push something together, the SCOTUS is still there as a check to make sure it passes constitutional muster.
I would offer to you that the reason black people are more likely in poor income/poverty situations not leaving in these ideal areas is because of the racist misdeeds of this country before/now (see redlining, Housing discrimination, predatory loaning practices etc.) and how they affect our overall living standards today.
Fair points. 
[thread="651040"] [/thread]
I would offer to you that the reason black people are more likely in poor income/poverty situations not leaving in these ideal areas is because of the racist misdeeds of this country before/now (see redlining, Housing discrimination, predatory loaning practices etc.) and how they affect our overall living standards today.
Fair points. 
And the "good" black neighborhoods suffer from issues dealing w/ decrease in property value, which decrease property taxes, which decrease education funds, so on and so forth
For most of American history, it has been literally or practically illegal for black people to acquire wealth.

Add to that, they were intentionally left out of most of the New Deal Policies that built the middle class, and our few thriving communities were targets of terrorism and other discriminatory public policies of the time.

Then after the Civil Rights Act, we go almost immediately to the Drug War and Tough on crimes policies. When the Great Recession happened and it seemed like the country was ready for socially democratic policies again. Racism against our black President was used to turn people against them

Like you got poor white people believing the government should not try to insure they have affordable healthcare, quality jobs, and adequate food, because "the blacks and illegals" will milk the system.

All these things have snowballed and we see the results.Poor urban communities with bad economic prospects are where gangs thrive. That is true for all races. The thing is, many poor whites live in rural areas.

They tell black people to pull themselves up by their bootstraps, and maybe we could, if they took they boots off the communities' neck.
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[thread="651040"] [/thread]
I would offer to you that the reason black people are more likely in poor income/poverty situations not leaving in these ideal areas is because of the racist misdeeds of this country before/now (see redlining, Housing discrimination, predatory loaning practices etc.) and how they affect our overall living standards today.
Fair points. 
And the "good" black neighborhoods suffer from issues dealing w/ decrease in property value, which decrease property taxes, which decrease education funds, so on and so forth


Folk underestimate how much local governments have the system rigged against black people.

The biggest preparators of government sponspored white supremacy is state and local governments, not the Fed.

Everytime you here someone talk about "big government" and "states rights", chances are it is a dog whistle. From the Civil Wars, to Civil Rights, to Obama.
[thread="651040"] [/thread]
I would offer to you that the reason black people are more likely in poor income/poverty situations not leaving in these ideal areas is because of the racist misdeeds of this country before/now (see redlining, Housing discrimination, predatory loaning practices etc.) and how they affect our overall living standards today.
Fair points. 
And the "good" black neighborhoods suffer from issues dealing w/ decrease in property value, which decrease property taxes, which decrease education funds, so on and so forth


Folk underestimate how much local governments have the system rigged against black people.

The biggest preparators of government sponspored white supremacy is state and local governments, not the Fed.

Everytime you here someone talk about "big government" and "states rights", chances are it is a dog whistle. From the Civil Wars, to Civil Rights, to Obama.

Exactly, look at the bill the gov just signed in NC :smh:

But this is one of the main reasons I'm against property taxes being used to fund schools. The stuff is skewed to hurt the poor w/o looking like it and making it just seem like a series of unfortunate events.

My folks keep telling me to get into politics and run and I don't want to but I may have no choice if I want my neighborhood and city to be great for myself, my family, and those growing up. These kids need quality education and we're failing them. I'll leave our education system for another discussion.
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