Things you don't care about, but others do?

Dec 23, 2003
What are some things that you could care less about, but some people do care about?
1. Quitting smoking cigarettes
2. The Environment
3. Saving Money for rainy days (Tupac said you can't take nothin with you when you die, so buy what you want
4. Walking places ( I feel so much more self-empowered when i walk to my destination)
 What are some of yours???
What are some things that you could care less about, but some people do care about?
1. Quitting smoking cigarettes
2. The Environment
3. Saving Money for rainy days (Tupac said you can't take nothin with you when you die, so buy what you want
4. Walking places ( I feel so much more self-empowered when i walk to my destination)
 What are some of yours???
sports, shows on nbc like lost, heroes, etc I never gave em a chance.
sports, shows on nbc like lost, heroes, etc I never gave em a chance.
Where people have been to eat, I hate when people tell me about places they've eaten at that were soooo good. I just don't care.
Where people have been to eat, I hate when people tell me about places they've eaten at that were soooo good. I just don't care.
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