Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

@hallywoodxo Most of what I quote from you isn't to I guess correct or inform you. It's more so for the other eyes that are reading and don't know. You have your beliefs but our POV has to be presented as well.

From my stance, the snake going from revered to a symbol of health makes sense. Can't attract people to evil by showing them what it really is so mask it into something that will draw people into accepting it.

I'd rather remain with facts, never mind symbolism, supposed sorcery, imagery.

God has never written anything down, and that is all I need as proof that religion, all of them, are full of it when it comes to communication with, and then knowing who and what God is.

You bring up a good point. The all powerful God needed men to write for him? How was that even able to take place? Did God proof read the bible and gave it the ok? The language that it was initially written in a languge that contains words that don't even correctly translate to english. How is it that people take it literally word for word when the words used aren't even all correct?
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From my stance, the snake going from revered to a symbol of health makes sense. Can't attract people to evil by showing them what it really is so mask it into something that will draw people into accepting it.
Kinda like...


Let's go ahead and crack that can of worms open, what did jesus look like before i get called a racist or something.
I'd rather remain with facts, never mind symbolism, supposed sorcery, imagery.

God has never written anything down, and that is all I need as proof that religion, all of them, are full of it when it comes to communication with, and then knowing who and what God is.
I can ride with that. I'm getting out there for a second but we were never supposed to write in the first place. Look how much confusion, and debate has come from writings in literature. Again going back to Acts 13:10
glad to have found this thread scouring general...under all my sleaziness I still maintain I relationship with god and I know when I'm being the best dude I can be or sinning like crazy, the big man is still up there showing love like crazy. Interested in reading this thread and getting to know y'all
You bring up a good point. The all powerful God needed men to write for him? How was that even able to take place? Did God proof read the bible and gave it the ok? The language that it was initially written in a languge that contains words that don't even correctly translate to english. How is it that people take it literally word for word when the words used aren't even all correct?

Nobody has ever officially heard from the God of all things

I personally am not going to sit and wait for the God to write anything down either, as during all this time, through all of the joy and pain, the real word, has never come.

I think that it is always smart to question those who claim to know who God is, with their only proof being something that they themselves have written down.
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Kinda like...


Let's go ahead and crack that can of worms open, what did jesus look like before i get called a racist or something.
Yeah same thing.

The description of Him that you keep posting is what He looks like now. Before...I'm not even sure. One thing He wasn't was caucasian.
and can you elaborate on this part 
Women can greatly influence men who are in power. Seducing them through lusts.

It's why I'll forever applaud Joseph for running from Potiphar's wife.
Yeah same thing.

The description of Him that you keep posting is what He looks like now. Before...I'm not even sure. One thing He wasn't was caucasian.

Women can greatly influence men who are in power. Seducing them through lusts.

It's why I'll forever applaud Joseph for running from Potiphar's wife.
So what does he look like? For the greatest men that ever lived there should be some accurate portrayal of him, And why is it that holy caucasian people have accounts of him?

Men can greatly influence women through little power. Raping them through lusts.

It's why I'll never forgive christianity for what they did to the divine feminine.

But getting back to my earlier statement, we were discussing how the devil would use trickery and take the original and corrupt it. Like i said The woman was the original God. You dont find it convenient that for millions of years God is a woman yet the christ thing rolls around and she becomes the origin of sin. Yall dudes are comfortable looking yall moms and wifes in the face saying your the true and living representation of sin?
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Women can greatly influence men who are in power. Seducing them through lusts.

It's why I'll forever applaud Joseph for running from Potiphar's wife.
Oh this is interesting.

That part of your comment is very, very telling.

Men who are supposedly in power, tend to have a whole bunch of things to fear, don't they?

It seems that they have to set up traps, and pitfalls, in order to protect themselves from those who wish to topple them from their position. 

What things do they use in order to keep people at bay?

If they are truly indeed in power, would they really and truly have to worry about seduction?
So what does he look like? For the greatest men that ever lived there should be some accurate portrayal of him, And why is it that holy caucasian people have accounts of him?

Men can greatly influence women through little power. Raping them through lusts.

It's why I'll never forgive christianity for what they did to the divine feminine.

But getting back to my earlier statement, we were discussing how the devil would use trickery and take the original and corrupt it. Like i said The woman was the original God. You dont find it convenient that for millions of years God is a woman yet the christ thing rolls around and she becomes the origin of sin. Yall dudes are comfortable looking yall moms and wifes in the face saying your the true and living representation of sin?
Not sure why you asked again when I said I'm not sure. Or who these holy caucasian people are.

Who are these holy caucasians?

When do I look my mom in the face and say that?

When did I even say I think women are the representation of sin?

Where do you get this information from? That women were the original god? What source?

When was god a woman for millions of years? What's the source for that?
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Dogon-Emme ya


Minoan-Snake Goddess





Those are just a few that far predate christianity. By the way that's the stuff we were practicing in Africa. Know thyself and you'll know god. 99% of what most african americans know about themselves is what the dominant society has provided them.

and that was a typo on holy, it was supposed to read only caucasian* people have a physical representation of Jesus. And if it doesn't matter the color of jesus why did they make him white in every church? That's a HELL of a lie to tell and just kinda sweep under the rug. Are our people so devoid of rational thought that they've never asked, well if they lied about that what else did they lie about?
[h1]John 8:44[/h1][h1]44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.[/h1]
By accepting christianity you accept the symbols and images that come with it. For example you accept that human family came from adam and eve. Therefore, every women alive today is the living representation of the original sin. So you dont have to verbally say those things to your mom, youre just simply guilty by association.
By accepting christianity you accept the symbols and images that come with it. For example you accept that human family came from adam and eve. Therefore, every women alive today is the living representation of the original sin. So you dont have to verbally say those things to your mom, youre just simply guilty by association.
The woman committed the original sin. She herself was not THE original sin. Sin didn't even enter in until after the man ate, who the original command was given too.
Dogon-Emme ya


Minoan-Snake Goddess





Those are just a few that far predate christianity. By the way that's the stuff we were practicing in Africa. Know thyself and you'll know god. 99% of what most african americans know about themselves is what the dominant society has provided them.
Is that where all of the information regarding the eye and god being a woman is coming from? Which one specifically?
The woman committed the original sin. She herself was not THE original sin. Sin didn't even enter in until after the man ate, who the original command was given too.
This was the reason the Catholic Church has regulated Women to second class status. Women, supposedly, are easily influenced by Satan, therefore putting man at risk. This is not true, as this is also the reason they've left the story of Lillith on the cutting room floor. 

The story of Adam cannot be told without telling the story of his first wife, which was not Eve.

Adam, the punk that he was, continually raped his first wife Lillith, abused her, and she got fed up with it. God ignored her plea to make Adam stop, so she went where she could get help. So while Adam complained to God, his God actually, stating that Lillith refused to be subservient toward him, not bending to his will, he asked God to create a new help meet.

If the true story, the unedited version, ever hit the masses as is the current Bible, the God in the bible, the one the Catholic Church represents, the one Male and also White supremacy represents, smart people would turn away in droves, which isn't good business.

But we all know that the Christian Church isn't really a business, right?
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Bible says this and that....... The real argument is if the bible is even a credible source. The thing has been edited more than a wiki page over thousands of years some of which done by men who DID NOT even believe in it. THAT is a fact.
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Dogon-Emme ya
Minoan-Snake Goddess

Those are just a few that far predate christianity. By the way that's the stuff we were practicing in Africa. Know thyself and you'll know god. 99% of what most african americans know about themselves is what the dominant society has provided them.

and that was a typo on holy, it was supposed to read only caucasian* people have a physical representation of Jesus. And if it doesn't matter the color of jesus why did they make him white in every church? That's a HELL of a lie to tell and just kinda sweep under the rug. Are our people so devoid of rational thought that they've never asked, well if they lied about that what else did they lie about?

[h1]John 8:44

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.


By accepting christianity you accept the symbols and images that come with it. For example you accept that human family came from adam and eve. Therefore, every women alive today is the living representation of the original sin. So you dont have to verbally say those things to your mom, youre just simply guilty by association.

I don't have much time now, but I will address a lot of the things you have posted. First, who are these gods you mentioned? Is there evidence of their existence? And I don't mean the idols ancient people worshiped, but actual historical or archeological evidence that these gods existed?

Plus that verse you posted in John. Who is the speaker? Who is the speakers's audience? What is the context of the statement?
First, wanna make it a point that I'm curious to what Jesus looked like. Not sure if you didnt read that part or conveniently sweeping it under the rug like many have been done before.

At any rate, you could pick any of those religions, they're all talking about the same thing. I'll use the gnostic script since it's the most familiar to those with a christian background.

"Almost all Gnostic systems of the Syrian or Egyptian  type taught that the universe began with an original, unknowable God, referred to as the Parent or Bythos, or as the Monad  byMonoimus. From this initial unitary beginning, the One spontaneously emanated  further Aeons, being pairs of progressively 'lesser' beings in sequence. Together with the source from which they emanate they form the Pleroma, or fullness, of God, and thus should not be seen as distinct from the divine, but symbolic abstractions of the divine nature. The transition from the immaterial to the material, from the noumenal to the sensible, is brought about by a flaw, or a passion, or a sin, in one of the Aeons.

In most versions of the Gnostic mythos, it is Sophia who brings about this instability in the Pleroma, in turn bringing about the creation of materiality. According to some Gnostic texts, the crisis occurs as a result of Sophia trying to emanate without her syzygy or, in another tradition, because she tries to breach the barrier between herself and the unknowableBythos. After cataclysmically falling from the Pleroma, Sophia's fear and anguish of losing her life (just as she lost the light of the One) causes confusion and longing to return to it. Because of these longings, matter  (Greek: hylē, ὕλη) and soul  (Greek: psychē, ψυχή) accidentally come into existence. The creation of the Demiurge  (also known as Yaldabaoth, "Son of Chaos") is also a mistake made during this exile. The Demiurge proceeds to create the physical world in which we live, ignorant of Sophia, who nevertheless manages to infuse some spiritual spark or pneuma  into his creation".

Mind you, these are all allegorical for the stars and the formation of the material universe. 

Sirius-Sophia (The Original Star)

The Sun-Yaldabaoth-Allah/Jehovah/Yaweh

The 12 zodiacs-The Archons-The disciples

Notice how the sun is a masculine force with it's rays that is constantly penetrating the feminine mother earth so she can give birth to life.

As above so below, Notice the nucleus (positive energy) surrounded by electrons (negative energy) just like the planets in our solar system revolve the postive energy of the sun. This is the real meat and potatoes of the bible if you're trying to understand it. Forget the kid bedtime stories.


Our sun is NOT the original light of creation hence 

Exodus 20:5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God i am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth  generation of them that hate me.

Why would god aka the sun be jealous if it was the original star in the universe?

Something else to point out , Mater/Matric- the root world in latin meaning mother

we live in mater-ial universe

we leave home to our alma-maters

our bodies are compose of mat(t)er

When we attend college we matri-culate

were all born into a physical matri-x

Guess that's all pseudo science to tho probably
First, wanna make it a point that I'm curious to what Jesus looked like. Not sure if you didnt read that part or conveniently sweeping it under the rug like many have been done before.
Our sun is NOT the original light of creation hence 

Exodus 20:5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God i am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth  generation of them that hate me.

Why would god aka the sun be jealous if it was the original star in the universe?
Who is God telling them not to bow down to?
Another interesting point, where did God learn jealousy, sadness, envy? A being of complete perfection jealous? That just doesn't even make sense. God is capable of becoming depressed? Cmon man. That's just insulting
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The bible argument is pointless. It's been tailored to defend its self. Something doesn't make sense? Call it a mystery. Need proof? Say it will come when you die. Encounter discouragers? Tell them they are evil.

Full proof plan
Absolutely spot on, really this should be /thread every time...
First, wanna make it a point that I'm curious to what Jesus looked like. Not sure if you didnt read that part or conveniently sweeping it under the rug like many have been done before.

At any rate, you could pick any of those religions, they're all talking about the same thing. I'll use the gnostic script since it's the most familiar to those with a christian background.

"Almost all Gnostic systems of the Syrian or Egyptian
 type taught that the universe began with an original, unknowable God
, referred to as the Parent or Bythos
, or as the Monad
. From this initial unitary beginning, the One spontaneously emanated
 further Aeons
, being pairs of progressively 'lesser' beings in sequence. Together with the source from which they emanate they form the Pleroma
, or fullness, of God, and thus should not be seen as distinct from the divine, but symbolic abstractions of the divine nature. The transition from the immaterial to the material, from the noumenal to the sensible, is brought about by a flaw, or a passion, or a sin, in one of the Aeons.

In most versions of the Gnostic mythos, it is Sophia who brings about this instability in the Pleroma, in turn bringing about the creation of materiality. According to some Gnostic texts, the crisis occurs as a result of Sophia trying to emanate without her syzygy or, in another tradition, because she tries to breach the barrier between herself and the unknowableBythos
. After cataclysmically falling from the Pleroma, Sophia's fear and anguish of losing her life (just as she lost the light of the One) causes confusion and longing to return to it. Because of these longings, matter
 (Greek: hylē
, ὕλη) and soul
 (Greek: psychē, ψυχή) accidentally come into existence. The creation of the Demiurge
 (also known as Yaldabaoth, "Son of Chaos") is also a mistake made during this exile. The Demiurge proceeds to create the physical world in which we live, ignorant of Sophia, who nevertheless manages to infuse some spiritual spark or pneuma
 into his creation".

Mind you, these are all allegorical for the stars and the formation of the material universe. 

Sirius-Sophia (The Original Star)

The Sun-Yaldabaoth-Allah/Jehovah/Yaweh

The 12 zodiacs-The Archons-The disciples

Notice how the sun is a masculine force with it's rays that is constantly penetrating the feminine mother earth so she can give birth to life.

As above so below, Notice the nucleus (positive energy) surrounded by electrons (negative energy) just like the planets in our solar system revolve the postive energy of the sun. This is the real meat and potatoes of the bible if you're trying to understand it. Forget the kid bedtime stories.


Our sun is NOT the original light of creation hence 

Exodus 20:5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God i am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me.

Why would god aka the sun be jealous if it was the original star in the universe?

Something else to point out , Mater/Matric- the root world in latin meaning mother

we live in mater-ial universe

we leave home to our alma-maters

our bodies are compose of mat(t)er

When we attend college we matri-culate

were all born into a physical matri-x

Guess that's all pseudo science to tho probably

I'll address what Jesus looked like when I get home from work. Just chiming in to let y'all know I'm still very interested in our conversation. With that being said, I'm only going to tell you what the Bible says about Jesus appearance. Is that ok?
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