Thirstiest Men on Instagram

So true.
Imagine going up to a bird and telling her, "Damn girl, your stomach looks good enough for me to bust on"
whats funny is that guys actually simp this hard in real life... i was out just for old times sake went to bday bash... and i saw guys pay chicks just to get their number to take a pic with them... offer shopping sprees just off site alone... and the worse i see is southern black guys with average decent looking white chicks that are thick bordeline fat... duds see chics like mal mallory and trade the car, house, first unborn for a chic with lil to no business bout themselves, be having multiple kids with multiple fathers etc... its like they see them as some holy grail...
These chick are just as thirsty by posting these pics, they just want the damn attention, but this thread is the bomb :rofl:
Too many guys only have game on da Internet these days. Quick to send a message. But if shorty was in front of him he wud freeze up and get no digits. Internet makes it so easy to communicate without working on communications skills. And by the way who wants to just look at nice looking girls on instagram. Open ya front door and find real life snuzz.
The top lines that these women tell their friends, tweet, or blog about...

"He just wants to have sex with me"

"I'm not that kinda girl"

"Why can't I find a good man"

"I have more male friends because women can't be trusted"
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The top lines that these women tell their friends, tweet, or blog about...
"He just wants to have sex with me"
"I'm not that kinda girl"
"Why can't I find a good man"
"I have more male friends because women can't be trusted" <--I won't carry a conversation any further with a woman that says this

"I'm not a gold digger"
Feel free to add more
"Guys are all the same" (when there is millions of girls with pictures in the mirror in a bikini (or bra and panties) making a duck face)
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I will say this. The thirst for some of these chicks is at a all time high. As stated, MAJORITY of these chicks are basic as hell. Like straight BASIC. Like basic to the point of being impressed to go cheesecake factory basic. Just basic. They post the pictures seeking attention and confidence boosters, but its not the proper kind. Its the kind of attention from dudes who just see you as a sexual object.

There are two kind of dudes who like these pictures,

1. The clearly thirsty dudes who have been posted here.


2. The regular dude who somehow stumbles on some sexy looking chick and just thinks she is hot, doesn't follow, doesn't like the picture, doesn't comment on the picture, just looks at the pic and says "damn, she thick ", and just moves on. He thinks this way because, he does not put the booty on a throne, does not display that thirst, and even though he may think she looks hot, does not mean he tends to wife you or even try to have sex with you.

He has morals. He looks at you like those super expensive items like the new TV or Sofa that he knows he COULD afford, but isn't worth it and sees that its just nice to look at.

That's all it is. In other words, complement a beautiful women, but DON'T BE THIRSTY(some of these dude's comments actually are scary and quite threatening). Women worth any honest attention will accept you for just being real. Your not a saint and neither is she, so treat him or her like REAL PEOPLE.

PS, the same thirsty behavior you see from these dudes,,..........Women do the SAME THING to dudes on instagram. THE SAME THING.
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"I want a man that loves me for me flaws and all." I can't love a girl that smashed 60% of my graduating class :x

"I'm different from other girls."
*Reblogs constant sex gifs and drugs to reinforce how 'edgy' she is*

The worst are the girls on dating sites who say "I'm looking for a good man to respect me" and then have pictures with T&A all out. People these days :smh: :lol:
"Guys are all the same" (when there is millions of girls with pictures in the mirror in a bikini (or bra and panties) making a duck face)

"I want a man that loves me for me flaws and all." I can't love a girl that smashed 60% of my graduating class :x

[COLOR=#red]Saw a chick at McDonalds this morning with a keychain that said "Hard 2 Get". Translation "All you got to do is holla and take me to Olive Garden and you can have unadultered access to my boxx and my mouth"[/COLOR]
It's the sluts posting these types of pictures who are thirsty , thirsty for attention that is .

Then they go ranting about thirsty dudes on facebook / twitter .
Your thirsty and actualyl quite disrespectful. Cause they post booty pics, they are sluts?

You think the chick in your avy is a ****? Cause I highly doubt it.......
It's the sluts posting these types of pictures who are thirsty , thirsty for attention that is .
Then they go ranting about thirsty dudes on facebook / twitter .

Your thirsty and actualyl quite disrespectful. Cause they post booty pics, they are sluts?

You think the chick in your avy is a ****? Cause I highly doubt it.......
What else did they post them for? How would your father act if he saw those?

They feed off attention.
Some of those pictures are close to a adult only DVD cover.

I'm with the dude saying they are attention *****.
It's the sluts posting these types of pictures who are thirsty , thirsty for attention that is .
Then they go ranting about thirsty dudes on facebook / twitter .

Your thirsty and actualyl quite disrespectful. Cause they post booty pics, they are sluts?

You think the chick in your avy is a ****? Cause I highly doubt it.......
From a different era but still applies today...
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