This presidential election who you got?

I won't vote, nor will I complain when things go awry. I expect nothing from our government so I'm hardly ever disappointed to the point where I even consider complaining. :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:
I won't vote, nor will I complain when things go awry. I expect nothing from our government so I'm hardly ever disappointed to the point where I even consider complaining. :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:


I just can't stand when ppl preach to how proud they are for not voting then go on a page long rant complaining about every single thing the government does.
:lol: this thread

Bin Laden has been dead for 10 years. Mr. Soetoro didn't kill him, he died on a dyalisis machine years ago.

The video of them watching the "execution" has been proven fake, it didn't happen.

Cmon, Seal Team Six getting blown up confirms this.
this thread

Bin Laden has been dead for 10 years. Mr. Soetoro didn't kill him, he died on a dyalisis machine years ago.
I've heard this but I don't know if its true.

I've seen specials on 60 minutes with guys who said they could have killed OBL in Tora Bora 

but then...

Benazir Bhutto before she was killed AND Amampour in like 09/10 both said they thought Bin laden was in a compound in Pakistan...
The video of them watching the "execution" has been proven fake, it didn't happen.
Cmon, Seal Team Six getting blown up confirms this.
ST6 isn't even what they go by. Thats their media name. Other media names include DEVGRU for example.

On top of that ST6 is a BIG entity. Its not like 12 guys. Its a rotation of a few hundred elite people that make up that unit. 

Its entirely possible for "ST6" members to die in an operation and not wipe out all of ST6.

Even further, you don't know ANYTHING about their missions outside of what is confirmed as a LEGITIMATE leak of information OR what they tell you, so speculating will only get you so far.

I'm fully aware of conspiracies and what not, but I really can't confirm or deny to one complete way or the other if OBL was killed when they say he was. 
None of the guys involved in the Bin Laden mission died in that explosion.

There is no proof that the video was staged.

"Most of the 22 SEALs were part of SEAL Team 6, the heroic unit that carried out the raid on Osama Bin Laden's compound in May, though none of those who actually took part in that raid were believed to be on the helicopter. "
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None of the guys involved in the Bin Laden mission died in that explosion.

There is no proof that the video was staged.
A. Thats what they say and when it comes to secret missions, I can only take their word with a grain of salt. We'll never know.

B. I don't know, but I never thought to think that it  was staged. Then again, I can't imagine them having the WH photographer on hand to take photos during a live-feed of a DOA raid. 
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A. Thats what they say and when it comes to secret missions, I can only take their word with a grain of salt. We'll never know.

B. I don't know, but I never thought to think that it was staged. Then again, I can't imagine them having the WH photographer on hand to take photos during a live-feed of a DOA raid. :lol:  >D

Pig Love is your run of the mill conspiracy theorist.. Nothing ever happens.. But everything happens.. Make random assertions, that are unfounded, find 1 person that alluded to what he is saying, and proves nothing because there is no proof.. He Jumps to his own conclusions based on that 1 "story" or half stories, and when he gets laughed at calls everyone sheep
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Pig Love is your run of the mill conspiracy theorist.. Nothing ever happens.. But everything happens.. Make random assertions, that are unfounded, find 1 person that alluded to what he is saying, and proves nothing because there is no proof.. He Jumps to his own conclusions based on that 1 "story" or half stories, and when he gets laughed at calls everyone sheep

God forbid the Black President actually ACCOMPLISHED something during his term............... So the guy tweeting Helicopters around his home when the ambush took place was a plant too? Obama did not just wake up on May 1st and said I'm gonna kill Bin Laden today, they pinpointed a location on him on April 27th and went from there.............

The fact that people still think trickle down economics still works explains why Conservatives want to make education more and more expensive and unobtainable

Corps like Apple, Google, Coca Cola, and Johnson & Johnson are sitting on BILLIONS OF CASH, yet they are not hiring...............:smh:

Oh yea, all you people claiming that College is a big waste of time...................Think Again....

:lol: this thread
Bin Laden has been dead for 10 years. Mr. Soetoro didn't kill him, he died on a dyalisis machine years ago.
The video of them watching the "execution" has been proven fake, it didn't happen.
Cmon, Seal Team Six getting blown up confirms this.

Oh, so I guess you've seen the 64 page AAR on the events of that day because I have and the Chinook got shot down.

None of the guys involved in the Bin Laden mission died in that explosion.
There is no proof that the video was staged.
"Most of the 22 SEALs were part of SEAL Team 6, the heroic unit that carried out the raid on Osama Bin Laden's compound in May, though none of those who actually took part in that raid were believed to be on the helicopter. "

Correct, DEVGRU Red Team took part in the OBL raid. DEVGRU Gold team were on board the helicopter on 6 August.

The fact that people still think trickle down economics still works explains why Conservatives want to make education more and more expensive and unobtainable

School is so expensive because student loans are so easy to get.
this thread

Bin Laden has been dead for 10 years. Mr. Soetoro didn't kill him, he died on a dyalisis machine years ago.

The video of them watching the "execution" has been proven fake, it didn't happen.

Cmon, Seal Team Six getting blown up confirms this.
This is where you become extremely annoying.

You have no first hand knowledge of any of this. Calling him Mr. Soetoro doesn't impress anyone or validate your points.  You talk about things being proven fake but you provide no proof.
Corps like Apple, Google, Coca Cola, and Johnson & Johnson are sitting on BILLIONS OF CASH, yet they are not hiring...............
This comment is idiotic. Hire when you need to, not because you have the means to do so. As an Apple shareholder, I would be PISSED if the board woke up one day and decided they needed to help the economy by hiring more American employees. **** that. Keep as many jobs and as much cash overseas as possible. It's better business.
This comment is idiotic. Hire when you need to, not because you have the means to do so. As an Apple shareholder, I would be PISSED if the board woke up one day and decided they needed to help the economy by hiring more American employees. **** that. Keep as many jobs and as much cash overseas as possible. It's better business.

Way to misquote the guy. Include his whole post to keep it in context.
This is where you become extremely annoying.

You have no first hand knowledge of any of this. Calling him Mr. Soetoro doesn't impress anyone or validate your points.  You talk about things being proven fake but you provide no proof.

Dude is one big contradiction.

Basically he says "we have no proof so we shouldn't believe what the government says" and then says "...and THIS is what really happened, even though I have no proof of this either" :lol:
Dude is one big contradiction.
Basically he says "we have no proof so we shouldn't believe what the government says" and then says "...and THIS is what really happened, even though I have no proof of this either" :lol:

Hey prisonplanet and Alex Jones are all the proof he needs.
Way to misquote the guy. Include his whole post to keep it in context.
I interpreted the SMH as a displeasure with the lack of hiring instead of a statement that these companies have enough money as is, and changes in tax code to benefit large corporations won't make a difference anyways.
This comment is idiotic. Hire when you need to, not because you have the means to do so. As an Apple shareholder, I would be PISSED if the board woke up one day and decided they needed to help the economy by hiring more American employees. **** that. Keep as many jobs and as much cash overseas as possible. It's better business.


Some of you are the reason I pray that Hell exists...................
This comment is idiotic. Hire when you need to, not because you have the means to do so. As an Apple shareholder, I would be PISSED if the board woke up one day and decided they needed to help the economy by hiring more American employees. **** that. Keep as many jobs and as much cash overseas as possible. It's better business.

Steve Jobs would be proud :smh:

Companies like Apple get to keep billions every years because of tax loopholes too. :smh:
Not that it matters who wins. It will be more entertaining if Obama wins, though. :lol:
they both work for the same people at the end of the day, neither OBAMA or MITT will prevent the next financial crisis that will make 08 seem like a joke in terms of lost revenue and stability .....

a new world order is coming....

destroy and rebuild.....
I ain't voting for no Mormon. And the guy that runs the us now destroyed the industry I was majoring in, aerospace.
I'm not sure yet.   I want to hear them debate with each other.   I worked for the Obama campaign in 2008.   I feel like Obama has done some great things but the job market is still bad and im gonna vote on who I feel will create more jobs this time around.
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