Those who live a christian life, how do you feel?

Shynop still in here trolling y’all?

I find it hilarious that non believers get so angry at religious folks living their life. It’s like they want everyone to be as lost as they are, that feeling of no purpose is on you to carry don’t be passing those crappy atheist vibes to the believers. We chillin.
Let's start with answers to the simpler questions then work our way up to complex topics like evolution and molecular biology.
I grew up in the Christian church, have no problem with most religious people as that’s a lot of my family.

However I personally stopped practicing it when I realized most of it makes no objective sense, and the majority of stories about Jesus were added decades after his death to make his life story better align with prophesies from the Hebrew bible.

You gonna tell me that BILLIONS of people are having their souls punished eternally because they’ve never heard of Jesus Christ? Native Americans were alive during Christ’s time, albeit on another continent. Are they all suffering eternal damnation because of their geographical location?

And the whole “Jesus died for our sins” thing, like what does that really even mean? Are we all free to sin willingly now with no repercussions because of that? What about the humans that were alive for the almost 200,000 years before Jesus?

I now think of religion mostly as a means to control a population by exploiting their fear of death. And unfortunately the majority of the modern church is more concerned with judging people who don’t think like them than they are with community outreach or doing anything “Christ-like”. How many of you guys churches actively seek out and provide help to vulnerable people?? There is a reason churches are dying out quickly i’m afraid…
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I grew up in the Christian church, have no problem with most religious people as that’s a lot of my family.

However I personally stopped practicing it when I realized most of it makes no objective sense, and the majority of stories about Jesus were added decades after his death to make his life story better align with prophesies from the Hebrew bible.

You gonna tell me that BILLIONS of people are having their souls punished eternally because they’ve never heard of Jesus Christ? Native Americans were alive during Christ’s time, albeit on another continent. Are they all suffering eternal damnation because of their geographical location?

And the whole “Jesus died for our sins” thing, like what does that really even mean? Are we all free to sin willingly now with no repercussions because of that? What about the humans that were alive for the almost 200,000 years before Jesus?

I now think of religion mostly as a means to control a population by exploiting their fear of death. And unfortunately the majority of the modern church is more concerned with judging people who don’t think like them than they are with community outreach or doing anything “Christ-like”. How many of you guys churches actively seek out and provide help to vulnerable people?? There is a reason churches are dying out quickly i’m afraid…
In reference to Jesus dying on the cross for our sins, that the jist of the Gospel. Sending his son to die on the cross for all of our sins. Sure you are free to sin willingly, because we are human and we will fall short. But I would assume there would be repercussions. Like did you truly accept/acknowledge Christ as your savior to change your life that reflective of Christ or was just an emotional/spur of the moment time in your life just to do? A lot of different ways to discuss that.

Regarding the humans before Christ, I remember not reading much about it from the OT. But some passages did lead to some going to Heaven after Jesus came to earth and died.

I think there is a lot of doubt when it comes to faith/religion today. I don't want to lump together all churches, but I believe a good percentage of them do get caught up in the glitz and glamour of wanting to grab the attention of a non-believer through catchy music and relevant preachers that rock street wear and designer brands (see PreacherNSneakers on IG). I feel a lot of churches focus on the entertainment and motivational value, rather than focusing on the bible and the Gospel. But I also believe that there are some churches that are bible-based and actually preach the gospel and show Christ's love to all without compromising the word.

I hear your concern, though. I, too, have many questions about the church today. Grew up in a Christian church, served, and participated in a lot. But in the past 10 years or so, I've just kind of been turned off with how many claim they are believers, yet their words and actions are completely opposite. Doesn't hurt either with many following news of their FB timelines and aligning with their political preference (I think we know which party that would be).

But I'm trying to discern and learn more when I can. Picked up Tim Keller's book The Reason for God, which focuses on the skepticism of God and the church today.
I grew up in the Christian church, have no problem with most religious people as that’s a lot of my family.

However I personally stopped practicing it when I realized most of it makes no objective sense, and the majority of stories about Jesus were added decades after his death to make his life story better align with prophesies from the Hebrew bible.

You gonna tell me that BILLIONS of people are having their souls punished eternally because they’ve never heard of Jesus Christ? Native Americans were alive during Christ’s time, albeit on another continent. Are they all suffering eternal damnation because of their geographical location?

And the whole “Jesus died for our sins” thing, like what does that really even mean? Are we all free to sin willingly now with no repercussions because of that? What about the humans that were alive for the almost 200,000 years before Jesus?

I now think of religion mostly as a means to control a population by exploiting their fear of death. And unfortunately the majority of the modern church is more concerned with judging people who don’t think like them than they are with community outreach or doing anything “Christ-like”. How many of you guys churches actively seek out and provide help to vulnerable people?? There is a reason churches are dying out quickly i’m afraid…

Objectively speaking, the most evil people I know or have read about throughout history are Christian but thats another story.

My favorite part of Christianity is the idea that Jesus died for all our sins. Which I can actually get down with. The problem is Christians keep adding new sh** to diminish this fact. He fake died to cleanse the sins of murderers, adulterers, Karen from Mississippi, that guy down the street who touches little boys, kanye etc.
Shynop still in here trolling y’all?

I find it hilarious that non believers get so angry at religious folks living their life. It’s like they want everyone to be as lost as they are, that feeling of no purpose is on you to carry don’t be passing those crappy atheist vibes to the believers. We chillin.
What I do find hilarious is the sense of superiority that way too many Christians have just because of their beliefs.

Also hilarious that the most vocal among them are everything Jesus wasn't.

See below:
Good people don’t go to Heaven. Forgiven sinners do. I’m saved by God’s Grace, by the blood Christ shed on the cross. Not by my moral character.
And yet:
And it came to pass, as He went into the house of one of the chief Pharisees to eat bread on the Sabbath day, that they watched Him.

2 And behold, there was a certain man before Him who had the dropsy.

3 And Jesus answering, spoke unto the lawyers and Pharisees, saying, “Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath day?

4 But they held their peace. And He took him and healed him, and let him go.

5 And He answered them, saying, “Which of you shall have an ox or an *** fallen into a pit, and will not straightway pull him out on the Sabbath day?

6 And again they could not answer Him concerning these things.
Or, which one of you will disregard the established rule to help somebody else?

Too many Christians use religion as a copout for terrible behavior instead of demonstrating the empathy, humility, and sense of service to others Jesus asked his followers to have.

Y'all praying way too loud.
Actually, you’re right. This thread has been trolled for who knows how long now. The thread starter gave his reason and intent for this thread and it’s been trolled by members for whom it wasn’t made for.

See OP’s 2nd post ......
Lol the OP was a known troll
What I do find hilarious is the sense of superiority that way too many Christians have just because of their beliefs.

Also hilarious that the most vocal among them are everything Jesus wasn't.

See below:

And yet:

Or, which one of you will disregard the established rule to help somebody else?

Too many Christians use religion as a copout for terrible behavior instead of demonstrating the empathy, humility, and sense of service to others Jesus asked his followers to have.

Y'all praying way too loud.
You're supposed to love your neighbor as you love yourself, that's law. Still saved by grace however because we all fall short from sin.
What I do find hilarious is the sense of superiority that way too many Christians have just because of their beliefs.

Also hilarious that the most vocal among them are everything Jesus wasn't.

Bro who cares man let people believe whatever they want. Everybody out here championing for all types of people and “rights” to be what they want and we’re so “progressive” yet when it’s comes to belief we can’t let people have belief in something? It’s hypocrisy
Bro who cares man let people believe whatever they want. Everybody out here championing for all types of people and “rights” to be what they want and we’re so “progressive” yet when it’s comes to belief we can’t let people have belief in something? It’s hypocrisy
No one here is preventing anyone from believing though, and no beliefs are above being questioned.
That’s not true. Religion is questioned way more and also put down way more than anything else people chose to believe. And the true superiority is from atheists with their woke mentality acting as if they know something believers don’t know.
That’s not true. Religion is questioned way more and also put down way more than anything else people chose to believe. And the true superiority is from atheists with their woke mentality acting as if they know something believers don’t know.
Religion is questioned frequently because it doesn't make sense and has no evidence to support its validity. That's not a coincidence. Unfounded beliefs get questioned more than beliefs with compelling evidence for obvious reasons.

Stop playing the victim. Believe what you want, just don't cry the blues when people question it or tell you it doesn't make sense.

And again, questioning religion doesn't stop anyone from believing in it. Just seems like you're trying to shut the questions down because you don't like them.
That’s not true. Religion is questioned way more and also put down way more than anything else people chose to believe. And the true superiority is from atheists with their woke mentality acting as if they know something believers don’t know.

You mean like how the right puts down people who believe in equal rights? Elle oh elle.
Lol. This is the crappy atheist vibes I’m talking about. You start your sentence with it gets questions because it doesn’t make sense and needs proof.

It doesn’t make sense to you. That’s all it is. But it makes sense to me. I don’t go around telling you hey man being gay makes no sense. But for some reason religion has become that one right that everyone feels a need to shout their own crappy outlook about,. This is the hypocrisy of the open minded atheists. Always trying to prove to their own self they’re right, through arguing with believers, that they have enlightenment.
I love how the dominant religion in this country always whines about being "oppressed". No one is trying to take "Christ" out of Christmas. :rofl:
Lol. This is the crappy atheist vibes I’m talking about. You start your sentence with it gets questions because it doesn’t make sense and needs proof.

It doesn’t make sense to you. That’s all it is. But it makes sense to me. I don’t go around telling you hey man being gay makes no sense. But for some reason religion has become that one right that everyone feels a need to shout their own crappy outlook about,. This is the hypocrisy of the open minded atheists. Always trying to prove to their own self they’re right, through arguing with believers, that they have enlightenment.
Ah yes...the "crappy atheist vibes" of objective reality.

Religion DOESN'T make sense in the modern world.
Religion has NO evidence to validate its legitimacy.

Would you care to explain how religion makes sense to you? Or how being gay is an issue of "making sense" or not? Why does being gay even have to "make sense"? And what does "making sense" even mean in context? It's a condition that exists on this Earth among people who aren't harming anyone and therefore deserve the exact same rights, freedoms, and protection as everyone else.

People speak out against religion once it starts making its way into the classrooms and courtrooms, which it has repeatedly. If religion was limited to a bunch of people believing without trying to force it upon others there would be no issue, but here we are.
Again, it doesn’t make sense to you. You need evidence.

I don’t. I can choose to believe whatever I want, just like people can identify with anything. Don’t tell me what I can and can’t believe in.

I know you want to take this conversation to us arguing about religion it self but that serves neither of us.

All im trying to do is let you know just how you explained homosexuality doesn’t need to make sense, neither does religion to believers. And you have no right to say it’s right or wrong.
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