this is the best advice i read on sprained ankles. vol. walk on it

Dec 11, 2010
this is my take on ankles. specifically sprained ankles. I’m not talking little tweaks either. I’m talking fully rolled ones, that swell up pretty much instantly (verging on dislocation) and/or completely ripping all tissues and tendons, causing bruising that starts going up the back of your leg (as well as everywhere else) and feels like you’ve broken your foot. Yeah, those are the best aren’t they?

Y’see the thing with rolling ankles is once you’ve established there’s no bone damage, there’s nothing more you can do to wreck them. Everything from the point of ‘rolling’ is the bodies way of healing. Once you are aware of this, your mental approach to your injury will change from ‘I’m out of action, and can’t do anything’ to ‘this is annoying, I’ll just go and fix it’. Sadly, the thing that stops us doing anything other than resting and icing is professional advice…. grrrrrr …. and my Dr is useless so I rarely visit and listen to him.

Dr’s will tell you to ‘ice-up and rest’ and there’s nothing more they can do for it. Fine, however that is also the same words of advice they offer an 85yr old person as they do a 15yr old person. This is useless to active people. We need to get back in action asap. There’s a lot you can do to get that fully rolled ankle working in probably a quarter of the time, most Dr’s claim it will take.

first understand what’s happened to your foot;
The tissues, have torn, the ankle is trying to protect itself and start healing by swelling up, allowing zero movement, until the bruising can come out. The ankle is damaged, the tissue cools and starts locking up the foot. Once you’ve established there’s no bones broken, you can start to reverse the damage.

Here’s what you do;

Always stand on it.
Stop being a moaning lightweight and complaining that ‘it hurts’. Its just pain, ignore it. Training your brain to accept that this is ‘good healing pain’, is the way forward. If like me, you’re always active,  then suddenly being reduced to a wobbly cripple, because one of your joints decided to give way, then you’ll know the importance of being able to walk properly, like there’s no injury at all. Therefore, dump the crutches, stop hopping, and start walking like a normal human being again. It’ll take a while, but start as early as possible… Unless my foot is pointing the wrong direction, or worse then i’m walking out. none of that ‘hopping’ rubbish.

(you’ll notice i’m not being very sympathetic here? well thats because sympathy never healed anything)

never stop moving it
If you’re sat at a desk all day, keep rotating the foot, ignore the swelling, there’s nothing you can do about that, just get yourself a super sloppy pair of comfy ‘mid-height’ shoes (iPaths are perfect btw) and get used to it. next!
good thread as Im currently recovering from a horrible sprained ankle.

word of advice go see a legit physical therapist

it had been 3 weeks before i met up with the PT before I decided to give it a go because its been feeling the same since after week 1. the day after my session with the PT i was back to jogging and walking fine again although im still at about 85%
I've never sprained my ankle. I roll it all the time, but it never swells up or hurts for more than 5 mins. Yet I know people who's ankles swell up like beach balls instantly. Anyone else out there, blessed like me?
"Its just pain, ignore it. Training your brain to accept that this is ‘good healing pain’"

Like that can happen in 5 minutes,training your mind to deal with pain takes a very long time and a ton of training.
Good advice to bad my ankle just got healed after nearly a month 
It was my first time too
Sounds like an Insanity Wolf meme

Spoiler [+]
I rolled my ankle BADLY (grade 3 torn ligament... so the doctor said), was in crutches for about a week, then used a cane for i would say a little over a month maybe. My idiot self choose not to see a physical therapist and decided to treat it myself. Best thing to do is to work it out, but see a PT as there are specific movements that will help it heal quicker. It took me about 4 months until I was able to jog/run on it.

Yes in the beginning stage, it's best to stay off of it and ice it. After a week or two you HAVE to work it out if there is any chance of it healing back to normal. I will probably keep a brace on for any running activity. I'm honestly too afraid to run on it without the brace as sometimes I still feel the injury.
As a student Physical therapist, this article is possibly the dumbest thing I've ever read in my life..."Good healing pain"? "Walk on it like nothing happened" ?
If you follow this advice, prepare for the longest recover period of your life because all you will do is re injure yourself over and over and never heal
Originally Posted by undefinedinc

As a student Physical therapist, this article is possibly the dumbest thing I've ever read in my life..."Good healing pain"? "Walk on it like nothing happened" ?
If you follow this advice, prepare for the longest recover period of your life because all you will do is re injure yourself over and over and never heal
Originally Posted by YuraS718

I rolled my ankle BADLY (grade 3 torn ligament... so the doctor said), was in crutches for about a week, then used a cane for i would say a little over a month maybe. My idiot self choose not to see a physical therapist and decided to treat it myself. Best thing to do is to work it out, but see a PT as there are specific movements that will help it heal quicker. It took me about 4 months until I was able to jog/run on it.

Yes in the beginning stage, it's best to stay off of it and ice it. After a week or two you HAVE to work it out if there is any chance of it healing back to normal. I will probably keep a brace on for any running activity. I'm honestly too afraid to run on it without the brace as sometimes I still feel the injury.
4 months? 
 and i thought mine was really bad, its probably a grade 2 because i can finally jog now but my explosiveness isnt there yet
i would be depressed if i couldnt play bball for that long, i already am and its only been 3 weeks
Originally Posted by blacktopking319

Originally Posted by YuraS718

I rolled my ankle BADLY (grade 3 torn ligament... so the doctor said), was in crutches for about a week, then used a cane for i would say a little over a month maybe. My idiot self choose not to see a physical therapist and decided to treat it myself. Best thing to do is to work it out, but see a PT as there are specific movements that will help it heal quicker. It took me about 4 months until I was able to jog/run on it.

Yes in the beginning stage, it's best to stay off of it and ice it. After a week or two you HAVE to work it out if there is any chance of it healing back to normal. I will probably keep a brace on for any running activity. I'm honestly too afraid to run on it without the brace as sometimes I still feel the injury.
4 months? 
 and i thought mine was really bad, its probably a grade 2 because i can finally jog now but my explosiveness isnt there yet
i would be depressed if i couldnt play bball for that long, i already am and its only been 3 weeks
I understand your eagerness to get back to your regular routine and playing ball, but you got to be careful man, you don't want to over do it and cause greater problems. Did your PT say it was ok to play ball again?
The author is doing a disservice. There is a difference between harmless mild pain and a harmful reinjury. Slowly and cautiously returning to exercise is good and will help rebuild flexibility and add strength. However, going back at full speed right away is stupid. The injured joint is more susceptible now to an even more serious injury. I tore a muscle that way before.
Originally Posted by undefinedinc

As a student Physical therapist, this article is possibly the dumbest thing I've ever read in my life..."Good healing pain"? "Walk on it like nothing happened" ?
If you follow this advice, prepare for the longest recover period of your life because all you will do is re injure yourself over and over and never heal
I am so glad I came into this thread 100% because of this post
when i sprained my foot one of the trainers told me to run on it.

i thought he was kidding but now its not the first time ive heard about it.
Originally Posted by melofan15

Pretty dumb advice.

I sprained my ankle 6 months ago and it took me 4 of them to get it strong enough to jump off it and dunk again. more then a few time I did just what you said "walk on it"... Terrible idea, the next days I would not be able to walk on it. So yeah I don't think i'll be taking your advie
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