Thoughts on the confederate flag

I never see them here. But while in fl I just assume the owner of whatever object it's being flown on is a ****** and I need not associate with them.

My favorite is when white people come up talking racist stuff to me because I got a shaved head and tattoos so they assume I'm on their side. Love shutting them down though.
I never see them here. But while in fl I just assume the owner of whatever object it's being flown on is a ****** and I need not associate with them.

My favorite is when white people come up talking racist stuff to me because I got a shaved head and tattoos so they assume I'm on their side. Love shutting them down though.
thats offensive to ******s.
Interesting FB post from a white co-worker of my in-laws.

Something has been weighing pretty heavily on me the past few days. I have had a few small discussions on the issue, but haven’t gotten too far into it. I wanted to share this, not for attention, but because I thought it needed to be done.

It’s no big secret to my friends that I love to hunt, fish, camp and do pretty much anything outdoors. I have always considered myself to be a country boy stuck in the city. One of the ways that I used to show pride for my lifestyle was wearing t-shirts with the Confederate/ Rebel flag on them. In high school, I even had a bumper sticker on my truck that read “Keep It Flying”. I had grown up seeing the flag regularly, and although I had seen it used in negative ways on occasion, I chose to accept the “Heritage not Hate” and “Pride not Prejudice” interpretation of the flag. If you had asked me back then, I would’ve told you that it was a symbol of southern pride and had nothing to do with racism.

I was raised pretty close to downtown Nashville and grew up with kids of all races with all kinds of backgrounds. I played baseball, basketball and football on teams where sometimes whites were minorities. I am very thankful for this. As I continue to grow and learn, I realize that we tend to fear things just because we don’t understand them. Because of where and how I was raised, I never feared people of other color or background. I was able to realize that we are all the same underneath. I have had white friends, black friends, Asian friends, Middle Eastern friends, Latino friends, Christian friends, Muslim friends, Atheist friends, etc. Thankfully, I have never had a racist bone in my body.

It wasn’t until well into my college years when I began to start thinking for myself. I no longer let the people I was raised by tell me how to view every issue and tried my best to be more open-minded. I believe that one of the most important things for us to do as humans is to try putting ourselves in others’ shoes before we make any kind of judgement.

Although I never meant anything racist by sporting the Confederate flag, I couldn’t help but think of what some of my black friends thought about it. I really can’t think of a time that I was confronted about it. Did it not offend them? Were they too nice or afraid to confront me about it? The more I researched about the history of the flag, the worse I felt. What I had been told about its history was wrong. Thousands of southerners still fly the flag with no racist intent. They still defend the good things they’ve been told about the flag. They, like I once was, are WRONG. The flag is a symbol of a way of life that was wrong. Not that it needs to be stated, but slavery is one of the most evil and cruel things this world has ever seen. The Confederate flag represents this evil. Where is the pride in that? The Confederate flag is also a sign of division. How can you truly be a patriot of this country and fly this flag? Do we really need to fly a flag to show that we are southern, or that we like to hunt and fish, especially when it’s offensive to so many? It is not a kind thing, a good thing, or the right thing to do.

To those against removing the flag, I do not think you are a bad person. I know what it once meant to me. I do, however, challenge you to do your research. Step outside of what your family taught you and be open-minded. Even if you believe in a different history lesson, is flying a flag worth the pain it causes others? Please try to view these issues from the other side of the argument.

To those I may have offended in the past, who never confronted me, I apologize. I was WRONG.

As our country continues to move forward on equality issues, I believe the only place for the Confederate flag is in our history books.
:smokin Coming down today... There are also initiatives to change Mississippi's flag & the other southern flags based on the one above.... :smokin

All this talk of heritage is hilarious to me... That one above isn't the confederate flag. :lol:

This one is.

View media item 1622171
Dum a**es don't even know their own heritage.

The flag all those dummies are waiving came to fruition when southerners were fighting desegregation efforts in the civl rights era. So when they say it's about heritage, it really is about racism.
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Seeing pictures like that in 2015 trouble me. How can people be so filled with hate ? That's exhausting.
Confederate flags and people waving them with shirts covered in swastika symbols. Bu bu but it only has something to do with southern pride and not hate :lol:
:lol: one of my good friends I've been learning to work on bikes from is black and has a confederate flag in his shop. I asked him what the deal was with it and he said "It pisses off the white people." He was telling me how a KKK member will sell himself out for a dollar. One time in the south at some rally, the KKK had a booth there so he went over and purchased a KKK button for a dollar. He said he'd respect the KKK guy more if he told him to **** off. :lol:
The Black dude was selling KKK stuff?

No, sorry if it wasn't clear. I just woke up :lol:

The KKK had a stand/booth at the rally. My friend who is black walked past and bought a KKK button from the white KKK members. He enjoys rustling jimmies. He carries the button with him to this day and it's been like 20 years. He says it shows that they stand for nothing, sell their believes for a dollar.
Kkk had a huge rally at the statehouse yesterday.
Black panther party showed up and it got pretty wild.




I understand wanting to confront these d-bags.....I really do.  But doing so is pointless, IMO.  

Let them have their time on the statehouse steps, pay no attention to them and keep it movin'.  Trust that if nobody was there for them to rustle, they'd probably end up packing it up early to head back to the meth cook in the woods.  

These cats thrive off of attention and having an audience.  Giving that to them is exactly what they want.  
The Black dude was selling KKK stuff?

No, sorry if it wasn't clear. I just woke up :lol:

The KKK had a stand/booth at the rally. My friend who is black walked past and bought a KKK button from the white KKK members. He enjoys rustling jimmies. He carries the button with him to this day and it's been like 20 years. He says it shows that they stand for nothing, sell their believes for a dollar.

It would've been way more funny the other way around :lol:
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Crazy picture....

When you have a job to do, tho....
I saw thise big ol white dude on a motorcycle rollin thru the hood today. Shaved head and tatted up. The back of his vest was a confederate flag. Mind you this is a 93.99999999% mexican community with a black family for every blue eyed mexican.

I didnt see him once, or twice, but 4 diffrent ****** times and i wasnt even in one spot i was goin diffrent places. Its like this dude was tryna start somethin with the first person to say something.

Bet he wouldnt have pulled that **** in a diffrent neighborhood.
bruh its crazy how these white cra***** really claim the swastika like that.....that shiet should be banned worlwide
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