Those that have stopped drinking soft drinks/fructose, how do you stop?

I was thinking about making this post. I gave alcohol and cigarettes but I can not stop drinking soda
Here's what I did, I don't drink soda unless it's free. Don't spend money on it and carry water around with you constantly.
See how much better and refreshed you really feel after drinking water when you're thirsty and it's easy. Find some good juices that you like.

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Here's what I did, I don't drink soda unless it's free. Don't spend money on it and carry water around with you constantly.

Yeah, but money isnt the issue...
This is what i did for every soda i drank a day i would have to drink 3 water bottles so after like 2 weeks and 30 water bottles later i started to just startliking water more
edit: also for me i put the Soda in a place really far from my room and put water in my frig like 2 steps away so if your lazy
Real talk, I just stopped. I liked soda, but it wasn't something I couldn't do without. Try drinking more water/milk.
when i drank nothing but water for a long period of time, maybe a few months, i couldnt even finish a can of coke after that
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

See how much better and refreshed you really feel after drinking water when you're thirsty and it's easy. Find some good juices that you like.

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Here's what I did, I don't drink soda unless it's free. Don't spend money on it and carry water around with you constantly.

Yeah, but money isnt the issue...
I know, it's just a suggestion of something you can do to drink LESS soda. Don't quit cold turkey, only drink it if offered's working for me.
I drink soda maybe once a month. My solution was to go from soda>carbonated flavored water>water.

It worked for me.
Cold water on a hot day is all you need, it's fantastic.

I love drinking juice though.
you cant, it all around you

but water FTW, except here in South Florida where it turns warm in literally 15 min.
Originally Posted by DROOPY7

I drink soda maybe once a month. My solution was to go from soda>carbonated flavored water>water.

It worked for me.

I'm on this plan @ carbonated water. Do i need to make the jump to regular water?
i just hated how bloated i used to feel

top of that, i would rather much drink OJ, milk and gatorade
Originally Posted by Club29

the desire to want to see your feet when you look down, fat boy.

not fat, just concerned about energy, diabetes, other health issues. I think its safe to say, that not all people who drink soda are obese.

my main problem is those energy drinks though, rather than traditional carbonated/fructose drinks(coke, sprite).

also I rarely buy coke sprite, but I'll spend money on energy drinks.

thanks for the tips....
Originally Posted by dyyhard

Originally Posted by Club29

the desire to want to see your feet when you look down, fat boy.

not fat, just concerned about energy, diabetes, other health issues. I think its safe to say, that not all people who drink soda are obese.

my main problem is those energy drinks though, rather than traditional carbonated/fructose drinks(coke, sprite).

also I rarely buy coke sprite, but I'll spend money on energy drinks.

thanks for the tips....
QFT. I drink way to much soda.. its hard to really understand the effects it is having/ can have on your body when your 5'10, 165lbs and cantgain a lb to save you life.
First you have to realize it's not only soda a lot of stuff has sugar..Your Milk your Juices etc...
So it's deeper than soda..Instead of drinking Orange Juice eat an orange..They normally pasteurize the orange juice taking out all of the good stuff

Try to stay away from juices as much as you can

Start adding lemon to your water for flavor.. or lemon and mint..very refreshing!

Dont go cold turkey Drink soda once a week choose a day ..Don't be afraid to drink one every now and then after your finally off of it..There are storesthat sell natural cane sugar soda's like that brand Hansen..It's still sugar but its not high fructose corn syrup

Start saying no..Don't be afraid to order food w/o soda..try getting unsweetened iced tea if your sick of water..Next time your at a fast food place get awater w/ your meal

Dont buy it if you can help it ..if it's in your fridge you will drink it ..If you do buy it buy those mini soda cans..

Stay away from Gatorade and sports drinks if possible..They are filled w/ sugar and sodium

I pretty much buy whole foods market's vitamin water and 1 bottle usually last me 3-4 days..I dont drink it all in one sitting

I drink soda maybe once or twice a month now when it used to be all the time Honestly it takes awhile but you have to have the mind set first..
Just force yourself to drink water. Soda usually cost more, so saving money helps.

I bought a thermos to carry cold water with me where ever I go. Helps not to drink.

And if you need the sugar, get some crystal light powder and mix em up.
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