They're shooting at Cops in Dallas, Eleven Officers Shot, Two Civilian Injured ,Five CONFIRMED DEAD-

I knew he has to either be a puppet, or be out of touch and in over his head, and that only confirms it
Save all that wall of text for someone else. Just cause someone doesn't agree with you 100% y'all want to crucify them. Even when one is agreeing with you, you still want to prove somehow that you're right. I clearly said that I recognize that it exists, but there are other factors involved as well. As mentioned in the article you posted.
Lack of education and job related skills are part of the issue though. The wealth gap that has developed over an extended period of time through discriminatory practices has left us with people from certain backgrounds that don't have access to the same resources and opportunities as others, which manifests itself in continued income disparity. As a result, several other social issues are created.

The lower classes from all racial backgrounds need to squad up and somehow dismantle the 99% vs. 1% dynamic.
Save all that wall of text for someone else. Just cause someone doesn't agree with you 100% y'all want to crucify them. Even when one is agreeing with you, you still want to prove somehow that you're right. I clearly said that I recognize that it exists, but there are other factors involved as well. As mentioned in the article you posted.

Lack of education and job related skills are part of the issue though. The wealth gap that has developed over an extended period of time through discriminatory practices has left us with people from certain backgrounds that don't have access to the same resources and opportunities as others, which manifests itself in continued income disparity. As a result, several other social issues are created.

The lower classes from all racial backgrounds need to squad up and somehow dismantle the 99% vs. 1% dynamic.

Too bad poor whites have been hoodwinked into thinking we're the problem/enemy.
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I ain't a conspiracy theorist in the least bit....but that Dallas situation is FUNNY.

They prolly had ol boy trumped up on some charges...told him to do this and that...and cornered him and killed him. Now they control the narrative and tell the media that he told the cops he wanted to kill white cops....

This isn't far fetched in Americas history. The 60s were literally yesterday.

I'm sleep though
Dope to see you weigh in on the event and with this kind of open mind.
Dope to see you weigh in on the event and with this kind of open mind.

My sarcasm radar is going off....

All I'm saying is.....a government that recently engaged in COINTELPRO....where its mission was clearly stated to "expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize the activities of the Black nationalists"

I'm not putting ANYTHING past them.
The "Ben Carson July 4th of July Backyard BBQ" was lit :smokin

-But real talk, them fools touching up on ole boy like he Khaleesi, and he just freed them from bondage

Get your god damb hands off him, that fool ain't got no dragons :smh:

:lol: first thing I though of that and that scene from Bats v Supes. They all need to be hit with the Marcus Camby .gif
The "Ben Carson July 4th of July Backyard BBQ" was lit

-But real talk, them fools touching up on ole boy like he Khaleesi, and he just freed them from bondage

Get your god damb hands off him, that fool ain't got no dragons
first thing I though of that and that scene from Bats v Supes. They all need to be hit with the Marcus Camby .gif

The strong irony being some people act like cops can do no wrong like Superman(Jesus) doh...

Dope to see you weigh in on the event and with this kind of open mind.
My sarcasm radar is going off....

All I'm saying is.....a government that recently engaged in COINTELPRO....where its mission was clearly stated to "expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize the activities of the Black nationalists"

I'm not putting ANYTHING past them.
Not joking at all man. 

ALl the way serious.

If I directed any sarcasm on this topic which I wouldn't, it'd be towards those who mock with "tinfoil" comments
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Y'all had to see this... :lol: Obama can't even hold his laugh back. Bush is such an idiot. Peep the close up vids too. Dude is having a blast.

Nobody voted Bush in though.

Even more specifically he lost didn't he, and they wanted him anyway so they Elected him.

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This whole thing is so shady CNN posting that cops were justified in baton rouge BC he reached for a gun in his front pocket after he was taxed and tackled then they confiscated the film of what happened.

Im sure we will never see it or will get an edited version. Crazy that we can show how a sniper was killed immediately but we still ain't seen the video released.

Dallas looking mad suspect in my eyes. Obama is on his way out. I understand his speeches are great but he literally has done nothing for the black community while president. He did more in Chicago then he has done in the white house smh.

Sorry for the rant but its frustrating.

This silent protest for a month also ain't the answer
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They're literally able to sell whatever narrative they want because nobody will challenge them. It's quite disgusting really, we can see a video in plain sight of what looks to be a murder in cold blood but they try and sell us something else. And I thought this whole Dallas fiasco was fishy from the get go. Just really convenient timing and the rhetoric from the alleged one man army that was multiple suspects initially. 
   and that's the thing....:smh:  

Just watched the video and read some comments below.some white folks just don't get it. People really trying to justify shooting a man who was tazed then tackled then wrestlednto the ground by two cops only for them to unload shots on him.

People make ignorant comments like he was a repeated felon like the cops on the scene would know that smh. Then they go right to social media and look for pics to tear the man down further smh. I saw multiple incidences this weekend where a white man had a gun in plain sight and police are trying to talk him down. This man didn't have a chance smh. Then people act like the video is clear enough to see him going for a gun while he was tazed and tackled. Crazy how you CAN make this stuff up smh

Now we wait for Minnesota to justified smh. Cops will serve no time again.

Only people who serve time for black people dying is black people. Any other race getting a slap on the wrist ie Latasha harlins killer

And that's what people dont get. Blm isn't just about police its the society as a whole. Violence needs to stop but when it does happen justice shouldn't know a color. But that isn't the world we live in
8 years of that doofus W. Still boggles the mind.

I'll never understand people laughing at and blowing off Al Gore's environmental centered campaign only to vote Bush in

While Gore's was probably the first presidential candidate since Nixon to really harp on the environment, that wasn't really the over arching message of his campaign.

Famb went full populist and was trying to convince the nation to be responsible with the Budget surplus. Let's make Social Security and Medicare solvent, lets put away money for health care, let's rebuild our infrastructure, and let us pay off the national debt.

And some folk (including many liberals) still voted for the idiot Bush instead of him, or for Nader in a swing state.

You're right though, folk pulled **** out their *** to convince themselves Bush was better than Gore. Like everyone thought Bush was an idiot from the jump, dem SNL skits were basically bout how dumb he was.

Folk were drunk off of a booming economy, tired of the Clintons, and thought **** was sweet :smh:.
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