This is the OFFICIAL Dallas Cowboys "Offseason" Thread

I feel like unless you're drafting Devin Hester 2.0, having a guy on your roster that only returns kicks and does nothing else is a wasted roster spot,though... The Cowboys already tried to draft a KR/PR specialist with Skylar Green, and he sucked. They kept Thompson around, and he sucked. It's a wastedroster spot if the guy can't do anything else and he isn't an electric return man... McKelvin, Charles, Slaton, Reggie Smith, have all returned kicks,and all can contribute in other ways... I don't like the idea of drafting a guy to ONLY return kicks.

And how are you gonna have an issue with Stanback being on the roster? He's been playing the WR position for 10 months, and you're ready to cut bait?
The Cowboys took the guy in the 4th because of his potential, they knew he'd be a project. If you expected him to come in and contribute at all thisseason, you were out of your mind... If he's not at least on the active roster for most of the games next season, then you might have a beef. But rightnow? No way.
I have been saying the cowboys need a Return man for the past 2 years. the same with KLJ. crayton is embrassing back there he gets like 2 years on a punt return. you can use a 2nd day pick and find a return man for cheap and that is what needs to be done
Yeah, this isn't anything new and we're not talking about it because of the Giants loss; this has been a glaring need for as long as I canremember. We haven't even had a decent returner lately.

I also don't like putting star players back to return; the return game isn't THAT important to the point where you're sending one of your bestplayers out there, i.e. Newman.
I also don't like putting star players back to return; the return game isn't THAT important to the point where you're sending one of your best players out there, i.e. Newman.

I Agree

When Terry Glenn comes back next year, I wouldnt mind seeing Crayton returning again. But at the same time, I would like a combo Corner/Returner kind of guy onthe roster, where if he does get injured it wouldnt be the end of the world.
I don't like Stanback's potential at WR. I don't see him developing into a future #1 or #2 WR. The roster is going to be crowded at WR next year,especially if they draft another one. TO, Glenn, Crayton, Hurd, Austin, new WR, Stanback, someone is going to have to get left out. And I didn't like themdrafting him anyway, especially when they knew WR was still somewhat of a need entering the season. They could have gotten a true WR who was ready tocontribute from the start. 4th round, you can still find impact players before you start drafting project players.
TO, Glenn, Crayton, Hurd, Austin, new WR, Stanback, someone is going to have to get left out.
I don't think Terry Glenn is back next year... I think he played his last game as a Cowboy... Maybe I'm wrong about it, but itwouldn't surprise me. And I think Miles Austin is gone, too. Terrible KR/PR, hasn't shown anything as a WR. He's as good as gone. That puts usright back at 4, if you're including Stanback.
The article on TO's $3 million team option. It looks like Glenn is done as he will need microfracture surgery, which as we all know takes a year to recoverfrom. I wouldnt be so quick to write him off if the arthroscopic surgery, which was supposed to keep him out only up to 6 weeks, didnt keep him out all season.

Go ahead and retire Terry we appreciate everything you've given us
Originally Posted by BallinBoykz

^ is there something in Dallas saying that Glenn doesnt want to come back? If so, then
They were talking about this today on the radio when they were discussing Terrell's option being picked up... From all indications, reporters saidthe way Jerry was answering questions led them to believe TG is all but done in Dallas. Unless he's willing to take a serious pay cut and play for next tonothing, he won't be back.

There are also some not-so-subtle whispers within the DFW media that Bobby Carpenter and Marcus Spears are being shopped around the league, namely with theDolphins...
1 mil signing bonus, 1 mil base salary, up to 1 mil incentives...

This deal likely means Akin Ayodele is out the door.

I've heard whispers from media friends that say the Boys are really considering making a run at DeAngelo Hall, giving him an extension, and giving Newmanthe franchise tag next offseason, then letting him walk after 2009. Seems like a pretty good plan of action, IMO... I'd rather pay Hall at 24 than Newman ayear from now when he's going on 32.
1) Zach Thomas? That was...unexpected...

2) I like DeAngelo...he dont deserve all the @@%# he get...hell, if i had played 4 the Falcons last year Ida prolly acted the same way...

3) Whats the good word on us draftin McFadden?

4) How do yall think Stallworth would fit in with our cap structure? What type of bread would he be lookin 4? Last i checked we had sumthin like 12 mil in capspace...but obviously not after draft picks and @@%#...

5) We need a safety...
Originally Posted by goldNboi7

1) Zach Thomas? That was...unexpected...

2) I like DeAngelo...he dont deserve all the @@%# he get...hell, if i had played 4 the Falcons last year Ida prolly acted the same way...

3) Whats the good word on us draftin McFadden?

4) How do yall think Stallworth would fit in with our cap structure? What type of bread would he be lookin 4? Last i checked we had sumthin like 12 mil in cap space...but obviously not after draft picks and @@%#...

5) We need a safety...

1. Zach some leadership.

2. I would love Deangelo as well. Give up a few picks as Nowitness said in a other thread.

3. Mcfadden, should not be drafted and most likely won't be. To much money/ give up.

4. ehhh Stallworth

5. We just franchised Hamlin. They won't give up on Roy yet. So we should have both back.
Originally Posted by SCuse7

Originally Posted by goldNboi7

1) Zach Thomas? That was...unexpected...

2) I like DeAngelo...he dont deserve all the @@%# he get...hell, if i had played 4 the Falcons last year Ida prolly acted the same way...

3) Whats the good word on us draftin McFadden?

4) How do yall think Stallworth would fit in with our cap structure? What type of bread would he be lookin 4? Last i checked we had sumthin like 12 mil in cap space...but obviously not after draft picks and @@%#...

5) We need a safety...

1. Zach some leadership.

2. I would love Deangelo as well. Give up a few picks as Nowitness said in a other thread.

3. Mcfadden, should not be drafted and most likely won't be. To much money/ give up.

4. ehhh Stallworth

5. We just franchised Hamlin. They won't give up on Roy yet. So we should have both back.
My thoughts...

1) Zach Thomas was brought in to make Akin Ayodele expendable. The Cowboys will cut or trade Akin, opening up nearly another 2 million in cap space...

2) If you can get DeAngelo for a 1st + 4th, you do it no questions asked. You pay him his money, you franchise Newman next offseason, and let him walk afterthat...

3) No to McFadden. Stewart, Mendenhall, Rice, Jones, Charles, Johnson... Just take one of the other guys as a complementary back to Barber...

4) I never liked Stallworth. And I don't think throwing away cap space on a mediocre receiver is the best way for this team to use its resources.

5) I give Roy 1 more year. The cap hit from cutting him is substantially lower next offseason. If he's not cutting it during the season, just put him onthe bench and use Anthony Henry or Pat Watkins back there... That's another reason I'm so big on making a move for DeAngelo Hall. We can put Henry atFS next to Hamlin in our regular defensive sets, and move him to CB in nickel situations. Gives the secondary more flexibility...
so we made our preliminary decisions ... signed marion to ensure a 1st and 3rd and signed flozell to a "long term" contract
2) If you can get DeAngelo for a 1st + 4th, you do it no questions asked. You pay him his money, you franchise Newman next offseason, and let him walk after that
Newman>>>HALL if getting hall means in 2 years you will have to let Newman walk then hell no to the trade
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

2) If you can get DeAngelo for a 1st + 4th, you do it no questions asked. You pay him his money, you franchise Newman next offseason, and let him walk after that
Newman>>>HALL if getting hall means in 2 years you will have to let Newman walk then hell no to the trade
I'm not trying to give Terence Newman a Nate Clements sized contract at 32... And that's the ballpark we'll be playing in with Newman'sextension... If I'm given the choice between the two, I'm paying Hall huge dollars at 25 instead of Newman at 32.
Flozell is signed for six more seasons, he'll be 38! I say he has2 more years left of being a quality player.
on a side note ... THANK JESUS ... from

Under-the-radar cornerback

February 29, 2008 10:57 AM

The Cowboys let cornerback Jacques Reeves get to free agency despite the fact he started 13 games and played pretty well attimes. Reeves has set up visits with the Saints, Rams, Chiefs and Texans.

I also know that Dolphins assistant head coach and secondary coach Todd Bowles wouldn't mind having Reeves.
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