This Car Crash Is Straight Out Of A Movie Vol. Sweet Heysus


How the %#%* did he survive
To me it looks like the cop was in the "fast lane" driving normally, and not using it to pass anyone. And the guy who ends up hitting the ramp was going too fast in the fast lane to slow down, so he basically went LEFT of the cruiser and landed in the medium.

Chalk it up as a loss for both parties.

Keep that left lane open if you aren't passing.
To me it looks like the cop was in the "fast lane" driving normally, and not using it to pass anyone. And the guy who ends up hitting the ramp was going too fast in the fast lane to slow down, so he basically went LEFT of the cruiser and landed in the medium.

Chalk it up as a loss for both parties.

Keep that left lane open if you aren't passing.
Originally Posted by WallyHopp

To me it looks like the cop was in the "fast lane" driving normally, and not using it to pass anyone. And the guy who ends up hitting the ramp was going too fast in the fast lane to slow down, so he basically went LEFT of the cruiser and landed in the medium.

Chalk it up as a loss for both parties.

Keep that left lane open if you aren't passing.
yo u serious? i mean yea if u aint movin, get the hell out the way... but what duke was doin was not ur regular speedin.

Originally Posted by WallyHopp

To me it looks like the cop was in the "fast lane" driving normally, and not using it to pass anyone. And the guy who ends up hitting the ramp was going too fast in the fast lane to slow down, so he basically went LEFT of the cruiser and landed in the medium.

Chalk it up as a loss for both parties.

Keep that left lane open if you aren't passing.
yo u serious? i mean yea if u aint movin, get the hell out the way... but what duke was doin was not ur regular speedin.

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