This blew my mind.

Are Jews a Nation or a Religion?

Judaism can be thought of as being simultaneously a religion, a nationality and a culture.

Throughout the middle ages and into the 20th century, most of the European world agreed that Jews constituted a distinct nation. This concept of nation does not require that a nation have either a territory nor a government, but rather, it identifies, as a nation any distinct group of people with a common language and culture. Only in the 19th century did it become common to assume that each nation should have its own distinct government; this is the political philosophy of nationalism. In fact, Jews had a remarkable degree of self-government until the 19th century. So long as Jews lived in their ghettos, they were allowed to collect their own taxes, run their own courts, and otherwise behave as citizens of a landless and distinctly second-class Jewish nation.

Of course, Judaism is a religion, and it is this religion that forms the central element of the Jewish culture that binds Jews together as a nation. It is the religion that defines foods as being kosher and non-kosher, and this underlies Jewish cuisine. It is the religion that sets the calendar of Jewish feast and fast days, and it is the religion that has preserved the Hebrew language.

Is Judaism an ethnicity? In short, not any more. Although Judaism arose out of a single ethnicity in the Middle East, there have always been conversions into and out of the religion. Thus, there are those who may have been ethnically part of the original group who are no longer part of Judaism, and those of other ethnic groups who have converted into Judaism.

If you are referring to a nation in the sense of race, Judaism is not a nation. People are free to convert into Judaism; once converted, they are considered the same as if they were born Jewish. This is not true for a race.
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What Kanye has been speaking about these past couple of months has been very interesting to watch to say the least. I like it. He is speaking about this old money, and generation of families that have basically locked down or has done a great job of keeping minorities out of any type of ownership. People are not understanding the meaning behind these things he is saying, and it may be because he cant go into great depth into it for whatever reason. He is simply planting the seed for thinking outside the box. The Sway interview he did, you can tell he didnt want to freestyle or rap in the end. Almost like a box he is put into because he is a rapper. To me that spoke volumes. He wants ownership, not crumbs they give to us to make us feel we are successful such as these material things we have grown to love. He is using the fashion industry as an example, but he as also spoke on other industries that have essentially locked us out on owning anything. Keep thinking this man crazy tho.
A top 50 women thread turn race war?? Lol

It's not a race war. It's just a discussion about how the Jews made moves to control a certain industry while blacks haven't been able to accomplish that. We've been here longer but our history was crushed and we've gotten held back in a plethora of different ways. Even when a few people break the ceiling they don't start doing things for the black community as much as they need to.

My generation is too complacent with their place in society to even try attempting anything on a grand scale. It sucks because in this day and age it would be seen as politically incorrect and would get too much negative press. The complacent blacks would see that and already feel defeated and not want to waste their time or money.
wr wr I feel where your coming from, and this goes back to my point about leadership and how there are people in our community who vainly feel they should be in charge due to pedigree/religious conviction/personality.

We need to identify this, and tear it down from the inside if we're going to really start working on this movement. I totally understand the feeder system of black fraternities and sororities into groups such as the boule. (Side note: guess who else talks about such a feeder system into the boule? Spike Lee, the dude everyone decided to hate after he spoke out against Tyler Perry. Seems like we always wanna disregard and get mad at the cats pointing things out.)

What we also need to do is realize that every family is a nation in and of itself. These families we look at in the Hamptons and Martha's Vineyard and Prince George's County, the families we associate with Prince Hall and the Boule are all living by a set of rules that the rest of us often get an opportunity to be exposed to, but simply opt out of. Bloodlines, land ownership, generational wealth, having money yet living humbly so that your great grandchildren will have even more than you. These are things that are so far out of the purview of what we may call the 85% that we tend to romanticize it as though there's more to it than simply lots of people ignoring the facts in front of them.

I say that to say this: those "facts in front of them" were the need to REMAIN a strong ECONOMIC community after segregation. Jews were segregated in England and when that segregation ended Jews GAINED power economically. Jews in Germany were segregated BECAUSE of their economic practices as a unified group. They were disallowed from participating in the economy because they were taking German dollars but only giving Jewish dollars.

My two main points here are psychology and economy. We need to fix a huge mind **** that is affecting our sense of unity; and the causes, effects, and solutions to many of our problem will prove to be either economic or psychological.
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In 1950, 17 percent of African-American children lived in a home with their mother but not their father. By 2010 that had increased to 50 percent. In 1965, only eight percent of childbirths in the Black community occurred out-of-wedlock. In 2010 that figure was 41 percent; and today, the out-of-wedlock childbirth in the Black community sits at an astonishing 72 percent. The number of African-American women married and living with their spouse was recorded as 53 percent in 1950. By 2010, it had dropped to 25 percent
Part of the reason I see little hope in this current generation and would rather bank on the next. That'd need the right ppl in place guiding and providing.
Those statistics are sad. It really does all start at home. The parents subconsciously influence so much of their child's life.
Those statistics are sad. It really does all start at home. The parents subconsciously influence so much of their child's life.

The even sadder thing is that this isn't bought up as a epidemic which it is. Intact families i believe can bring and have such a huge impact on kids. But no one cares about the family unit.
jewish people won't admit judaism is an ethnicity because in doing so, they're admitting it is a birthright, something one must be born into in order to be truly acknowledged as. admitting such would imply the truth of the stereotypes that surround them.

i love the dialogue @Wr and @knowledgebones72 (@Master Zik too) are having. you two are bringing much light into this thread. if dubois and booker t came together and created a synthesis of both ideologies, it could've given us the mobilization of which we've long been in need.

i support kanye in what he's attempting to do, but his articulation skills are poor. if any prominent figure in american history was a poor orator, we wouldn't know who they are today. it is essential that you simplify and express your points clearly because there are people who can't relate, and are committed to misunderstanding an opposing opinion, and they will use any lapse in expression to discredit you. i understand there are some truths he can't explicitly state, but he could've expressed what he can say a hell of a lot better for the unaware. i wish him the best though.

this goes into my next point: for any leaders to arise again in this or the next generation, they must be well-read. dubois' points still stand today. to ever attain some sort of ownership, we have to be as astute as the class of people we're up against. kanye has valid points, but when it's time to expound, he turns to arbitrary pop culture references and derails his train of thought. the internet and social media have given us a more expansive platform than those that were available to our predecessors. the media is controlled, whereas the internet is a free forum of people ready to listen. for the herds of unfocused, vapid, materialistic social media butterflies, believe that there are young adults like us who see opportunity in a time of drought.
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Are the "Jews" that we know of in this day in time the same Jews of the biblical times?

No they're just European converts. 80% of Jews world wide can trace their roots to prehistoric Europe. So only 20% of the entire Jewish population world wide are non european. 90% of Jews in America alone can trace their roots to Europe.

The Jews you see today are related to Italians mostly.
Makes sense why I sorta look Jewish even though I'm Italian.
Europe is the continent of jacking and raping...they left their lands and just took **** from all over the world...**** crazy
Europe is the continent of jacking and raping...they left their lands and just took **** from all over the world...**** crazy

That's the thing, though: every continent had jacking and raping. To try to claim that as an exclusively European thing is only taking credibility away from our stronger points (see Kanye).

What you COULD say, though, is that Europe is the continent of Scarcity and Discomfort. The lessons they learned from those two principles are what they took around the world, i.e. the need to find a better place to live and the need to dominate people and resources.

We gotta get over this whole "white people are bad" thing if were REALLY going to get our **** together as a people.
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Europe is the continent of jacking and raping...they left their lands and just took **** from all over the world...**** crazy
That's the thing, though: every continent had jacking and raping. To try to claim that as an exclusively European thing is only taking credibility away from our stronger points (see Kanye).

What you COULD say, though, is that Europe is the continent of Scarcity and Discomfort. The lessons they learned from those two principles are what they took around the world, i.e. the need to find a better place to live and the need to dominate people and resources.

We gotta get over this whole "white people are bad" thing if were REALLY going to get our **** together as a people.
I agree.....I'm just more frustrated w/ the continent of Africa opening their doors to Europeans.....while initially it was a great gesture of sharing knowledge and resources, it ended up backfiring and ruined that continent as a's a tragedy that the so many countries in Africa are heavily european influenced w/ language and culture ......their resources are owned and managed by these same a ***** in Congo is not suppose to be speaking French......I'm just rambling right now and I know I'm all over the place but man Africa easily would've been the continent w/ power if they didn't get jobbed by Europe......I place blame on the continent itself more than Europeans 
Europe is the continent of jacking and raping...they left their lands and just took **** from all over the world...**** crazy

That's the thing, though: every continent had jacking and raping. To try to claim that as an exclusively European thing is only taking credibility away from our stronger points (see Kanye).

What you COULD say, though, is that Europe is the continent of Scarcity and Discomfort. The lessons they learned from those two principles are what they took around the world, i.e. the need to find a better place to live and the need to dominate people and resources.

We gotta get over this whole "white people are bad" thing if were REALLY going to get our **** together as a people.
I agree.....I'm just more frustrated w/ the continent of Africa opening their doors to Europeans.....while initially it was a great gesture of sharing knowledge and resources, it ended up backfiring and ruined that continent as a's a tragedy that the so many countries in Africa are heavily european influenced w/ language and culture ......their resources are owned and managed by these same a ***** in Congo is not suppose to be speaking French......I'm just rambling right now and I know I'm all over the place but man Africa easily would've been the continent w/ power if they didn't get jobbed by Europe......I place blame on the continent itself more than Europeans 

I agree with you. I think the flaw was thee same flaw in relations with natives of north and South America. These people from a wildly different culture and physical makeup arrive, and you feel as though both groups have things to teach and learn from each other, when in reality one group had decided on doing unspeakably horrible things to whoever they saw once they hit land no matter how their initial interactions played out.
Europe is the continent of jacking and raping...they left their lands and just took **** from all over the world...**** crazy

That's the thing, though: every continent had jacking and raping. To try to claim that as an exclusively European thing is only taking credibility away from our stronger points (see Kanye).

What you COULD say, though, is that Europe is the continent of Scarcity and Discomfort. The lessons they learned from those two principles are what they took around the world, i.e. the need to find a better place to live and the need to dominate people and resources.

We gotta get over this whole "white people are bad" thing if were REALLY going to get our **** together as a people.
I agree.....I'm just more frustrated w/ the continent of Africa opening their doors to Europeans.....while initially it was a great gesture of sharing knowledge and resources, it ended up backfiring and ruined that continent as a's a tragedy that the so many countries in Africa are heavily european influenced w/ language and culture ......their resources are owned and managed by these same a ***** in Congo is not suppose to be speaking French......I'm just rambling right now and I know I'm all over the place but man Africa easily would've been the continent w/ power if they didn't get jobbed by Europe......I place blame on the continent itself more than Europeans 
I agree with you. I think the flaw was thee same flaw in relations with natives of north and South America. These people from a wildly different culture and physical makeup arrive, and you feel as though both groups have things to teach and learn from each other, when in reality one group had decided on doing unspeakably horrible things to whoever they saw once they hit land no matter how their initial interactions played out.
saw the list, just came in this thread to say Kat Dennings is the ugliest girl in the business.  I was gonna crop her face from the OG post, but i can't look at that for too long without feeling light-headed.
Jews running Hollywood is just a simple fact of American History. :rolleyes :rolleyes :rolleyes :rolleyes

After working with so many Jews in Hollywood, it really comes down to knowing their business sense and having the drive to make it happen.

With 3D printing, open-source software, and the internet and it's databases of information... none of this stuff will be relevant. It will turn into a world of every man for himself, and the next man up is the one with the shot. The competition level will be even on almost all fronts, and it will come down to ingenuity.

I rarely see a go-getter attitude on NT. You guys are bad for my health.
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