This Country Hasn't Changed One Bit

Fact is

Life = Not fair.

Let's all just suck it up now, because *****ing on a message board isn't getting us anywhere.

I'm NOT white if that matters.
BigSean wrote:

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by BigSean

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by BigSean

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

BigSean wrote:

Read Darwin





Darwin too thick huh?
Stick to Wikipedia


Good one.


You speak of Darwin as if it wasn't taught/assigned in like 10th grade.

His views on race weren't

Perhaps you know them?

No worries Ill wait for your Wiki quote

Would you like me to write a paper on them?

Or would a simple paragraph suffice?

Because we all know Social Darwinism is a subject that can be knocked out in a couple sentences.

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by BigSean

Originally Posted by BigSean

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Whites invented race....don't get ethered...AGAIN.

Explain this please.

Race was in a sense invented by Whites

Before there was white there was nationalism. Italian v German, Spanish V Ottomans Ect.....

Than in America there were Poor whites Vs. Elite

When Slaves came it was White Vs All

How do you get millions of Southern Confederates to fight for slavery, when they don't have slaves themselves?

Invent Race

That is how Race was invented.

Why is that so hard to grasp?

No one can address this huh?

Europeans created the term "race", and SOME of the concepts that go with it.

But most of the concepts of race? Was prevalent before European imperalism.

People, RACE is a word...

Thats all it is...

The concepts that are associated with race were prevalent long before European imperalism and colonizations.

Ancient civilizations had some very similiar concepts.

NOOOO....race is a concept and a science.

Ancient civilzations did not have similar concepts, they divided along other lines but they didn't hate each other because of trivial differences thatwe all have. Differences that make one groups superior and the other inferior.

People never viewed the world in that way because they never had reason to..the European had a vested interest in proving their justifiedand allowed their conquest of the world.

Thats historic fact fam. Do the knowledge.
race is a socially constructed concept....all that jazz about negroid, mongoloid, etc is all false, and just highlights the depths to which past whiteintellectuals have gone to justify the subhuman conditions people of color have had to live and survive in (in particular to the question of slavery).
It is a lot easier to justify and accept having humans in shackles and treated as property when you got "scientific" studies supposedly proving howblacks have smaller brains than whites. It almost seems absurd that such a study would hold any semblance of legitimacy, but such was the case back in the day.

even more so, it is even more apparent how race has been constructed to oppress others when you actually examine the term "white ".
During the early part of our nation, the term white signified "anglo saxon protestants". And again, as someone earlier in this thread mentioned,Europeans never referred to themselves as "white", but solely on nationalistic terms.
But the anglo saxons in this country surely did not see recent immigrants from European countries such as Italy or Ireland as being "white:". We areall familiar with the way such immigrants were treated and depicted upon arriving to US shores.

It was only with the passing of time, and the rising up of such immigrant populations that the term "white" began to be expanded. In particular, theIrish, who were once detested and treated as sub humans, were welcomed with open arms and invited to join the group when they finally organized and gained suchstrength in NYC that they took over the city's politics in what was referred to as the Tammany Hall machine. A group, who was once on the margins ofsociety, suddenly found themselves with power.

I can keep going on and on
Hail the grammar Nazi!I can't even quote Forrest Gump without getting attacked....RIP Mrs.Gump
^^ Co-Sign ElZN1
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Race was in a sense invented by Whites

Before there was white there was nationalism. Italian v German, Spanish V Ottomans Ect.....

Than in America there were Poor whites Vs. Elite

When Slaves came it was White Vs All

How do you get millions of Southern Confederates to fight for slavery, when they don't have slaves themselves?

Invent Race
Originally Posted by EZLN1

race is a socially constructed concept....all that jazz about negroid, mongoloid, etc is all false, and just highlights the depths to which past white intellectuals have gone to justify the subhuman conditions people of color have had to live and survive in (in particular to the question of slavery).
It is a lot easier to justify and accept having humans in shackles and treated as property when you got "scientific" studies supposedly proving how blacks have smaller brains than whites. It almost seems absurd that such a study would hold any semblance of legitimacy, but such was the case back in the day.

even more so, it is even more apparent how race has been constructed to oppress others when you actually examine the term "white ".
During the early part of our nation, the term white signified "anglo saxon protestants". And again, as someone earlier in this thread mentioned, Europeans never referred to themselves as "white", but solely on nationalistic terms.
But the anglo saxons in this country surely did not see recent immigrants from European countries such as Italy or Ireland as being "white:". We are all familiar with the way such immigrants were treated and depicted upon arriving to US shores.

It was only with the passing of time, and the rising up of such immigrant populations that the term "white" began to be expanded. In particular, the Irish, who were once detested and treated as sub humans, were welcomed with open arms and invited to join the group when they finally organized and gained such strength in NYC that they took over the city's politics in what was referred to as the Tammany Hall machine. A group, who was once on the margins of society, suddenly found themselves with power.

I can keep going on and on

Just last week at football practice,we were talking politics. (
iknow...) when this dude says he hopes barack doesnt get elected...
Words were "This guy cant be serious?Whats next?A gay president?"
I asked him if it was because he was black (jokingly asking) and he was like yeah,as a straight answer......

dudes cool just racist.
Originally Posted by EZLN1

race is a socially constructed concept....all that jazz about negroid, mongoloid, etc is all false, and just highlights the depths to which past white intellectuals have gone to justify the subhuman conditions people of color have had to live and survive in (in particular to the question of slavery).
It is a lot easier to justify and accept having humans in shackles and treated as property when you got "scientific" studies supposedly proving how blacks have smaller brains than whites. It almost seems absurd that such a study would hold any semblance of legitimacy, but such was the case back in the day.

even more so, it is even more apparent how race has been constructed to oppress others when you actually examine the term "white ".
During the early part of our nation, the term white signified "anglo saxon protestants". And again, as someone earlier in this thread mentioned, Europeans never referred to themselves as "white", but solely on nationalistic terms.
But the anglo saxons in this country surely did not see recent immigrants from European countries such as Italy or Ireland as being "white:". We are all familiar with the way such immigrants were treated and depicted upon arriving to US shores.

It was only with the passing of time, and the rising up of such immigrant populations that the term "white" began to be expanded. In particular, the Irish, who were once detested and treated as sub humans, were welcomed with open arms and invited to join the group when they finally organized and gained such strength in NYC that they took over the city's politics in what was referred to as the Tammany Hall machine. A group, who was once on the margins of society, suddenly found themselves with power.

I can keep going on and on
Great post, had to make sure it carried over to the next page. Hopefully people will read it.
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