Thoughts on the Lizzo twerking at NBA game vol. This Why Rikishi trending


Pursuant to California Penal Code 647(a) PC, a misdemeanor, lewd conduct offense is committed by an individual who:

  • "solicits someone to engage in, or who engages, in lewd or dissolute conduct in any public place or any place open to the public or exposed to public view."
The words "lewd" and "dissolute" behavior may seem vague, however, in the prosecution's eyes, they are defined as behavior intended to achieve sexual gratification or to annoy or offend another. Lewd conduct criminal cases can involve any of the following:

  • sexual activity in a public place,
  • public masturbation.
  • exposing yourself in a public place,
This behavior crosses over into criminal activity when it involves:

  • the genitals, buttocks, or anus of either sex,
  • the female breasts.
Notably, courts in California have broadly defined "public space," and the term can include seemingly private locations. Generally, a public place is a public bathroom, alley, sidewalk, city park, parking lot, etc.

Further, a privately owned adult bookstore is considered a public space, as is a massage parlor. "Public view" can mean a private space viewable by the public, like open windows in your own home.


Penal Code 314 PC describes the crime of indecent exposure as when somebody willfully and deliberately exposes their naked body or genitals to another person who could be offended or annoyed in a public place.

Pursuant to California Penal Code 314, a person may be convicted of a misdemeanor offense when they "willfully or lewdly":

  • expose their person, or the private parts, in any public place, or in any place where others are present who might be offended or annoyed.
Put simply, indecent exposure means to purposefully exposing yourself in public when it could be considered lewd, just out of place, and not normal behavior.

PC 314 indecent exposure is described as deliberately exposing yourself in public.

The intentional exposure of your private body parts, when it seems offensive and against standards of decency in the community, can be considered the criminal sex offense of indecent exposure.


:lol: :smh:
^Sexual abuse.

And I’d be inclined to say the fat shaming isn’t an issue, but shorty made the body positivity thing her schtick and profited from it. To shame anyone, while looking the way she does, is hypocritical to the point it’s inexcusable.
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It's kinda funny people think any celebrity is above treating people like ****.
I've been on that time since HS. There are very few people I can think of that I've been a fan of their work, and also a fan of them as a person. It's almost always just that I'm a fan of their work but I have the awareness to know that I have no idea who they are as a person. I just like their music or the way they score points or hit the ball or act or whatever it is. But as far as saying "They're so good at what they do. I want to be like them"? Yeah, I don't know them at all.
I'd be hilarious if the cheesecake thing was a real compliant by some kids didnt get the reference.
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