This Car Crash Is Straight Out Of A Movie Vol. Sweet Heysus

my bad for the multiple posts.
OMG! I saw the remains of that car comin' up 675N headed to Fairborn around 9:45/10am ... That car was in two parts, TWISTED! I wondered what happened.
OMG! I saw the remains of that car comin' up 675N headed to Fairborn around 9:45/10am ... That car was in two parts, TWISTED! I wondered what happened.
OMG! I saw the remains of that car comin' up 675N headed to Fairborn around 9:45/10am ... That car was in two parts, TWISTED! I wondered what happened.
OMG! I saw the remains of that car comin' up 675N headed to Fairborn around 9:45/10am ... That car was in two parts, TWISTED! I wondered what happened.
dude must have fell asleep or panicked really bad when he saw the highway patrol. I'm surprised he survived
dude must have fell asleep or panicked really bad when he saw the highway patrol. I'm surprised he survived
dude must have fell asleep or panicked really bad when he saw the highway patrol. I'm surprised he survived
dude must have fell asleep or panicked really bad when he saw the highway patrol. I'm surprised he survived
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