Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

He wouldnt know, he hasnt read all of the version of the bible nor any other religious texts :rolleyes

And THERE is the problem. You can't say you've been around the world when you're stuck in Cleveland. You can't say you're the best without playing anyone.

How the hell are you so sure when you haven't even peeked out of the box you've been in since birth?
And mrdozo mrdozo

You passively dismiss the sun stars etc

Yet isn't it bible thumping Christians who praised the moon for turning red and cited it as a source to justify the legitimacy of the bible?
I do not believe man was made in god image. I cannot fathom even a figment of what god would look like. For me to assign any picture to him would be blasphemous and set limitation on the one who doesn't have limits.

Man was not made in Gods image?
In Genesis 1:26 God said "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness". The word 'Us" in that verse is another reference to God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Im giving you guys proof but still want to argue. You have your opinions but Im giving you the Word of God.
You fail to realize you gave me 3 different answers and contradicted yourself.. No i have my holy Quran, and i read one of your many many many versions of the bible. Maybe you should try picking up other books to get a better grasp of your own.
to be fair i have more knowledge i need to gain. I need to read more bibles and decide for myself as well. i cannot exclude others until i ahve read. I am still on my spiritual path. peace

I dont think I contradicted myself. Could you tell me where/how I did?

And mrdozo mrdozo

You passively dismiss the sun stars etc

Yet isn't it bible thumping Christians who praised the moon for turning red and cited it as a source to justify the legitimacy of the bible?

I didnt dismiss the sun and stars. I said I worship the creator of them. A true Christian doesnt praise creation, only the creator. Creation itself does give legitimacy to God who created it.
Man was not made in Gods image?
In Genesis 1:26 God said "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness". The word 'Us" in that verse is another reference to God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Im giving you guys proof but still want to argue. You have your opinions but Im giving you the Word of God.

"Our image" is a concept I doubt you're ready to wrap your mind around. Either way. If man is made that, is god a man or is man a god? I'd prefer to think the latter because on multiple accounts Jesus/god states man is a god.
So ONE god but addresses himself in plural? Plural meaning more than one. That would mean multiple gods

I'd also like to see what the other translations say for that same verse

This Surat is pretty straight forward but at what point do you draw the line between symbolic and literal?

It is He who has sent down to you, [O Muhammad], the Book; in it are verses [that are] precise - they are the foundation of the Book - and others unspecific. As for those in whose hearts is deviation [from truth], they will follow that of it which is unspecific, seeking discord and seeking an interpretation [suitable to them]. And no one knows its [true] interpretation except Allah . But those firm in knowledge say, "We believe in it. All [of it] is from our Lord." And no one will be reminded except those of understanding.
This Surat is pretty straight forward but at what point do you draw the line between symbolic and literal?

It is He who has sent down to you, [O Muhammad], the Book; in it are verses [that are] precise - they are the foundation of the Book - and others unspecific. As for those in whose hearts is deviation [from truth], they will follow that of it which is unspecific, seeking discord and seeking an interpretation [suitable to them]. And no one knows its [true] interpretation except Allah . But those firm in knowledge say, "We believe in it. All [of it] is from our Lord." And no one will be reminded except those of understanding.

Give me the surah name and the ayat
(Chapter and verse), I will do my research, I will then give you my answer. I prefer not to find supporting lines without a full grasp of the chapter and its history behind it.
To not derail this thread i can also DM you, either or.
Give me the surah name and the ayat
(Chapter and verse), I will do my research, I will then give you my answer. I prefer not to find supporting lines without a full grasp of the chapter and its history behind it.
To not derail this thread i can also DM you, either or.

Either way works for me. And being honest I favor the quaran more then the bible. Because the word has been passed down generation to generation I'm more inclined to learn from it.
Either way works for me. And being honest I favor the quaran more then the bible. Because the word has been passed down generation to generation I'm more inclined to learn from it.

yes there are many linguistic miracles that happen in the quran. To name a few the arabic version hasnt changed since the first book was revealed
Millions of people from all over memorize it from cover to cover.
A sheikh can be praying and slip one letter and be corrected
the amount of times man and woman are in the quran are equal.
the amount of times land and water are in the quran is proportionate to the amount of land and water in the world to the correct percentage. (mind you it was revealed back 632 ce.
sometimes the english tranlsation doesnt due the arabic justice. For example, there are 2 words for heart in arabic. One expresses the heart of man and the other for women. One is singular one is plural. one can describe 2 hearts in one body (women carrying a child). many many more but i do not want to derail this thread.

I appreciate it. Yes we can discuss about it. i will read into it and get back to you tomorrow.

I would like to say that durty and mrdozo are men of great faith. I cannot knock them for what they beliefs. For almost 100 pages these dudes endured some difficult questions. I appreciate the thread and everyone who contributed. I doubt this thread is over but im sure everyone can take away soemthing from this thread in a positive way. :pimp: :pimp:
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So ONE god but addresses himself in plural? Plural meaning more than one. That would mean multiple gods

I'd also like to see what the other translations say for that same verse

Only one god, "You shall have no other gods before me" Exodus 20:3

We humans cannot understand everything, how can we fully grasp Gods existence? We cant. The Bible teaches that God is one in essence, three in Person: The Father, Son and Holy Spirit. See Matthew 3:16-17 and Matt 28:19.
Each is fully God. God is not three gods, but three in one. We cannot completely understand it, but we must trust it to be true.
Only one god, "You shall have no other gods before me" Exodus 20:3

We humans cannot understand everything, how can we fully grasp Gods existence? We cant. The Bible teaches that God is one in essence, three in Person: The Father, Son and Holy Spirit. See Matthew 3:16-17 and Matt 28:19.
Each is fully God. God is not three gods, but three in one. We cannot completely understand it, but we must trust it to be true.
Think of it as how water has three forms, but is still water.

Liquid - The Father

Solid - The Son

Gas - The Holy Spirit
Also the verse is slipping me, but Babylonia was supposedly as great as ancient Egypt yet little to no historical evidence...
I took some time during work to try to reach out to God and asked him to reveal himself to me. I couldn't see or feel nothing. I genuinely opened my heart but nothing was there. What am I doing wrong?
I took some time during work to try to reach out to God and asked him to reveal himself to me. I couldn't see or feel nothing. I genuinely opened my heart but nothing was there. What am I doing wrong?
Have faith my man. Doesn't hurt that you reach out to us on here either, we will pray for you as well.

Trust me, it will hit you if you keep reaching out to Him.
You are going in to this with skepticism. You cant just sit there one day and say "Ok God how about you show me youre real... thought so" You havent truly opened your heart its quite obvious.
I took some time during work to try to reach out to God and asked him to reveal himself to me. I couldn't see or feel nothing. I genuinely opened my heart but nothing was there. What am I doing wrong?

be patient, pray some more, and be patient. lolol, seriously.

God answers prayers when he chooses, on his own time. And remember, he is God, our frame of time is different from his.
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