Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

Blasphemous? How? Jesus was sent to earth to save us. That was his purpose.[/quote]

you just said you believe jesus (peace be upon him) is almighty god? You are saying your almighty god died. God cannot die.

I am confused[/quote]
Jesus Christ, God's Son, had to be free from sinful nature.

onto all other humans beings by Adam.

Because he was born of a woman, he was human being

but because he was the Son of God, he was born without any trace of 

human sin. 

He was both fully human and fully divine.
Blasphemous? How? Jesus was sent to earth to save us. That was his purpose.

you just said you believe jesus (peace be upon him) is almighty god? You are saying your almighty god died. God cannot die.

I am confused[/QUOTE]
Jesus Christ, God's Son, had to be free from sinful nature.
onto all other humans beings by Adam.

Because he was born of a woman, he was human being
but because he was the Son of God, he was born without any trace of 
human sin. 

He was both fully human and fully divine.

how convenient
Jesus Christ, God's Son, had to be free from sinful nature.
onto all other humans beings by Adam.

Because he was born of a woman, he was human being
but because he was the Son of God, he was born without any trace of 
human sin. 

He was both fully human and fully divine.

You guys just said jesus (peace be opon him) was almighty god.
so the son of god who is divine died? isnt that blasphemous as well? to say anything divine to die is blasphemous.
So he had human limitation and divine infinite simlutaneously?

so is jesus (peace be upon him) god or gods son? you guys are contradicting yourslef? you jsut said jesus (peace be opon him) is almighty god. now he is the son?
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Blasphemous? How? Jesus was sent to earth to save us. That was his purpose.[/quote]

you just said you believe jesus (peace be upon him) is almighty god? You are saying your almighty god died. God cannot die.

I am confused[/quote]


But to mention he was born, grew up, felt pain, felt hunger, ect

If Jesus was god, god is not omnipotent, not eternal, not omnipresent

My bad. Jesus died, but he didnt stay dead. He re-surrected just like many had prophesized before (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Abraham and many more)
Matt 28:1-20, Mark 16:1-20, John 20:1-21

Jesus is Gods incarnate. John 1:14 says the Word (God) became flesh (Jesus).

Isaiah 9:6 discusses a child being born (Jesus) and he will be called.....Mighty God, etc...
Blasphemous? How? Jesus was sent to earth to save us. That was his purpose.

you just said you believe jesus (peace be upon him) is almighty god? You are saying your almighty god died. God cannot die.

I am confused[/quote]
My bad. Jesus died, but he didnt stay dead. He re-surrected just like many had prophesized before (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Abraham and many more)
Matt 28:1-20, Mark 16:1-20, John 20:1-21

Jesus is Gods incarnate. John 1:14 says the Word (God) became flesh (Jesus).

Isaiah 9:6 discusses a child being born (Jesus) and he will be called.....Mighty God, etc...[/quote]

to even say almighty God died for a .00000000000000000001 of a second is blasphemous. for me to even type this is awkward.
And let's say he didn't die, he was BORN correct? Which means at some point he was not alive, present, in existence. All traits god would not have
You guys are missing the big picture.

God has always been and always be. Even before the earth existed, God was always in existence. God took a human form (Jesus) and walked on earth. Jesus purpose here on earth was to die on the cross and resurrect, as he did, after 3 days.

Romans 5:8 says, God shows his love for us in that while we are still sinners, Christ (meaning Jeus Christ) died for us.
I feel like ive been repeating myself.
You guys are missing the big picture.

God has always been and always be. Even before the earth existed, God was always in existence. God took a human form (Jesus) and walked on earth. Jesus purpose here on earth was to die on the cross and resurrect, as he did, after 3 days.

Romans 5:8 says, God shows his love for us in that while we are still sinners, Christ (meaning Jeus Christ) died for us.
I feel like ive been repeating myself.

Just like the sun?
Yes I do for they are one in the same. The trinity, God the Father, God the Son (Jesus) and God the Holy Spirit.

The origin of the Trinity is obvious to anyone who will observe the daily manifestations of the sun. This orb, being the symbol of all Light, has three distinct phases: rising, midday, and setting. The philosophers therefore divided the life of all things into three distinct parts: growth, maturity, and decay. Between the twilight of dawn and the twilight of evening is the high noon of resplendent glory. God the Father, the Creator of the world, is symbolized by the dawn. His color is blue, because the sun rising in the morning is veiled in blue mist. God the Son he Illuminating One sent to bear witness of His Father before all the worlds, is the celestial globe at noonday, radiant and magnificent, the maned Lion of Judah, the Golden-haired Savior of the World. Yellow is His color and His power is without end. God the Holy Ghost is the sunset phase, when the orb of day, robed in flaming red, rests for a moment upon the horizon line and then vanishes into the darkness of the night to wandering the lower worlds and later rise again triumphant from the embrace of darkness.
You guys are missing the big picture.

God has always been and always be. Even before the earth existed, God was always in existence. God took a human form (Jesus) and walked on earth. Jesus purpose here on earth was to die on the cross and resurrect, as he did, after 3 days.

Romans 5:8 says, God shows his love for us in that while we are still sinners, Christ (meaning Jeus Christ) died for us.
I feel like ive been repeating myself.

I know the almighty is always was and what will ever be. to assign human attributes to the almighty is blasphemous i am not sure how you can even consider that. How can the almighty fit in a human body? just think think logically for a second. To say god died is blasphemous.
You are repeating yourself. you are assigning the most high to human characteristics and you are saying a portion of god died which again is blasphemous.
I thought he was the son? I think youre just as confused as i am as far as Christianity goes.

I am glad you guys are able to display your faith.

There is only one almighty God. The most high. He cannot die. Peace
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I know the almighty is always was and what will ever be. to assign human attributes to the almighty is blasphemous i am not sure how you can even consider that. How can the almighty fit in a human body? just think think logically for a second. To say god died is blasphemous.
You are repeating yourself. you are assigning the most high to human characteristics and you are saying a portion of god died which again is blasphemous.
I thought he was the son? I think youre just as confused as i am .

I am glad you guys are able to display your faith.

There is only one almighty God. The most high. He cannot die. Peace

Question about this, god can't manifest into a human, yet man was made in his image? So is god a man or is man a god?
Question about this, god can't manifest into a human, yet man was made in his image? So is god a man or is man a god?

I do not believe man was made in god image. I cannot fathom even a figment of what god would look like. For me to assign any picture to him would be blasphemous and set limitation on the one who doesn't have limits.
Already asked that and got a BS answer.

My bad the thread moves quick.

If god is infinite they're infinite things for you to learn.

Proverbs 18:15

An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.

I challenge any one of the Christians in here to research and acquire knowledge of the people who put it together. The qua-ran as well. I can guarantee if you really are about giving your life to god, when you come back and read the bible you'll appreciate it that much more.
I do not believe man was made in god image. I cannot fathom even a figment of what god would look like. For me to assign any picture to him would be blasphemous and set limitation on the one who doesn't have limits.

For what's it's worth Jacob saw the face of god and came out just fine according to the scripture. Well save for a bad hip
I know the almighty is always was and what will ever be. to assign human attributes to the almighty is blasphemous i am not sure how you can even consider that. How can the almighty fit in a human body? just think think logically for a second. To say god died is blasphemous.
You are repeating yourself. you are assigning the most high to human characteristics and you are saying a portion of god died which again is blasphemous.
I thought he was the son? I think youre just as confused as i am as far as Christianity goes.

I am glad you guys are able to display your faith.

There is only one almighty God. The most high. He cannot die. Peace

no sir I am not confused. I know what the Bible says. Ive posted Biblical references specific to some of my answers. Do with it what you wish.

God is God. And at one time, he took the form of man, Jesus. Read the Bible. Niketalk doesnt have all the answers, but The Bible does.

Go ahead and talk about the sun, moons and different colors. I worship the creator of all. Psalms 19:1 "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands".

Romans 1:20 " For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature-have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.
no sir I am not confused. I know what the Bible says. Ive posted Biblical references specific to some of my answers. Do with it what you wish.

God is God. And at one time, he took the form of man, Jesus. Read the Bible. Niketalk doesnt have all the answers, but The Bible does.

Go ahead and talk about the sun, moons and different colors. I worship the creator of all. Psalms 19:1 "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands".

Romans 1:20 " For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature-have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.

Is there any possibility you may be wrong?
no sir I am not confused. I know what the Bible says. Ive posted Biblical references specific to some of my answers. Do with it what you wish.

God is God. And at one time, he took the form of man, Jesus. Read the Bible. Niketalk doesnt have all the answers, but The Bible does.

Go ahead and talk about the sun, moons and different colors. I worship the creator of all. Psalms 19:1 "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands".

Romans 1:20 " For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature-have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.

You fail to realize you gave me 3 different answers and contradicted yourself.. No i have my holy Quran, and i read one of your many many many versions of the bible. Maybe you should try picking up other books to get a better grasp of your own.
to be fair i have more knowledge i need to gain. I need to read more bibles and decide for myself as well. i cannot exclude others until i ahve read. I am still on my spiritual path. peace
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