those not voting check in

22 years old and i don't think i'm even registered
Another voting thread?

Anyway, I didn't vote because New York is overwhelmingly Democrat. My vote in a presidential election would be worthless. There weren't any state measures on the ballot this year either so I wasn't going to waste my time. Same thing in 2008, when I was more politically active. I hate the electoral college system.
Electorals are the only thing that determine the election. I live in kansas and it has been republican since it joined the union.

This except replace Kansas with California and republican with democrat. More important thing are the props but i didn't research them in time so i just didn't vote this year.
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Bush is a republican and drove our country down the tubes

Obama is a Democrat and is running our country down the tubes

The two bull headed political parties both do a terrible job.

Ether way, we're screwed.
I havent ever really gotten into the logistics and politics of it all. There is just so many ifs that I dont understand how many of the motions that candidates can make a complete 180 of the trend that has been happening for the past 12 years. I dont vote because I am not informed enough. I dont like this but I'd rather not vote being uninformed than vote completely blind off what I have "heard"

I don't vote for some reasons that I don't really care to share on here... but one that I will share is that neither candidate can relate to me on any meaningful level so i refuse to believe that they know what's best for me.
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I wrote this on another forum. It pretty much sums up my views on presidential candidates.

There will never be a "good enough" president. We'd have to have a complete revamp of the American mind for things to be better.

People want to end "bullying" on a micro level but not a macro level. The US has hella military bases around the world, for what? That's antagonizing as a *****. That's like me sending one of the homies to your crib like "aye, this is my room now, I'm having the homies run and out of this *****, eating your food, using your shower as they please, and smanging your sister when the mood strikes them." You're going to feel naturally hostile because that's your "territory," so to speak.

Companies gotta stop making hella inappropriate waste and invest in more green technologies. Destroying the place you eat, sleep and breath is idiotic.

Companies gotta stop sending work overseas no matter how cheap it is. It puts middle/low class people, out of work which puts them under stress which causes more crime. Any product still being produced in America is (nearly) always high quality and always good anyway (New Balance, Red Wing, etc.).

The low/middle class people need to take more responsibility for their actions and stop blaming their environment. The people created that environment. The people of Detroit and Gary created those situations for themselves, they aren't giving anyone any reason to give their cities a chance, so why should the government come in?

The president has to make more humanitarian decisions. Start looking at everyone as humans in general, not as classes or social standings or anything like that.
I'm in NY and it's pretty much going to whoever the Democratic guy is and since I want Romney, it's a waste of my time to line up and vote.
Electorals are the only thing that determine the election. I live in kansas and it has been republican since it joined the union.
I voted, but this is a real good reason. 

No it isn't, i'm sure there's a fair amount of local ordinances and propositions that mattered to him that he missed out on having a say in. It's not just a Presidential election. It's a waste not to vote if you're able to.
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