Thirstiest Men on Instagram

I've payed $20 for head b4, but that was it. My homie hooked me up with some **** who was bragging about how good her head was. I had already smashed prior for free,lol, so I wanted some top a few weeks later and I got it for $20,lol. Needless to say the top was WACK and she couldnt put more than 3 inches down,smh.

The most I could pay for some Quality pum is $50, I could NOT see myself ever paying more than that for ANY female. And I chose $50 to do away with date money, gas money and the few hours waste of my time knowing I only wanna Cutt.

Anything else is unjustifiable. IMO for myself.

But I don't knock dudes who pay for it. Just the chicks getting paid, damn dirty skanks.
once again, there are different ways to pay for sex, obviously you are thinking of picking up some street hooker that charges you 40$ for sex in a dark alley.....that wouldn't be smart and yes nasty as hell, but im sure there are escorts that provide some sort of safety net, honestly no different than having casual sex with some chick you met....i mean if she's willing to have casual sex with you, im sure she's had or is having casual sex with other men, so how is she any different?....only difference really is that she's not getting paid for it.
How can you tell me how i'm thinking LOL?

Are you serious? Doesn't matter where they located, paying for sex is still paying for sex. The seller is still a prostitute and the buyer is still a trick. You've stated you work in the medical field so I'm assuming you know these doctors without time for sex?

Your logic behind casual sex and a SEX WORKER is TERRIBLE. Its not remotely close. Some men and women have casual sex with people THEY KNOW. A sex worker has sex with ANYBODY.
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How can you tell me how i'm thinking LOL?

Are you serious? Doesn't matter where they located, paying for sex is still paying for sex. The seller is still a prostitute and the buyer is still a trick. You've stated you work in the medical field so I'm assuming you know these doctors without time for sex?

Your logic behind casual sex and a SEX WORKER is TERRIBLE. Its not remotely close. Some men and women have casual sex with people THEY KNOW. A sex worker has sex with ANYBODY.

you sound very young my you grow older you learn to accept things for what they are....yes vie heard of professional people with money who really don't have time to chase after tail and definitely are not about to screw up and have casual sex with a coworker and much rather pay for sex.....your view on it is no different than the way i thought about it back when i was in college...i personally wouldn't do it since i have mines at home every night, but i don't think of it as you being a trick or dirty because you pay a woman for sex...she's no different than the non-hooker willing to hook up just for sex, or do you really believe you got it like that? lock down a woman who just wants casual sex by just looking at her and laying the rules down and expect her not to sleep around with other people?? please... :rofl:
like you said people THEY KNOW.....meaning at one point you had to invest time into knowing them enough to propose casual sex....time that some men DONT have fam, what is so hard to comprehend about that?? watch too many damb movies may not be the ideal way to go about it and obviously there are safer, cheaper options....but what works for one may not work for the other and viceversa.
you sound very young my you grow older you learn to accept things for what they are....yes vie heard of professional people with money who really don't have time to chase after tail and definitely are not about to screw up and have casual sex with a coworker and much rather pay for sex.....your view on it is no different than the way i thought about it back when i was in college...i personally wouldn't do it since i have mines at home every night, but i don't think of it as you being a trick or dirty because you pay a woman for sex...she's no different than the non-hooker willing to hook up just for sex, or do you really believe you got it like that? lock down a woman who just wants casual sex by just looking at her and laying the rules down and expect her not to sleep around with other people?? please...
Clearly your mindset is off. There is nothing right about paying for sex, no excuses. TOO MANY BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE out there who want sex just like you and will have sex with you. No excuse. Even the ulgyiest dude  or chick can get yambs. There is somebody out there for EVERYBODY.

Once again you went ahead and started insinuating....... You took my comment on casual sex LITERAL to the point of flat out saying "I want sex, you want sex, lets have sex". You need to learn how to properly understand what you read because you clearly don't do a good job at that.
like you said people THEY KNOW.....meaning at one point you had to invest time into knowing them enough to propose casual sex....time that some men DONT have fam, what is so hard to comprehend about that?? watch too many damb movies may not be the ideal way to go about it and obviously there are safer, cheaper options....but what works for one may not work for the other and viceversa.
You aren't reading once again. I clearly know that tricking goes on. I CLEARLY STATE IT. I HOWEVER, FEEL ITS WRONG. How you gonna tell me my opinion is wrong when you personally wouldn't do it? Seriously this is like arguing with a piece of feces
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Clearly your mindset is off. There is nothing right about paying for sex, no excuses. TOO MANY BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE out there who want sex just like you and will have sex with you. No excuse. Even the ulgyiest dude  or chick can get yambs. There is somebody out there for EVERYBODY.

Once again you went ahead and started insinuating....... You took my comment on casual sex LITERAL to the point of flat out saying "I want sex, you want sex, lets have sex". You need to learn how to properly understand what you read because you clearly don't do a good job at that.

so how exactly would you suggest someone with literally no time to invest in a woman and wants to get off go about it, since you seem to be a master at it....grow up fam.....ohhhh nooooesssss paying for sex is sooooo wronggggg and dirty.....but having casual sex isn't right?....lmfao.

ill wait for your proposed plan that you probably saw in a movie, because you seem to have 0 life experience to be so damn close minded.
so how exactly would you suggest someone with literally no time to invest in a woman and wants to get off go about it, since you seem to be a master at it....grow up fam.....ohhhh nooooesssss paying for sex is sooooo wronggggg and dirty.....but having casual sex isn't right?....lmfao.
ill wait for your proposed plan that you probably saw in a movie, because you seem to have 0 life experience to be so damn close minded.
I know the busiest of busiest people, and they ain't paying for sex. People working almost 15 hour days NOT PAYING FOR SEX. Only lazy people or TRICKS pay for sex. IF you worked 15 hour days, would you pay for sex Steezy? Just answer my question. 

By your logic this is what your saying.

Its just as safe to sleep with a street hooker as it is to sleep with a chick who has casual sex. You need to experience more in life bro. PLEASE talk to some of your homies. You probably too close to your sister or girlfriend.
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I know the busiest of busiest people, and they ain't paying for sex. People working almost 15 hour days NOT PAYING FOR SEX. Only lazy people or TRICKS pay for sex. IF you worked 15 hour days, would you pay for sex Steezy? Just answer my question. 

By your logic this is what your saying.

Its just as safe to sleep with a street hooker as it is to sleep with a chick who has casual sex. You need to experience more in life bro. PLEASE talk to some of your homies. You probably too close to your sister or girlfriend.

no my man YOU need to open your eyes, you take a risk sleeping with anyone casually, ANYONE....wether is paid for or not, is no different, hell you are even at risk sleeping with your own girl who you think you may know but is getting backshots while you at work, anything is possible, only thing you can do is protect yourself....if you protect yourself, from a hooker is no different than protecting yourself from your casual sex partner/partners....working 15 hours a day is not busy, try working 36 straight and see how much energy you have left after that 36 hour shift to go find that casual sex partner.....some may already have that on lock, but for those who don't, why is it so wrong for them to pay for an hour of sex without any hassle or time involved?....
no my man YOU need to open your eyes, you take a risk sleeping with anyone casually, ANYONE....wether is paid for or not, is no different, hell you are even at risk sleeping with your own girl who you think you may know but is getting backshots while you at work, anything is possible, only thing you can do is protect yourself....if you protect yourself, from a hooker is no different than protecting yourself from your casual sex partner/partners....working 15 hours a day is not busy, try working 36 straight and see how much energy you have left after that 36 hour shift to go find that casual sex partner.....some may already have that on lock, but for those who don't, why is it so wrong for them to pay for an hour of sex without any hassle or time involved?....
So an adult film star is just as safe as any other woman? Dude insane. I'm done, not even worth it. Dudes thirsty, and thirsty dudes pay for sex. If you wanna go and pay for sex,  go ahead Steezy. Trick all day. Not my problem.
nothing wrong with paying a professional for sex, some people are busy, and most women want to be in relationships, and also need lots of attention, etc. although I never have done it personally.

Ksteezy is right, only like 1 in 10 women would have casual sex, this guy is making it sound like every girl in a club wearing a short cocktail dress is fiending for sex or something.

I dated a broad for 2 months before trying to smash, we agreed on the 2nd or 3rd date to get a room, spend the night and have some fun and get drunk. On the 5th or 6th date went and got chipotle(word to Javale), saw avengers after, got out the movie @ almost 2am, I paid $70 outta my own pocket for this nice room, got drunk n naked started fooling around, soon as I reached for a condom she tells me doesn't want to do anything period, wouldn't even let me eat her for 5 mins....she rolls over and goes to sleep :smh::smh: . After that night she denied me I broke her off :x so i can see why dudes would rather just spend 50 or 60 to smash and be done. All in all I spent $150 dating this girl, and I NEVER got any play!! that's almost a brand new pair of jays :lol:
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So an adult film star is just as safe as any other woman? Dude insane. I'm done, not even worth it. Dudes thirsty, and thirsty dudes pay for sex. If you wanna go and pay for sex,  go ahead Steezy. Trick all day. Not my problem.

you are the one that seems concerned and bothered by someone paying for sex ::shrugs::

and stay within that bubble thinking casual sex is in any way safer than paying to sleep with a woman.
nothing wrong with paying a professional for sex, some people are busy, and most women want to be in relationships, and also need lots of attention, etc. although I never have done it personally.
Ksteezy is right, only like 1 in 10 women would have casual sex, this guy is making it sound like every girl in a club wearing a short cocktail dress is fiending for sex or something.
I dated a broad for 2 months before trying to smash, we agreed on the 2nd or 3rd date to get a room, spend the night and have some fun and get drunk. Went and got chipotle, saw avengers after, got out the movie @ almost 2am, I paid $70 outta my own pocket for this nice room, got drunk n naked started fooling around, soon as I reached for a condom she tells me doesn't want to do anything period, wouldn't even let me eat her for 5 mins....she rolls over and goes to sleep :smh::smh: . After she denied me I broke her off :x so i can see why dudes would rather just spend 50 or 60 to smash and be done. All in all I spent $150 dating this girl, almost a brand new pair of jays :lol:

according to him, women are the thirsty ones waiting in line to have casual dude lives in a bubble....women know what they have between their legs and to the extremes men will go to get them.....specially here in America like Ninja said, go to another country and its literally the reverse story.
you are the one that seems concerned and bothered by someone paying for sex ::shrugs::
and stay within that bubble thinking casual sex is in any way safer than paying to sleep with a woman.
So by your logic any chick you sleep with is just as dirty as a sex worker? So everybody is just as equally dirty? SMH This dude.......
according to him, women are the thirsty ones waiting in line to have casual dude lives in a bubble....women know what they have between their legs and to the extremes men will go to get them.....specially here in America like Ninja said, go to another country and its literally the reverse story.
You need to step out of the heights bro, because its not like that. Just because you go to your third world  country and chicks flock to you, don't mean they think your hot .That means they want your money/Opportunity you may provide them in the future. Dude PLEASE TRAVEL DA WORLD. Get out there and exit your fictional bubble.
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You need to step out of the heights bro, because its not like that. Just because you go to your third world  country and chicks flock to you, don't mean they think your hot .That means they want your money/Opportunity you may provide them in the future. Dude PLEASE TRAVEL DA WORLD. Get out there and exit your fictional bubble.


im not even from da heights.

and whatever the motive may be is irrelevant, bottom-line the power of the P is nowhere near as strong out there than it is sure thats what Ninjahood meant.....please enlighten the rest of NT on where you live and the spots you frequent, you seem to be an all out playboy who women just gravitate to with their legs spread open.

im not even from da heights.
and whatever the motive may be is irrelevant, bottom-line the power of the P is nowhere near as strong out there than it is sure thats what Ninjahood meant.....please enlighten the rest of NT on where you live and the spots you frequent, you seem to be an all out playboy who women just gravitate to with their legs spread open.
Never stated that
there's only one way to reverse this horrible epidemic....this is truly a vagina "housing bubble" that we're in and frankly da prices

need to start coming down, and i got da perfect solution.

legalize prostitution.

now here me out, when you legalize prostitution, it TAKES da power of thirst away from these attention seeking good for nothing but

bathroom pics broadz......having sex should be as easy as hailing a taxi cab, or ordering a pizza for da common man. once women

realize that they can't just get round on their looks because frankly a guy can phone some vagina whenever he wants for less then what you'll

drop at a bar one night, this type of rachetness will subside. women will HAVE to start trying to be productive because da thirsty guys can now

just smash w/e and whenever they want, and when someone is in a relationship it'll mean something because you not with em just for sex.

this also lowers da price of sex too, since vagina has a going "rate" da more available it is, da cheaper and less valuable it'll be...

when you go to countries where prostitution is legal, women act COMPLETELY different, they know men aint gonna be chasing em cuz they can

basically get it when they want, da roles are reversed, so if you're a ok cool guy doing his thing, women FIGHT for you, because they want a serious relationship.

Applaud this man. I agree with you 100%, its time for the role reversal.
Still have to put some effort in that.

So easier if you don't have time. 1 hour and it's done, no strings attached.
I guess it works for some folks. Don't get it, not worth it and honestly nasty as hell and illegal

Lol you naive b.

Women use sex as a weapon, where prostitution is legal this doesn't


Hell in certain parts of da world, women's FAMILY pay men to marry their daughters

Off, in da USA its da only place i can think where vagina is put on such a pedestal

That in certain circles its normal to drop G's on a broad to TRY to bag her...nah b

I fly to da Dominican Republic regularly...society norms is completely different. NO one is thirst

When a pretty chick walks by...da mindset FLIPPED. Women dont dress sexy cuz they're

Going to clubs to dance among themselves & act like snobs da sec a guy TRIES to even

Approach one....nope, they're there to socialize with men, & COMPETE with other women

To catch a man..they know they cant be divas with potential suitors cuz they know they're

3-4 brothels lined up down da block, & men aint gonna tolerate lip from you when vagina

A block away.
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