Things you do that you think no one else does.

Originally Posted by Galvelocity

  • Every time I lock a door I check it like 5 times. It's not enough to hear the lock click I have to try the door a bunch of times. Also before I go to bed I check to make sure the door is locked like 3 or 4 times at least.
  • I don't put milk in my cereal. I eat it dry. With milk, it's wet food and the idea of it makes me gag. The same as how normal people would feel if someone dumped a bunch of water on their toast. Oh god, I'm gagging just talking about it.
  • I have to make the bed every day. Even if I'm running late for an exam it has to be done. I worry that I'll die while I'm out and if people come to clear out my things from my room and see my bed unmade, they'll assume I never made it and that I was messy.
  • I talk to myself, like A LOT. I find it easier to gather my thoughts when I say them out loud. A lot of the time I'll address my teddy bear or my  hedgehog just so it feels less weird, but in my head they sort of have their own conversational personalities. Like Sandslash is more of a sounding board, I talk to him when I'm trying to figure out what I need to do today, and ask him if I've forgotten anything. When I'm debating decisions Quenton has very strong opinions and is therefore more useful in that sort of situation. Probably the weirdest thing I do.
  • Certain smells and textures sort of fill me up, like I'm eating almost. I love the smell of canadian tire and home depot and gasoline and windex and nail polish. And I LOVE walking on gravel or sand on pavement so you can hear and feel the crunching. I always go out of my way to walk on nice textures

after reading this all i can do is picture you and friend running around in full nerf gun war with like headgear, flashlights, utility belts, walkie talkies, the whole 9
i think i did an awesome job at secret santa lol
cruzair13 wrote:

I've only done this once. But I bet no one has done this
one time I locked myself outside my car, while the engine was running...
i've done it too, i had to wait for my homie to grab my house key from me at the mall parking lot, goes back to my crib and bring my backup key to me

it was an hour wait with my car and still running

cruzair13 wrote:

I've only done this once. But I bet no one has done this
one time I locked myself outside my car, while the engine was running...
i've done it too, i had to wait for my homie to grab my house key from me at the mall parking lot, goes back to my crib and bring my backup key to me

it was an hour wait with my car and still running

Originally Posted by sniper

Originally Posted by env

When getting a lid at a restaurant, I never take the top one.
I do the same. With straw dispensers, I never take the first one that comes down and then I grab the next one before it touches anything...

Originally Posted by sniper

Originally Posted by env

When getting a lid at a restaurant, I never take the top one.
I do the same. With straw dispensers, I never take the first one that comes down and then I grab the next one before it touches anything...

When I eat something, like a fruit or vegetable, I tend to search for its nutritional value online while eating it 

Makes it taste better when I know I'm eating something healthy for some reason..
When I eat something, like a fruit or vegetable, I tend to search for its nutritional value online while eating it 

Makes it taste better when I know I'm eating something healthy for some reason..
- I masturbate on my knees

- I always look at people and wonder what they will look like when they die or how they would die.

- I look at people and wonder how they would react if they were getting a limb cut off

- I tap the rear view mirror until it is perfectly in line with the rear window

- I wonder why do other men like other men because the thought of me kissing another man makes me wana kill myself

- I hear theme music when I'm walking

- There is a song playing in my head when I'm looking in my mirror getting dressed

- I have to close my closet door all the way before I got to sleep

- I wonder how rich people think. How do they go to banks and get money, is there special treatment for them, what's the most they can withdraw....

- Don't stand flat footed in the shower

- I answer myself when asking myself a question
- I masturbate on my knees

- I always look at people and wonder what they will look like when they die or how they would die.

- I look at people and wonder how they would react if they were getting a limb cut off

- I tap the rear view mirror until it is perfectly in line with the rear window

- I wonder why do other men like other men because the thought of me kissing another man makes me wana kill myself

- I hear theme music when I'm walking

- There is a song playing in my head when I'm looking in my mirror getting dressed

- I have to close my closet door all the way before I got to sleep

- I wonder how rich people think. How do they go to banks and get money, is there special treatment for them, what's the most they can withdraw....

- Don't stand flat footed in the shower

- I answer myself when asking myself a question
-When I get home the first thing I do is change into ball shorts. It doesn't even matter if I'm only home for a couple minutes before heading out again I'll change, it feels weird wearing jeans or even cargo shorts in my own home, but I don't get that feeling in other people's houses
-The volume on my TV and radio needs to be set at what I consider a good number, so my TV is set at 23 and I get mildly upset when someone changes it

-When walking away from my car I have to press the lock button 3-4 times and make sure that I have locked my car
-I'll still pretend to dunk on my bedroom door when I go through it like everybody used to do in middle school
-When I get home the first thing I do is change into ball shorts. It doesn't even matter if I'm only home for a couple minutes before heading out again I'll change, it feels weird wearing jeans or even cargo shorts in my own home, but I don't get that feeling in other people's houses
-The volume on my TV and radio needs to be set at what I consider a good number, so my TV is set at 23 and I get mildly upset when someone changes it

-When walking away from my car I have to press the lock button 3-4 times and make sure that I have locked my car
-I'll still pretend to dunk on my bedroom door when I go through it like everybody used to do in middle school
- everything I do as far as counting goes, it's always gonna be 11 because it's my favorite number. Like the volume has to be on 11, 11 reps, take a shower at 11 pm... stuff like that because I'm crazy.

- I yell at myself in the mirror

- I have to concentrate when taking a +@#+

- doing the Kamehameha for no reason
- everything I do as far as counting goes, it's always gonna be 11 because it's my favorite number. Like the volume has to be on 11, 11 reps, take a shower at 11 pm... stuff like that because I'm crazy.

- I yell at myself in the mirror

- I have to concentrate when taking a +@#+

- doing the Kamehameha for no reason
I freestyle to the opening theme to every show I watch.

I pretend I'm a beetleborg and will randomly yell, "Data Bonders, Input Cards, Beetle Blast"
I freestyle to the opening theme to every show I watch.

I pretend I'm a beetleborg and will randomly yell, "Data Bonders, Input Cards, Beetle Blast"
Originally Posted by hawkflight6

-When I get home the first thing I do is change into ball shorts. It doesn't even matter if I'm only home for a couple minutes before heading out again I'll change, it feels weird wearing jeans or even cargo shorts in my own home, but I don't get that feeling in other people's houses
-The volume on my TV and radio needs to be set at what I consider a good number, so my TV is set at 23 and I get mildly upset when someone changes it

i can't wear outside clothes in the house either...i just imagine all the worlds nastiness being brought into my house and all over my couch and bed...i don't like to wear pants to that means it would get on my underwear

my volume has to be on a number divisible by 5 or 10 or a number like 23 cuz 2 and 3 is 5 or 46 cuz 4 and 6 is 10...i will crash my car trying to get the volume right...if someone else changes it i have to adjust it

lately i find myself talking to myself out loud and when i catch myself i start singing what i was saying as if that makes it better
Originally Posted by hawkflight6

-When I get home the first thing I do is change into ball shorts. It doesn't even matter if I'm only home for a couple minutes before heading out again I'll change, it feels weird wearing jeans or even cargo shorts in my own home, but I don't get that feeling in other people's houses
-The volume on my TV and radio needs to be set at what I consider a good number, so my TV is set at 23 and I get mildly upset when someone changes it

i can't wear outside clothes in the house either...i just imagine all the worlds nastiness being brought into my house and all over my couch and bed...i don't like to wear pants to that means it would get on my underwear

my volume has to be on a number divisible by 5 or 10 or a number like 23 cuz 2 and 3 is 5 or 46 cuz 4 and 6 is 10...i will crash my car trying to get the volume right...if someone else changes it i have to adjust it

lately i find myself talking to myself out loud and when i catch myself i start singing what i was saying as if that makes it better
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