This Jussie Smollett Situation is REALLY Bizarre...

He's not black. He's Dominican :lol:
Not gunna let em tag me with the homophobic black guy stereotype because
Jussie wanted a hand job from a roided out nigerian.

anyone white asked, "I stand with Jussie. " :lol:
The Jussie Smollett situation
never has there been a bigger divergence between, public, and private black conversations.

I remember talking to my bro like, "this sounds fake."
but at work I was like, "ill take his word for it..." :lol:

There was so much wrong with that story.

Once I heard it was Antarctica that night in Chicago my spidey senses went up. I've never craved Subway(maybe their cookies), but to crave it on the coldest night of the year at 3am. I'd come up with something in the crib that would last me to morning.

Then the noose and bleach. People just walking around with string and bleach in 5 degree weather and them knowing about Empire? I had never even watched Empire. That's was one of those stories you hear and you just intake everything and let it play out, because you don't want to appear like Jason Whitlock.
There was so much wrong with that story.

Once I heard it was Antarctica that night in Chicago my spidey senses went up. I've never craved Subway(maybe their cookies), but to crave it on the coldest night of the year at 3am. I'd come up with something in the crib that would last me to morning.

Then the noose and bleach. People just walking around with string and bleach in 5 degree weather and them knowing about Empire? I had never even watched Empire. That's was one of those stories you hear and you just intake everything and let it play out, because you don't want to appear like Jason Whitlock.

Somebody said you have to be at a certain level of Blackness to recognize somebody off Empire who isn’t Terrence Howard or Taraji :lol: There’s no way somebody is randomly spotting Jussie at 3am with probably a hat and full coat on since it was like 0 degrees that night. People were gullible af for believing him.
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