This is disgusting. People actively go out looking to film fights for WSHH?

That video was shameful..

How did they know they had right guy to begin with? I hope they press charges on EVERYONE, and those dudes yelling are such %@@%+#@ man.
Originally Posted by DMoney82

I wish one of my boys would be standing around filming one of us if not all of us fighting. He's the one that's gonna get beat the !!@ up . These dudes are lame

this...but damn lil bruh got str8 man handled
Originally Posted by DajonDondo

I Doubt that kid stole the shoes. This was over something else. No One is going to steal another mans foamposites who goes to the same school and wear them around campus. Also the dude who got beat up had a outfit for the shoes. No Way the shoes were stolen. Especially because that kid doesnt look liek he is about that life.
This is so far from the truth, it goes on everyday

in 8th grade some dude stole my black and red 14's from my gym locker while we all played gym and he sat out because he didnt change clothes

wore them to school 2 days later with a brand new leather harlem fubu shirt , i knew they were mine because we were playing with smoke bombs in the hallway one day and one of the smoke bombs hit my heel and left a tiny bit of purple dye that wouldnt come out

dont say he couldnt of stole them because he doesnt ''look'' like he is about that life, thieves come in all colors, shapes, sizes, etc   
Originally Posted by sneekerluvr

Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

Originally Posted by AceMaster193

I hate that site. All it does is promote ignorance. That video was straight up wrong and if it happened on a college campus then I can't believe it.

QFT. Blacks wonder why people look at us in a certain light.... this website definitely doesn't help one bit. I avoid it / embedded streams / etc at all costs.

Which others would take some initiative and do the same rather than supporting that page with clicks and ad revenue.
Yea this site is not one that I'm a fan of. Though in the past I have been guilty of supporting it by going there in times of extreme boredness every now and then, I often find myself being disgusted and embarrassed by its content. I have no idea what a lot of it has to do with "hip hop" but honestly I'm not even entirely sure that any of the traffic it gets is for music reasons anymore. 

Cosign on all of this...
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE
As a result of the video going public, Dean College was able to identify several of the individuals in the video including the assailant and have issued multiple suspensions.  It was also released that the Franklin Police Department is investigating the situation for possible crimes.

Last Friday, an altercation took place at Dean College in Franklin, MA that was motivated by an alleged theft of a pair of “Pine Green
Call me crazy I think all this video is partly a good thing. What these idiots didn't know is the police can use this to charge and prosecute them. Now they do. Before dudes would get their %#! whupped and nobody would talk. So let them keep filmin themselves and puttin it on Worldstar...these dudes found out the hard way.
I don't think it was over the Foams. In the beginning of the vid, the dude in grey was asking him where his boys were. Something must've went down when his boys were with him so he didn't do ***#. So he confronted him when he was by himself. Whatever the case, the guy in grey is a coward, didn't let the dude in green get ready to fight man to man. Good job by the college for expelling the bystanders.
As brutal as it was...if he stole 'em, he had it coming.
I gotta reserve personal judgement until more info comes out.

School had to expel all those involved though, I agree with that.
Lately I've been hitting up wshh after a long break....and quickly remembered why I hate that site. Too much Tom *!+%*!@. I walk out my house everyday with a false perception of me that is continuously perpetuated by these black folks failing at life for a website, which in turn makes them look even worse. It needs to be shut down. Too many black fights and all around foolishness. It'I a great site otherwise with the best collection of up to date lol vids. But we @*%!* it up now. Always have actually
......and this took place in MA? Epic fail.

We gotta do better...
A few things to say.

1) If the kid really stole the sneakers he invited an altercation. The scenario is not far-fetched and I've seen it happen before. Poverty is a strange thing. By the way he was described in the video details (supposedly he was known as a kid who wore the same one pair of jays and same jacket all year long) it makes me think that the kid had social issues. Which doesn't excuse his behavior but it does make me feel bad for him a little.

2) The dude who beat his $@# deserves to be expelled. When you're in college you need to learn to leave the little kid isht behind. Pummeling someone smaller then you smack in the middle of campus over some sneakers is not the mark of a man. Allowing yourself to be videotaped is even more idiotic. Kids these days are too thirsty for their 15 30 seconds of fame. Welp, he got his and I'm hope he's happy with it.

3) The idiots who were cheerleading and recording it need to grow up. I've seen a lot of fights and been around a lot of nonsense in my life, especially when I was in college. Not once did it ever cross my mind cheer, record, or anything of that sort. It takes a special kind of lame for that. I've seen good friends of mine absolutely beat the snot out of unlucky souls and never have I ever taken pleasure in witnessing such a thing, deserved or undeserved. While I believe they should be punished with a suspension or semester off, I think expulsion is a bit harsh if all the others did was watch and upload the video. Totally different story if they took part or set the kid up though.

4) WSHH is a repulsive site. I visit every once in a blue to see new rap videos and maybe find a few laughs but overall the site provides way more bad then good. I feel bad for even supporting them by frequenting the site. But there's really not much that can be done. If they don't show it someone else will. The problem is that there is a market for it. Too many ppl desensitized to violence and attracted to ignorance. It is what it is. People gotta do better.
Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

it's not that serious, just ignore it

it's been goin on before WSHH...ppl used to do the same thing with youtube
bunch of racists on the internet btw

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