Things that happen in the office VOL. Was it you ?!?!

Dec 13, 2003
So this is the notice on the bathroom door that greeted us after lunch today.  I was literally in tears! LOL


Any crazy things going down in you all's office?  Please share in the lulz
Bet dude's gonna go to McDonalds and load up on fish filets, apple pies, large Coke's and parfaits for that toilet.
I had something similar happen at my office, but the note was taped above the toilet. It said, "Keep your crap in the Toilet!"
OP do you know who is the perpetrator?

No way son dropping lethal bombs and someone don't know who is it
Lol nah no one knows who it is. It's hilarious though! Hopefully the culprit got embarrassed after this lol
if I was that person doing this I would quit my job after that; I'd feel like the feds were watching me 
Is "Well written" the new " inb4 Megatron", or are you guys that easily impressed?
How big is your company? Lots of employees? If not, this could get ugly (pun intended) if people get suspicious about who drops the mess on a consistent basis.

This matter should be taken up w/management - it's a health violation, not to mention common courtesy.

Best line "allowing your demented work of art to dry & harden" That one got me...

(Related sort of lulz but more pathetic than anything)

At work we had someone who would steal HALF your lunch; or say you had meat with rice/pasta they would "surgically" remove your meat leaving just the rice/pasta (I know, heartless). Not an easy thing to do considering the eating area was the size of a large cafeteria & people walked through the area frequently throughout the day so it took a massive set to pull this off more than a few times...
We have the EXACT same problem at my office. Like I'm sure I'm the youngest one here at 21.
It amazes me how an adult can just do that in a bathroom and not even think about flushing. Happens EVERY SINGLE DAY after lunch time.
I feel bad for the people who have to clean it up.
Originally Posted by omgitswes

We have the EXACT same problem at my office. Like I'm sure I'm the youngest one here at 21.
It amazes me how an adult can just do that in a bathroom and not even think about flushing. Happens EVERY SINGLE DAY after lunch time.
I feel bad for the people who have to clean it up.
I come in the morning and there is always one stall......butt gasket thing still on seat.....poo water on it....TP all over the floor.
Maybe i am dumb but i don't know how people poo on the seat itself.  That takes effort.  You really can't accidentally spray poo-wudder all over the seat.

Maybe when your an old man at a job this is your only life entertainment.  Just trying to top the last one??? 
Lucky for me I don't have an office to go to to deal with this crap (no pun intended).
Man there are stories int he batheroom at my job. Dudes just popping and leaving it there are the worst. Small company though. 25 employees, about half men. Someone will get found out.

I've heard the worst of things in the women's bathroom. Like chicks leaving tampons ont he floor and things like that.
I can understand the use of gaskets for extensively nasty places like public restrooms but why people make them in certain spots like offices and what not, I'll never know.

Thank god I come into work when I do (between 6-7 am) and since I'm the first one in, my pre-games are always alone and in peace. The commodes are also cleaned the night before so I know no one used them.
....we've had an issue like this for 7 years now at my office. ive come to believe thats its a form of humor for some people.
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