This Jussie Smollett Situation is REALLY Bizarre...

This whole **** is a ****ing joke :lol:

These next 2 years are going to be weird as **** :lol::smh:

This was the nexus event.
I knew about Jurnee or however it’s spelled, but I didn’t know the whole bloodline was on at one point. As a parent, how you even do that?!?

"Jurnee started modeling as an infant — “At a year old, she was like a mix of Diana Ross and Elizabeth Taylor,” her brother said. “She was boss from the beginning” — and the other children followed. Her recurring role on the mid-90s show “Full House” (a character written for a white actress, which her mother got her to audition for), led to a network tryout for all of the children. “We rapped Public Enemy, ‘Shut ’Em Down,’” Ms. Smollett-Bell recalled. They were cast in the 1994 ABC sitcom “On Our Own,” as siblings whose parents had died, and were left to fend for themselves. It lasted one season, but “it was like heaven,” Ms. Smollett-Bell said. Six dressing rooms were converted into one. “We all were in the same school trailer. We would eat hot links and bagels for breakfast every morning — very black and Jewish of us.” (“Blewish,” as Mr. Smollett once put it.)"

I'd like to point out that the Police Superintendent (Eddie Johnson) who acted like Jussie was the worst and biggest criminal ever, was fired for lying about OWI and currently has a criminal charge for domestic violence and is being sued for raping a subordinate officer he was in a relationship with.

All of this to give him probation in a state he does not live in, community service and a fine. The latter two, are things he already did when he took the earlier deal.

Carry on Chicago.
"They" meaning a jury? People like comparing different crimes from different states as if the same district attorney and same court tries everyone in this country. Don't care if he gets jail time but glad the trial is showing how dumb he is and even dumber for still denying it was fake.
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