This is disgusting. People actively go out looking to film fights for WSHH?

was reading this article on, and was surprised to see wshh pop up in it...everybody knows wshh is full of foolish, ratchet material


"At one point in the fourth quarter, Vince Young went over to the Eagles bench and put his head in his hands. He made a face so troubled, so wrought with self-doubt and shame that the physical act of making this face is only possible if: you just found out your dog died, you totaled your car, your spouse is cheating on you, you are being audited, there is an unflattering video of you on, or you just gifted the Seattle Seahawks the ball, a touchdown, and the game on national television."
the dudes who knocked the guy out and took the shoes cant even prove that he stole his shoes...

they already got expelled now those idiots aredef getting jail time
I dont really think dude even stole the shoes from him in the first place

not once in the video dud dude express that those was his stolen shoes

even the biggest knucklehead world have said something about it if its was the reason 
Originally Posted by adiosburritos

Originally Posted by kiendienn

why do these parents even have kids

Cause the majority of those kids are accidents.
So kill the accident if you're not mentally nor economically prepared to raise it.  Especially if it's going to contribute nothing of benefit to society.
Kill it in the womb or kill it as it's running a muck on campus, idc.
Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

Originally Posted by endemic415

Apparently the boys are now dismissed from school
Good, McDonalds and Wal Mart need some new employees.  POS's deserve it
As previously posted, the school was Dean College and a lot of them have been expelled and a few more are on trial.

Six students at Dean College in Franklin have been expelled after a video showed up online detailing a graphic assault of another student which took place on Dec. 2.
The fight, which Franklin Deputy Police Chief Stephen Semerjian told was over a pair of sneakers, led to the hospitalization of an unnamed student.

“It began with a sucker punch so the victim really had no idea,
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Ugh this %%#* is sickening, I think I want to punch the cheerleaders in the mouth more than te aggressor...

So damn annoying, they were hollering at the kid who got beat up and %%$*. Like you didn't even do anything, someone else beat him up, get out of here
In the description section of the YouTube video, the writer says that the attacker believed the victim stole the shoes from him even though he had reportedly never seen him before.

This is the part that's so pathetic...

"I've never seen you before, but you clearly stole my shoes"

*proceeds to sucker-punch*


Honestly, the school is better off w/o these chumps walking around on campus....but now they're on the street which is probably worse. I mean, if you're a middle-of-the-pack college student at Dean, you gotta feel good about yourself knowing these are the types of idiots you have to compete with in the classroom or for a potential job.
Dude that beat the kid upshould be expelled even if his shoes were stolen. If the kid did it tho that fight is OD but I can't say he didn't have i coming. It probably was about more than shoes. Like someone said he never once mentioned te shoes. I don't honk the kids watching should have been expelled.

It's annoying that people record this just for WS tho. I finds self going there less and les cuz it's just too much & I don't want to be a part of it.
Originally Posted by RavageBX

A few things to say.

1) If the kid really stole the sneakers he invited an altercation. The scenario is not far-fetched and I've seen it happen before. Poverty is a strange thing. By the way he was described in the video details (supposedly he was known as a kid who wore the same one pair of jays and same jacket all year long) it makes me think that the kid had social issues. Which doesn't excuse his behavior but it does make me feel bad for him a little.

2) The dude who beat his $@# deserves to be expelled. When you're in college you need to learn to leave the little kid isht behind. Pummeling someone smaller then you smack in the middle of campus over some sneakers is not the mark of a man. Allowing yourself to be videotaped is even more idiotic. Kids these days are too thirsty for their 15 30 seconds of fame. Welp, he got his and I'm hope he's happy with it.

3) The idiots who were cheerleading and recording it need to grow up. I've seen a lot of fights and been around a lot of nonsense in my life, especially when I was in college. Not once did it ever cross my mind cheer, record, or anything of that sort. It takes a special kind of lame for that. I've seen good friends of mine absolutely beat the snot out of unlucky souls and never have I ever taken pleasure in witnessing such a thing, deserved or undeserved. While I believe they should be punished with a suspension or semester off, I think expulsion is a bit harsh if all the others did was watch and upload the video. Totally different story if they took part or set the kid up though.

4) WSHH is a repulsive site. I visit every once in a blue to see new rap videos and maybe find a few laughs but overall the site provides way more bad then good. I feel bad for even supporting them by frequenting the site. But there's really not much that can be done. If they don't show it someone else will. The problem is that there is a market for it. Too many ppl desensitized to violence and attracted to ignorance. It is what it is. People gotta do better.


this isn't even a fight, it's an assault and the clowns who recorded it will learn that once they go to court
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Dude that beat the kid upshould be expelled even if his shoes were stolen. If the kid did it tho that fight is OD but I can't say he didn't have i coming. It probably was about more than shoes. Like someone said he never once mentioned te shoes. I don't honk the kids watching should have been expelled.

It's annoying that people record this just for WS tho. I finds self going there less and les cuz it's just too much & I don't want to be a part of it.

it says hes never seen the kid before, so im assuming he just saw someone wearing the same shoes smaller then him and wanted to show off to his buddies......just sad
I thought it said the person who wrote the description for the video has never seen him before. I read it wrong.
The report actually says they wore different shoe sizes, and the victim's family found a receipt..
Originally Posted by KK Sl1der

The report actually says they wore different shoe sizes, and the victim's family found a receipt..

Nothing more to do now... the kid who beat him up is already kicked out of school and facing criminal charges. Stupid that all this happened over nothing (if shoes was really what they were fighting over)
The dude with the Pines first mistake was touching him and telling him to back up.

IMO saying you got it from your friend just could have meant your friend stole it and those are his shoes. If it was me, I would have said I got them from Flight Club and had been saving them, and used the logic that why would I have a matching outfit for shoes I did not have. I also would have brought up how it's near impossible to tell shoe size off of just seeing it on someone's foot.

I doubt kid even stole them, the big dude just picked the most frail dude he saw with the shoes to get his pair back from.

It's a General Release, and a hyped one at that. You will not be the only dude with them. It's not like they were a one of one made specifically for "big grey shirt %*%*$ in boston".
I think only the attacker should be expelled the others should face a lesser punishment. There all dumb for recording it & putting it online.
Originally Posted by bboi4lif3

I think only the attacker should be expelled the others should face a lesser punishment. There all dumb for recording it & putting it online.

They all deserve the same punishment. Its as much as a crime if you just sit there and let it happen let alone cheer about it on camera. 
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