Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

Dred Scott

Brown v. Board of Education

Roe v Wade

President Barack Obama

Now, do you wish for me to explain to you HOW voting made these events possible?

Or do you wish to continue to live with your head in the sand?

I know that you'll feel safer that way.

My head in the sand eh?

Brown vs the board of education brought bout integration which was essentially the start of the end for most black pride movements.

Dred Scott is literally a grain of sand in comparison to the beach when you discuss the great betrayal of 1877, the 14th amendment, the private prison industrial complex etc

Pres. Barack Obama- not gonna go into the many things blacks have lost as him being the president. The saddest being the man won't speak for one of his own that was shot down like a dog in the streets.

At no point have I dodged any of you or anyone else ?'s in this thread. Everything I've said has been rooted in fact and scientific/historical proof.
If someone disagrees please point it out.

You're a fraud. On multiple levels.

I will/can easily point out the crumbling dollar.

I will/can easily point out the irrelevant government.

All of which you suggested to participate in for the advancement of our people.

People like you are the worst representation of what we have to offer. You have no self worth besides what you wake up and see in your bank account.

You're predicatable in your every step, and I called you out when you made your initial rounds in this thread.

You'll probably make some post that starts of with

How presumptive
How funny
How humorous

Because you've got nothing to contribute.

You're an automaton. The government, white supremacy, what ever you'd like to call it count on people like you. "Winning at their game."

You've constantly dodged my question about what did we have to say about ourselves prior to slavery?

You don't know or you don't care. Both equally as bad, but goes to show how lost you are in comparison to a people you came by hoping to belittle on an Internet forum.

So any bible verse/quaran surah/Vedic passages/buddhist mantras I can go there with you.

You're so small minded that you don't realize that our people wrote the same passages you came in here trying to bash. And I'm not saying jesus, Moses, muhammad or any major characters in the bible existed.

I say all that so hopefully you realize how little all of us really know.

You don't have the answers fam.

Present the thread something worth discussing besides asking if we should all get on our knees and pray
The would being flat according to the bible argument pretty much sums up bible buffs. If something doesn't make sense it now dubbed as "not literal" or "symbolic". So is the bible fact or not?
Yup, it does say that, which also indicates that the world is FLAT. 

Astronomical bodies are spherical, and you cannot see an entire exterior surface from any place. The text does not mention anything about a sphere, but you've added that on yourself.

So how do you know that he knew?

Why didn't he tell the people who put together the bible?
What did I add? Explain your last two questions. Not for sure exactly what you are asking?
to add simple logic to certain ideas that neglect it. A God may exist but not in the way commonly thought of. The bible doesn't stop at " don't steal, don't lie.... Ect. If you accept the bible you accept many ideas that are contradicting and often paradoxical.

God is perfection yet the idea of perfection is for somthing to have never been. The only way to have no flaws is to have never been.

Good points. So what's the solution?
My head in the sand eh?

Brown vs the board of education brought bout integration which was essentially the start of the end for most black pride movements.

Dred Scott is literally a grain of sand in comparison to the beach when you discuss the great betrayal of 1877, the 14th amendment, the private prison industrial complex etc

Pres. Barack Obama- not gonna go into the many things blacks have lost as him being the president. The saddest being the man won't speak for one of his own that was shot down like a dog in the streets.

At no point have I dodged any of you or anyone else ?'s in this thread. Everything I've said has been rooted in fact and scientific/historical proof.
If someone disagrees please point it out.

You're a fraud. On multiple levels.

I will/can easily point out the crumbling dollar.

I will/can easily point out the irrelevant government.

All of which you suggested to participate in for the advancement of our people.

People like you are the worst representation of what we have to offer. You have no self worth besides what you wake up and see in your bank account.

You're predicatable in your every step, and I called you out when you made your initial rounds in this thread.

You'll probably make some post that starts of with

How presumptive
How funny
How humorous

Because you've got nothing to contribute.

You're an automaton. The government, white supremacy, what ever you'd like to call it count on people like you. "Winning at their game."

You've constantly dodged my question about what did we have to say about ourselves prior to slavery?

You don't know or you don't care. Both equally as bad, but goes to show how lost you are in comparison to a people you came by hoping to belittle on an Internet forum.

So any bible verse/quaran surah/Vedic passages/buddhist mantras I can go there with you.

You're so small minded that you don't realize that our people wrote the same passages you came in here trying to bash. And I'm not saying jesus, Moses, muhammad or any major characters in the bible existed.

I say all that so hopefully you realize how little all of us really know.

You don't have the answers fam.

Present the thread something worth discussing besides asking if we should all get on our knees and pray
Nice rant. 

But you've left out Roe v Wade.

Was that intentional?

In your opinion, and then perhaps your God, are women equal to men?

Should they be?
You bring up Roe vs Wade and I raise you Henrietta Lacks.

Trying to single out one point in my post won't override your incompetency.

You have nothing fam. Keep it moving.
You bring up Roe vs Wade and I raise you Henrietta Lacks.

Trying to single out one point in my post won't override your incompetency.

You have nothing fam. Keep it moving.
You are simply deflecting and not addressing the question.

You either ignored Roe V Wade, or didn't see it, so I will give you another chance.

Are women equal to men, and should they be?

You asked what voting does, and I am giving it to you.

You don't like it.
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Yet you've simply ignored and deflected everything I've brought up to you....

What society are you advocating for where you've got to ask idiotic questions like that?

What's the point of brining up roe vs Wade? If you're suggesting the power of vote, let's look at how the vote affected the Federal Debt of about $17,861,260,339,000.

So you're advocating for voting and it does absolutely nothing.

The government was bought out in 1913 by European bankers courtesy of Pres. Taft.

Every since then no vote has and will matter.

But you've still haven't answered, what did our people have to say about our selves prior to slavery...,
Yet you've simply ignored and deflected everything I've brought up to you....

What society are you advocating for where you've got to ask idiotic questions like that?

What's the point of brining up roe vs Wade? If you're suggesting the power of vote, let's look at how the vote affected the Federal Debt of about $17,861,260,339,000.

So you're advocating for voting and it does absolutely nothing.

The government was bought out in 1913 by European bankers courtesy of Pres. Taft.

Every since then no vote has and will matter.

But you've still haven't answered, what did our people have to say about our selves prior to slavery...,
What did our people have to say about ourselves prior to slavery?

Red Herring much?

You do it very well.

Nope, no more deflecting from you. You've asked what voting does, and I have shown you exactly what it does. I have answered your question, now you dodge my question on Women's rights.

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Yes and yes. If I told my dad I hated him it'd evoke emotion. Could ruin his day, cause depression, ect. In doing so I DO have power and control of some form over him. If you can alter someone or thing in ANYWAY you DO hold some form of power/control over them

Now you answer the question
"Could" is the key word.

Anyway, can I make God happy, sad, mad, jealous,.. Ect? Eh, I can either please Him or provoke Him to those negative emotions. If my intention is to please Him, I'll obey. If my intention is to displease Him, I'll disobey but anything that comes afterward is my own fault since I'll know and understand the price to pay before the punishment is given. Using this to say that I believe I can control God is off and a play on people's mentality who are reading and don't know any better since the word "control" would trigger the thought that someone is at the complete and full mercy of another.

What specific type of control/power are you saying that this is? Your post says some form. What form is that?
The idea I presented is pretty clear cut and to the point. If you've altered the mood of god due to your actions you have done form of control over him.

In essence you DO control God. I can make him punish me whenever I choose. I can make him happy whenever I choose. All it takes is a simple action one way or the other.

You're so unsure you won't even answer the simple question. There's no play on words either, it's just a logical response. You don't have to rule someone to have a form of control

If you can provoke God (your own words) you have control over him
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The idea I presented is pretty clear cut and to the point. If you've altered the mood of god due to your actions you have done form of control over him.

In essence you DO control God. I can make him punish me whenever I choose. I can make him happy whenever I choose.

You're so unsure you won't even answer the simple question. There's no play on words either, it's just a logical response. You don't have to rule someone to have a form of control
This is logical yet illogical at the same time. It's not as clear cut as you're presenting.

I'm only unsure on your stance, not the question.
How are Black people the descendants of Ham, when Ham has been depicted as Russell Crowe's son?

I don't understand that at all.

Perhaps Russell should have been cast as The Godfather of Soul, James Brown, as well.
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This is logical yet illogical at the same time. It's not as clear cut as you're presenting.

I'm only unsure on your stance, not the question.
If you can provoke God (your own words) you have control over him. hows that illogical?

"Anyway, can I make God happy, sad, mad, jealous,.. Ect? Eh, I can either please Him or provoke Him to those negative emotions. If my intention is to please Him, I'll obey. If my intention is to displease Him, I'll disobey but anything that comes afterward is my own fault since I'll know and understand the price to pay before the punishment is given."

Now that's illogical. You're also dancing around the question. It's just yes or no
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With the Ten Commandments being MORAL law ordained through God, why does it not condemn domestic violence or child abuse?
If you can provoke God (your own words) you have control over him. hows that illogical?
That's not the illogical part.
I can make him punish me whenever I choose. I can make him happy whenever I choose.
This is. The whenever I choose part. The very act isn't but believing that you can "make Him" feel whatever, whenever, is called pride. That's why it's not as simple as you're presenting.
That's not the illogical part.

This is. The whenever I choose part. The very act isn't but believing that you can "make Him" feel whatever, whenever, is called pride. That's why it's not as simple as you're presenting.

According to the bible you CAN. I do his work, he's happy, I turn around and kill someone, he's angry. I pray and repent, happy again. All done under my own free will (which also is a paradox of the bible) and changed gods stance or mood. That's control

Pretty clear cut.
According to the bible you CAN. I do his work, he's happy, I turn around and kill someone, he's angry. I pray and repent, happy again. All done under my own free will (which also is a paradox of the bible) and changed gods stance or mood. That's control

Pretty clear cut.
So are you saying we control God by manipulating His emotions towards us?
So are you saying we control God by manipulating His emotions towards us?
Having some control over something doesn't mean you have complete control BUT in the case of man and God having that control (however large or small you want to measure it) discredits being "all powerful".

To simply answer your question, yes

Side note, for God to display human emotion is pretty "uncharacteristic", for lack of a better word, for a being whos complete power and perfection.
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You know exactly what I am asking.

Where in the bible does it state that God knew the earth is a sphere?

Show and prove.
There are 100s of verses in the Bible that will tell you that God knows everything. You can look those up yourself. As far as the your question about God knowing the earth was a sphere. I already gave you a verse where Jesus (God in the flesh) addresses this.A spherical earth is also described in Isaiah 40:21-22—“the circle of the earth.”

Note, the Biblical Hebrew word for “circle” (חוג—chuwg) can also mean “round” or “sphere.”
My goal is to not prove the Bible to be true or defend it. The Bible is like a lion. Let it loose and it will defend itself. I'm only stating why I believe the Bible to be true. I choose to believe the Bible because it is a reliable collection of historical documents, written by eyewitnesses during the lifetime of other eyewitnesses. They report supernatural events that took place in fulfillment of specific prophecies, and they claim to be divine rather than human in origin.

40 authors. 3 different continents. 3 different languages written over a period of 1,500 years. Non of the authors contradict one another. Over 6,000 manuscripts that still exist. Over 25,000 archelogical digs that support the 100s of issues addressed in the Bible. That is why I believe it to be true.
This thread has been going around in circles. From early Christianity there was Gnosticism in which they saw the story for what it really was, allegory telling a much more meaningful tale of the human self awareness. Then there were literalist (which there seem to be a lot of in here) who see the biblical account as something that actually took place. It didn't happen point blank period and nobody in here or anywhere can prove it did. There are countless pagan god men (osirus-Dionysus) that predated biblical account who's stories mirrored the Jesus myth in many many ways. ppl are just too lazy to do the research. The Christ is a role not a person. To even refer to what u wanna call "god" as "him" or "he" you ****** up already. It's ok to say u don't know but to base your entire being on blind faith and hand me down beliefs is just a huge mistake and a sign of mental immaturity.

The inner mysteries of Christianity, which the Gnostics taught but which the literalist denied existed, revealed that the Jesus story was not a factual account of gods one and only visit to planet earth, but a mystical teaching story designed to help each one of us become a Christ.

It is only familiarity and cultural prejudice that prevents us from seeing the New Testament gospels in the same light as the pagan mysteries that mirror and proceed it.
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