this is what $ 2,700 rent gets you in new york

And there's a reason why people nationwide flock here to live. We're booming down here. Step out of those 500 square foot studio and experience the real.

I've been to Dallas and Austin a few times. Nice places to visit and the slower paced vibe would be nice to raise a family in, but I got bored with the area after being there a week or so.

I can't lie though, that's a good price for that house though.
Dudes would rather see girls all bundled up in their North Face Denali's than short shorts, yoga pants, and tank tops #whatpartofthegameisthat :lol:
I've lived in london long enough to know that housing is not cheaper or cost of living. Regardless of the "findings" of your fugazi site. My homegirl had to move back to London (from NYC) because that's where she could afford to live.
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Idk how it's stacked up against NYC but London isn't girl fam came over here for vacation and they were buying **** like hell cause it was so much cheaper here

Just realized y'all talking about housing but still :tongue:

Housing wise I'd say NYC is prob more
Idk how it's stacked up against NYC but London isn't girl fam came over here for vacation and they were buying **** like hell cause it was so much cheaper here

Just realized y'all talking about housing but still :tongue:

Housing wise I'd say NYC is prob more
I'm talking about cost of living in general. Cheaper in London for sure and London is known for how expensive it is. I just said housing because the site he linked said Housing was cheaper in London.... But ummm NO.

Shopping is definitely cheaper in the most expensive parts of the states than most of the cheapest parts in western europe. That's been known tho.
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Dudes would rather see girls all bundled up in their North Face Denali's than short shorts, yoga pants, and tank tops #whatpartofthegameisthat :lol:

But you guys just stare at the yoga pants and short shorts from afar where as in NYC they come over to warm up and it all comes off :tongue:
Jokes aside there are 8+ million people in NYC and only a small % is living the good life. Rest of of New York is gritty, constant hustle and grind. Most of you people talking wouldn't make it a year in NYC. Not all of it is glitz and glamor. People raising families with 30k, barely getting by and not everyone works on wall st or advertising or big law firms. I have a lot of respect for anyone that grew up with nothing and made it in NYC. Not taking away from the hustlers in other states but the game is completely different here and competition is fierce. In other places you aren't competing with the likes of those in NYC. Like they say if you can make it here, you can make it anywhere. Growing up in NYC gives you different outlook on things compared to other states.

Keep grinding my fellow New Yorkers.
Jokes aside there are 8+ million people in NYC and only a small % is living the good life. Rest of of New York is gritty, constant hustle and grind. Most of you people talking wouldn't make it a year in NYC. Not all of it is glitz and glamor. People raising families with 30k, barely getting by and not everyone works on wall st or advertising or big law firms. I have a lot of respect for anyone that grew up with nothing and made it in NYC. Not taking away from the hustlers in other states but the game is completely different here and competition is fierce. In other places you aren't competing with the likes of those in NYC. Like they say if you can make it here, you can make it anywhere. Growing up in NYC gives you different outlook on things compared to other states.

Keep grinding my fellow New Yorkers.

True, competition is fierce but there are simply more opportunities there because NYC has a huge population and, more importantly, its a money hub i.e. table-scraps from wall street. So i'd say its actually easier to 'make it' here than in most places on earth IMO.
Whatever. I will not take the "you (likely) can't make it here" from people who (likely) need rent control to live where they are at. NYers aren't any harder than anyone you would meet in a much smaller cities. Competition fiercer than any other metropolitan area that has the same issues but not as bad. I don't buy that **** for a second.

People without rent control are raising families off min wage in places with higher crime rates and worse unemployment in borderline bankrupt cities. NYers need to stop feeling themselves.
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:lol: Wait... do people really think like this? "Oh i'm from _____, therefore i'm more accomplished than you!"

Meth, you gotta bring back the giant stone face.
Us native NY'ers are nice people for the most part. :smile:

As a fellow NY'er myself, I can tell you guys that this is a lie.

Us NY'ers are upper echelon ******** for the most part.

I think Cali has us beat in the smug department, tho.

They have reason to be, too, because the west coast > ________
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I thought everyone was nice when i went to NYC. Girls were friendly as hell. Never had so much female attention. Especially when I was playing with my 11 year old half sister.

They acknowledged my style. NY girls seemed to appreciate a real ***** :lol:

I thought pulling out a map would be a reason for NYers to take advantage but they was cool about it. I dont have a single bad thing to say about that place or its people.

Ohh and tho i thought the women were finer in NYC, that goes triple fir the black women. Cot damn!
Don't take it personally. People that actually dress well don't say it repeatedly

I wouldn't take everything females say to heart. Remember back in middle/high school graduation pic days? You know damn well your suit was ill fitting and everyone would be like, "oh you look so good"

But feel free to prove me wrong
Nah I don't feel the need to. lol at the middle school reference tho. Nice comparison

Besides aint nothing wrong with taking pride in how you dress. A ***** needs Miranda Kerr like fashion sense to step to me. I take this **** serious
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Dudes would rather see girls all bundled up in their North Face Denali's than short shorts, yoga pants, and tank tops #whatpartofthegameisthat
You know girls where leggings in the winter too bro?

 We get the best of both worlds. Females can look attractive with more clothes on too.
I can honestly no longer live in NY, Taking my talents down to Charlotte NC. Rent is only $750, i'll take that
I'm with AyZee on this one. A girl who knows how to dress >>>>>>> a girl who prances around half naked. It's not like you can see anything either way. F/W fashion is the reason I want to stay somewhere that sometimes gets cold.

I can honestly no longer live in NY, Taking my talents down to Charlotte NC. Rent is only $750, i'll take that

Not sure if serious. Nothing wrong with that. Knew a guy who moved from Chicago to that relative area and his salary there(45ish stacks) would need to be $90,000 in Chicago just to compare.
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The cost of living in other places is much lower but as a twenty something single who has a passion for art.... no where is going to inspire me and give me the thought process of NYC i won't say it's better than most places but it's far from overrated :smokin
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