Those who live a christian life, how do you feel?

Do not speak evil against one another, brothers. The one who speaks against a brother or judges his brother, speaks evil against the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge. There is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor? - James 4:11-12
Or he’s schizophrenic, talking about Jesus walking by his jail cell…
John 6:64–65 (ESV): 64 But there are some of you who do not believe.” (For Jesus knew from the beginning who those were who did not believe, and who it was who would betray him.) 65 And he said, “This is why I told you that no one can come to me unless it is granted him by the Father.”

It's the Lord's will if you believe or you don't. I don't have to lie. Why would I? What would I gain? Am I getting money or fame by telling you my story? No. I'm just His humble servant. You believe in Christ or you don't, it's God's will like I said. I'm just letting it be known because that's what I'm called to do as a Christian.
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Crazy part is, this came out of nowhere. All of his posts used to pretty normal (ish). Then one day he started these constant, long, bizarre rants. It started in the Thread about Nothing, now it’s here. :lol:
I've come across folks who use religion to cover mental issues. Completely unhealthy but atleast with their hyperfocus on it it's usually harmless to others except themselves. Seen some eventual suicides; repression, projecting and hiding isn't a real solution.
I've come across folks who use religion to cover mental issues. Completely unhealthy but atleast with their hyperfocus on it it's usually harmless to others except themselves. Seen some eventual suicides; repression, projecting and hiding isn't a real solution.

Textbook "just because you can, doesn't mean you should". All the idiots they're letting run with this.
That's not the mark. The mark is literally 666 which is going to be placed on your right hand or forehead when the Anti Christ establishes his rule. It’s a sign of worship and allegiance to the Anti Christ. But that's after the Rapture and no one knows when that is.

I really don’t understand how having this belief is so normalized/accepted in society.

Its just as outlandish as the beliefs of say The Heavens Gate cult, and one is labeled a cult and one is labeled a religion. They are both outlandish beliefs that can’t be proven by anyone, what’s the difference ? Other than one being followed on a much grander scale.
I really don’t understand how having this belief is so normalized/accepted in society.

Its just as outlandish as the beliefs of say The Heavens Gate cult, and one is labeled a cult and one is labeled a religion. They are both outlandish beliefs that can’t be proven by anyone, what’s the difference ? Other than one being followed on a much grander scale.
You’re entitled to your unbelief just as much as I’m entitled to my belief in Christianity. You say my beliefs can’t be proven, can you unprove them?
You’re entitled to your unbelief just as much as I’m entitled to my belief in Christianity. You say my beliefs can’t be proven, can you unprove them?
That’s not how it works. The burden of proof is on you if you’re the one making the claim.

That’s like me walking around telling people that I believe you’re a pedophile but it’s not up to me to prove it, it’s up to you to disprove it.
You’re entitled to your unbelief just as much as I’m entitled to my belief in Christianity. You say my beliefs can’t be proven, can you unprove them?

The only difference between the belief in Santa and the belief in a Satan is that one teaches us if we aren’t good, we will receive coal for Christmas, and the other one teaches us we will be sent to hell if we aren’t a good person.

The difference is most people stop believing in Santa when they are 7/8 while the other belief people hold onto their entire lives.

Spoiler alert, if you are trying to be a good person out of fear of an eternal punishment, you’re not a good person at all and that is not altruistic.
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