Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

The irony of that last statement is amazing. You bash people for following the religion of the oppressors, yet you're suggesting they become involved in the political/ and social economic system of their oppressors. Not only do they worship the oppressor in this system, they have to dress and behave like him to be successful.
So what do you suggest, that people simply sit and wait for God, then let the police shoot and kill you for simply raising your hands in the air?
I never said vote on/ by faith.
You are jsut picking at words and not missing the totality of my statment

You choosing a candidate ( because it is a choice to vote and you choose who to and who not to vote for) is believing in them/ trusting them/ putting your faith in them to do uphold the office you elected them to.

Its not religion, its basic english.
Then you clearly do not understand English, nor why you vote. 

You vote for the best qualified person to do the job. If he/she does not do what you want them to do, vote them out.

Faith does not enter the decision at all.
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Your presumption is quite amusing.

When you have command over your spending power, you get a seat at the table, and you are respected. Black people all over the world are disjointed, separated, and the powers that be know this because they did it, and then on purpose. If you don't think that religion plays a big part in of this divide, then I do not know what to tell you.

At what point did I say I was advocate of our people being into christianity?

You tried to throw in some buzz words to misguide what I originally brought up, Who owns your money? Whose your God?

So all the bs about spending habits blah blah. You ain't sitting on no table unless they want you to IDC how much money you have.

The honorable elijah muhammad had a parade threw for him by the White House and he called the Whiteman the devil, so where did his clout come from, cause money certainly wasn't it.

So ill ask you what I've asked many black people, what did we have to say about ourselves prior to slavery?
I'd say that it would be apropos for me to laugh as well, but that would be mean.
Fam for someone who came in here with all the questions you sure are dodging a lot that have been asked of you.

I'm guessing your probably 20-21 years old. Listen to a lotta jay-z, took a few local community college classes and think you got it figured out?
At what point did I say I was advocate of our people being into christianity?

You tried to throw in some buzz words to misguide what I originally brought up, Who owns your money? Whose your God?

So all the bs about spending habits blah blah. You ain't sitting on no table unless they want you to IDC how much money you have.

The honorable elijah muhammad had a parade threw for him by the White House and he called the Whiteman the devil, so where did his clout come from, cause money certainly wasn't it.

So ill ask you what I've asked many black people, what did we have to say about ourselves prior to slavery?
 Hey, you don't understand what the power respects. It's two things, blood, and money.

That's it. If you do not have the power to inflict harm on their system, they do not give a heck about you.

God, really does not matter to them. 
Fam for someone who came in here with all the questions you sure are dodging a lot that have been asked of you.

I'm guessing your probably 20-21 years old. Listen to a lotta jay-z, took a few local community college classes and think you got it figured out?
You've guessed wrong fam.

Try having Angela Davis as a professor, Dr. Harry Edwards as a counselor, Miles Davis as a mentor, and having James Baldwin read to you as a child.
If you really had those people involved in your life you're doing them a disservice.

You're promoting yourself as an intellectual with some supposed great guidance, yet the most you can offer our people to resolve the issues is pointless questions that have been asked numerous times, urging them to vote in a broken political system,and invest in a collapsing dollar?

Real recognize real and you're looking unfamiliar
If you really had those people involved in your life you're doing them a disservice.

You're promoting yourself as an intellectual with some supposed great guidance, yet the most you can offer our people to resolve the issues is pointless questions that have been asked numerous times, urging them to vote in a broken political system,and invest in a collapsing dollar?

Real recognize real and you're looking unfamiliar
You are funny!

So, what do you suggest black people sit and pray, instead of forcing change to the system through voting? 

I mean, voting must must mean SOMETHING, as they are trying so hard to prevent you from doing it, right?

You don't see them trying to stop you from going to worship, do you?

Just to confirm you're accepting the fact you really have no idea what to do.....

So you came into a thread bashing christians with little to no evidence to stand on besides some elementary questions? Your only solutions have been trade in one form of oppression for the next. The sad thing about it is you're really not versed in the forms of oppression you're suggesting.....

So the remedy? Know thyself and like I've asked you what did our ancestors have to say about ourselves before slavery happened? That's a good place to start.

Also, I apologixze to the op and everyone attempting to have a constructive conversation. I'm done with the troll
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Just to confirm you're accepting the fact you really have no idea what to do.....

So you came into a thread bashing christians with little to no evidence to stand on besides some elementary questions? Your only solutions have been trade in one form of oppression for the next. The sad thing about it is you're really not versed in the forms of oppression you're suggesting.....

So the remedy? Know thyself and like I've asked you what did our ancestors have to say about ourselves before slavery happened? That's a good place to start.
You are very amusing.

I didn't bash anyone, I asked pointed questions, those that many of YOU would not answer.

God has never written anything down, as man has only interpreted what he thinks God wants, which was often oppressive, misogynistic, abusive, and then only serves to keep people in check, so that the haves will maintain their position of power. You see it in the Middle East, you see it in the United States, and historically it has happened all around the world, it is nothing new. 

"Without religion, man is condemned to his freedoms."

Albert Camus
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Thanks...reading now.

No prob I've got a documentary series that goes in depth and explains how the brain basically composes our reality based off electrical signals outputs a reality. It's like 5 hours but it's broken into segments if you're interested.
It’s very difficult to change the minds of adults on any issue of significance,
says author and Harvard psychologist Howard Gardner. But the highest
probability of a lasting change of opinion comes when the first six "levers"
below are in concert, and the seventh factor, resistances, is low.
1. Reason The rational approach, involving identifying relevant factors and
weighing them. This lever is especially important among those who deem
themselves to be educated.
2. Research Complementing the use of rational argument is the collection of
data, which is used to test trends or assertions.
3. Resonance Whereas reason and research appeal to the cognitive mind,
resonance refers to emotions. An opinion or idea resonates when it just
"feels right" to a person.
4. Representational redescriptions The repetition of a point of view in many
different forms?linguistic, numerical or graphic?to reinforce the message is
one of the most important levers for changing people’s minds, Gardner says.
5. Resources and rewards Money and other resources can be applied directly
(as a bonus, for example) or indirectly (as a donation to a charity as long as
the philanthropist’s wishes are adopted). Unless resources and rewards work
together with other mind-changing levers, however, a new course of
thought is unlikely to last when the money runs out.
6. Real-world events The use of news stories and events to bolster one’s
perspective can be effective in changing minds. Some real-world events,
such as the 9/11 terrorist attacks, can affect so many people so deeply that
they cause a mass change of mind.Copyright [emoji]169[/emoji] 1994 - 2014 CXO Media Inc. a subsidiary of IDG Enterprise
Follow everything from CIO     
7. Resistances Barriers to changing one’s mind are created by age (as people
get older, their neural pathways are less susceptible to alteration), the
emotion that a topic creates and the public stand one has previously taken
on a topic.
I choose to believe the Bible because it is a reliable collection of historical documents, written by eyewitnesses during the lifetime of other eyewitnesses. They report supernatural events that took place in fulfillment of specific prophecies, and they claim to be divine rather than human in origin.
I choose to believe the Bible because it is a reliable collection of historical documents, written by eyewitnesses during the lifetime of other eyewitnesses. They report supernatural events that took place in fulfillment of specific prophecies, and they claim to be divine rather than human in origin.
Is the world flat?
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Some have legit questions or views points to express, others just escaped from under a bridge. Know the difference folks, and approach with caution.
No the world is not flat. The Bible never calls the world flat and the Christian church never taught the world to be flat. That myth has been disproven.

Did dinosaurs and man live together? Is the world only a couple thousand years old? Is it possible for the entire world to flood and then have the water that flooded it no longer be here? Is it possible to fill a boat with every animal in the world?
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