This Jussie Smollett Situation is REALLY Bizarre...

Someone I was talking to said that this is all a publicity stunt sponsored by Subway. Of course I don't believe that, but I mean, even we talked about their sandwiches and cookies for about 10 pages here :lol:
They can't be serious, the level of stunts Subway is going to. :rofl:

Man I could listen to that person spout conspiracies for days.

Must have caught them trying to board a plane back to Zumunda.
One of them held Jussie down while the other pounded him.

I call this the @ksteezy method
This story just keeps getting crazier wtf

More twists than an M. Night Shamalamadingdong flick.
This guy is really actually getting lost between real life and the tv show lmfao. Thought he he could pull this bs lmfao talk about a reality check

Tried to do a page 1 rewrite and finesse the entire thing.

Thought everything would take care of itself :rofl:
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