Thoughts on the confederate flag

My thought about the flag is that if you want to hang it on your personal property thats fine. This is American and we do have freedom of speech.

It should not be on public buildings.

There are rappers that have used the flag (ie Lil Jon and Kanye).

I'm more concerned about your actions toward me than a damn flag.
yea I just want it down from government property.....I don't give a damn if someone has it on their personal property because it's not like ima associate with them anyway lol

I'm used to seeing it on personal property that it doesn't even bother me. I just use it as an identifier 
yea I just want it down from government property.....I don't give a damn if someone has it on their personal property because it's not like ima associate with them anyway lol

I'm used to seeing it on personal property that it doesn't even bother me. I just use it as an identifier 

Nothing funnier than seeing that dumb flag in non-confederate states. :lol:

Shouldn't be on Govt buildings, but I dont want it banned from personal use. Makes it easier to spot the idiots.
i bet she still likes black dudes too smh. on some fetish ****.
That flag has one good benefit, it lets me know who the racist sons of ******* are.
real **** though.

hope it comes down from the state house, but i am not mad at all at the dudes who have it on there cars and ****. let's you know what's good from the jump.

the whites who don't wear sheets and confederate flags in public are the ones you need to be concerned about . . . 
yea I just want it down from government property.....I don't give a damn if someone has it on their personal property because it's not like ima associate with them anyway lol

I'm used to seeing it on personal property that it doesn't even bother me. I just use it as an identifier 

This.. I have surprisingly seen them Upnorth you already know what time it is.
i bet she still likes black dudes too smh. on some fetish ****.

real **** though.

hope it comes down from the state house, but i am not mad at all at the dudes who have it on there cars and ****. let's you know what's good from the jump.

the whites who don't wear sheets and confederate flags in public are the ones you need to be concerned about . . . 

Every white girl does trust me.., the bbc has came across their mind more then once.
Wonder how any of this affects this massive confederate monument that is supposed to be constructed between Texas and Louisiana

What's good Peep?

Good point.

I came across this article earlier.

should've quoted it, they hit u w/ a 5 article limit and I guess I hit mine :lol:

But I wonder if the Black Panther flag or the Black Pride flag would garner such support or would it be deemed unlawful and what not from the jump.
^ You know she's (Jenny Horne) a direct descendant of Jefferson Davis... Her full remarks before the sc house of reps. She said enough is enough about heritage.

She most likely alienated a good portion of her voting base.
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Yeah, I read about that. You're right, she probably has alienated many of her supporters.

I agree wholeheartedly on the whole heritage angle.
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Looks like sc gov. Haley signed the bill to bring down that flag. I hope they burn it down...

View media item 1621384
Them closeted white hoods tried to pass a federal bill to display them on federal property or keep them displayed on federal property... :smh: Da faq were they thinking?!?!

I can't say this enough times, the nazi swastika is illegal to fly in Germany & throughout the EU so they fly that flag instead. That should speak volumes.
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coming down tomorrow.

people are happy and of course rustling is at an all time high, great time to bee living in charleston. 
I feel sorry for the rest of the southern states that literally incorporate the stars and bars into their state flags. You're paying taxes to a state that pays homage to this crap.
Wonder how any of this affects this massive confederate monument that is supposed to be constructed between Texas and Louisiana

What's good Peep?

Good point.

I came across this article earlier.

Good looks glla.

In relation to this, I was reading this article in the Houston Chronicle about some Texas schools getting new history books for the upcoming semester (it was voted on in 2014, the first time getting new books since 2002). The most notable thing about that is it came to light that those new history books try to downplay the significance of slavery during the Civil War, and never mentions anything about Jim Crow laws or even the KKK. How fitting is it that these confederate flag wavers whine about not wanting their "history being erased" (a history of bigotry and ignorance nonetheless, but whatever), yet people in power behind the making of these textbooks are trying to eliminate every negative thing that's been ingrained in this society from the beginning? The removal of the confederate flags isn't meant to erase history, it's to play a part in stymieing of pure hatred and ignorance from those people who portray that. Attempting to flat out erase history and revise it to suit your liking is not only doing a disservice to a kid's education, but it's just wrong. That's the whole point of learning want the entire picture, not just little fragments to appease a certain group's psyche. By trying to downplay slavery, omit Jim Crow and the Klan, along with a host of other things, you're also removing every person who played a part in trying to fight for blacks' rights in general. Maybe that's their whole point though.
Nice symbolic gesture that doesn't ultimately change anything. Just allows everyone to feel good about themselves for a couple days until the next problem comes along.
Good looks glla.

In relation to this, I was reading this article in the Houston Chronicle about some Texas schools getting new history books for the upcoming semester (it was voted on in 2014, the first time getting new books since 2002). The most notable thing about that is it came to light that those new history books try to downplay the significance of slavery during the Civil War, and never mentions anything about Jim Crow laws or even the KKK. How fitting is it that these confederate flag wavers whine about not wanting their "history being erased" (a history of bigotry and ignorance nonetheless, but whatever), yet people in power behind the making of these textbooks are trying to eliminate every negative thing that's been ingrained in this society from the beginning? The removal of the confederate flags isn't meant to erase history, it's to play a part in stymieing of pure hatred and ignorance from those people who portray that. Attempting to flat out erase history and revise it to suit your liking is not only doing a disservice to a kid's education, but it's just wrong. That's the whole point of learning want the entire picture, not just little fragments to appease a certain group's psyche. By trying to downplay slavery, omit Jim Crow and the Klan, along with a host of other things, you're also removing every person who played a part in trying to fight for blacks' rights in general. Maybe that's their whole point though.
No doubt Peep...

Great points in your write up, and I definitely agree with you that. If you're trying to omit Jim Crow as well as the KKK that's just flat out wrong. That's exactly what Carter G. Woodson spoke on in regards to our miseducation when taught at the hands of the oppressors. 

Most of our parents experienced Jim Crow; at least my mom and dad did, and to not have that mentioned and further elaborated on is a form of deception imo. 

Out of reps right now. 
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Nice symbolic gesture that doesn't ultimately change anything. Just allows everyone to feel good about themselves for a couple days until the next problem comes along.

I'll take it symbolic or not. As a country, we're not equipped yet to make real changes. Shoot might not ever. There needs to be a real commitment to education or vocation (not just the traditional means either), the for profit prison system needs to done away with & the laws that help states fill them (stop & frisk, zero tolerance, no drug zones, 3 strikes, etc), putting back even more stringent laws like the Glass–Steagall act which was repealed, & putting back manufacturing jobs back in America (instead of letting companies outsource everything) that helped grow the middle class which is non existent now. We also need to do away with this for profit college monstrosity that's been created.

There's just a whole slew of changes that need to be made which we as a nation or world aren't close to being able to admit that needs to be done.
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