This is the OFFICIAL Dallas Cowboys "Offseason" Thread

i never got why yall want a RB so bad? later in the draft ya but thats about it.

WR are just fine to me.

DB need to be fix BAD.

o and get a $@+*#!* return man.
There is no need to change the coaching staff, some of yall are just pissed off about a lost. coaching staff was just fine all season now we lose yall want achange. Get out of here with that
If we do not sign a good Corner or draft one in the off-season, I will be pissed. This needs to be addressed more than any other position on our team. Royneeds to go now. This dude is useless until further notice. Romo did all he could and NO blame should be placed on him. We blew too many opportunities. Crayton,Crayton,Crayton....................
Roy Williams can't tackle.... Damn sucks to be a cowboy fan but I'm a Colts fan so I know how you feel.
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

There is no need to change the coaching staff, some of yall are just pissed off about a lost. coaching staff was just fine all season now we lose yall want a change. Get out of here with that

Cowboys don't show up in December again. I'd say that's on the coaching staff. Cowboys show absolutely no discipline in the playoff game, wildstupid penalties left and right, after 2 weeks to prepare. I'd say that's on the coaching staff. Wade Phillips can't run a team. The Cowboys gotoff to a nice start because they were happy for the change after Parcells left. That was the honeymoon with Wade Phillips. But the season goes on, thehoneymoon is over and Wade Phillips just shows that he doesn't have it. He made questionable moves, such as deciding to keep Jacques Reeves, not startingBarber sooner, etc.
Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

^^^^ Word to San Diego vol. Marty and Norv

No look what that got them.

A win in the playoffs. We should get Cowher so he can get our defense where Wade should have.
He can win a playoff game he proved it.
Originally Posted by mavrx

3. Romo has to continue to mature as a QB

people seem to forget hes only been the starter one full season

That's what I was getting at, he's still relatively new to the whole starting QB position, but as he plays gamesand learns more about the intricacies of QB position his overall play will improve.
I no longer think we have to worry about losing Garrett. Yesterday he showed his flaws and inexperience with going away from the run and not getting the ballto TO more. Wade will be here and so will Jason.

We need to fix our secondary first and foremost. Roy needs to go.

Get a backup RB for MB3.

Get a return man, Crayton is the worst return man in the League, no speed and no moves
I think we will draft a WR and a Cb in the first rd . and making moves in FA with J . Jones leaving and hopefully J. Reeves leaving . We have good return guyson the team now in Miles Austin and I. Stanback but he has been inactive for a while for some reason. Tyson Thompson was also a return guy but seemed to losehim job . We will make the adjustments and be back
Im glad this thread came up. I didnt want to be the one to do it, because im not the most noted cowboy fan on here. But still, there are needs that we need toaddress.
Going by priority:
1. Cut Reeves, and trade Roy. We have to get a better defense involving the secondary. Our front 7 is fine for now, but we need to fix the DB's situation.Henry and Newman are very good shut down corners when they are healthy, but the other guys need work. Yes, that includes Roy. He should either learn how totackle again, or stick straight to pass defense. The difference between his rookie season and now is the fact that he doesnt make plays anymore. He used to runaround takin guys head's off, but now just flubbs on tackles. I dont mind keeping him, as long as the coaching staff makes a commitment to working with himto get some sense in his head. As long as he starts to make plays, im not too worried.
2. Our OLine needs some work. As good as Flozell is, those false starts kill us. Im not saying get rid of him, but somebody needs to teach him how to listen tothe snap count. But the whole second half of the Giants game was Romo running for his life. Our line needs to learn how to deal with pressure on blitz's.Again, doesnt have to be revamped, but needs some work
3. Sign Marion Barber for a long term contract. He is the future running back of the Dallas Cowboys, looking long term here. Julius Jones has great speed, butI would rather have MB making the plays, because it is a given that he makes at least 3 yards on any play, regardless of he goes through three or 17 guys (yes,he will go through his own players). But IMO, we gotta get rid of Jones. He is a good running back that some teams might want, and we could get a good hardworking player for him, hopefully addressing our secondary. Jones for a DB/safety?
4. We have to realize, this was Romo's first full year as the starter. He now knows what its like to go 16+ games in a year, and how to cope with thingslike the media. Its not Tony's fault, by any means, that we lost. When your put in a situation where you have to run for your life, it makes the game thatmuch harder. I have full confidence that Tony Romo will come back next year with vengance.
5. Address the coaching situation. Wade is a decent coach, but I dont see us winning any championships with him. Jason Garret is beyond stupid. Sure, hisoffense had the best scoring in the NFC. But when you have Romo, Owens, Crayton, Barber, Witten, your going to score alot of points, regardless of the playcalls. Garret needs to understand that when we set up the run game, the passing game comes that much easier. The first half of the Giants game proved that. MBwas running like a mad man, and it set up for well timed passing plays. In the second half, we got away from running the ball, and our passing game struggledbecause of it.
6. Patrick Crayton was great all season, but flubbed in the playoffs. We need a healthy Terry Glenn to get that much closer to getting to the NFC championshipgame/Super Bowl. Pat is a number three guy, no doubt about that in my mind. Sam Hurd is a great up and coming reciever. To have Glenn and TO ahead of him isgoing to be great to give him leadership. As for right now, we dont need any changes. But in about three years, TO and Glenn will both be in their 14th season,coming close to that age where their numbers start to decline. Again, nothing that is too serious, but will be a concern in the future.

It was a great season, no doubt about that. If we address some of those major issues, and make some minor changes, it will help us for next year, no doubtabout that. But with this team right now, I believe that next year we could still finish 1st in the NFC.

Good season, just a nightmare-ish ending.
at people changing their avys to TO crying. I love himfor it, I think he really wants to remain a Cowboy.
damn i loved roy until his season, its time to rap it up though.... D mac would be a good 1-2 punch with marian but i dont think its gona happen.
Originally Posted by isaxSJthebay08

Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

DB need to be fix BAD.

o and get a $@+*#!* return man.
You already know.

get pacman he could fix are DB problems,and return man or D.Hall?

Forget both of them. Draft McKelvin and Reggie Smith in the first round. More talent in the secondary + both are good return men... Try to package ourthird + whatever to move into the early/mid second and get Chris Johnson to pair with Marion Barber... Take a WR (Bowman, Hardy, Thomas) with our own second.Quick, easy fix for our positions of need.
^me to are return man dont even try yo avoid the defender he just always run into the defender(crayton)

but pacman could fill to of those spots
Yup forget Pac Man Jones. We got two first rounders, just draft at least one corner and the issue is solved. As for WR, I'm not sold on the potential ofsome of these WRs. Many of them had nice college careers but can they be legit #1 WRs in the future? Gotta wait til workouts and the combine til I startthinking about prospects I'd want on Dallas. And of course, they need to end the Isiah Stanback experiment. Just a waste of roster space.
we need a return man who does nothing but return unless we get someone like pacman who is proven to be able to do both ... im talkin dont even think aboutcreeping into wr lines at practice just take your+*+# to the goal line and await kicks from mcbriar and folk
we need a return man who does nothing but return unless we get someone like pacman who is proven to be able to do both ... im talkin dont even think about creeping into wr lines at practice just take your+*+# to the goal line and await kicks from mcbriar and folk
return man isnt essential. the loss is blinding alot of you. We are/were behind NE in every single statistic offensively. We score points like them, we passlike them etc. We pass then run and that 10 minute drive in the second quarter was flawless but lets face it; ITS NOT US. Teams like the Bears need to rely on"return men" because they cant put up points offensively. The Packers/NE dont have great return men. You also forget what happened to the Eagles whenthey cut their punt returner and put that one guy in who has horrible hands and greenbay recovered after the punt and kicked a FG to win. Altho Crayton doesntmove, hes back there because he has the best hands on the team. Catching punts is alot easier said than done especially in traffic.

We need to cut reeves first of all. Parcells for some odd reason is interested in him and we'll be glad to fork his#@+$ over for FREE!

Second, I know it sounds too optimistic but we have to give Terry Glenn one more chance. If healthy, he will do wonders for this offense alongside T.O. Glennwas the last person to leave the field last sunday and was sitting on the bench in tears until someone finally told him the stadium was closing down. I have afeeling he knows his time is very close to ending and hes going to do whatever it takes to be an impact so he can get a ring before his career is over.

Our team can only get better so im not worried , even tho other teams can as well. But I just dont see being anything less than a #3 seed next year. We all sawwhat we did to greenbay, mainly the first half. We looked unstoppable. The team simply stopped playing like their use to in December. They must have figuredeverything was guranteed after beating GB, who knows but its obvious we have a SB bound team. For some dumb reason however, we CANNOT execute in December.

I believe we are now 10-26 in December since 1998
I have been saying the cowboys need a Return man for the past 2 years. the same with KLJ. crayton is embrassing back there he gets like 2 years on a puntreturn. you can use a 2nd day pick and find a return man for cheap and that is what needs to be done

i have no problem with Isiah Stanback he needs time to learn his postion you are not going to get it down in 1 year when you been playing QB your whole life.
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