Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

evolution and creation are compatible theories

I've believed this since i was introduced to both..
This is a thread about Christ.

I'll be kind to you

but I won't compromise

the truth for your liking.
 OP i think this comment is a great example of the arrogance that pushing many people away from the message you are preaching. While I am no atheist i think for those of us who chose not to be christian or belong to any religion would just like the same peace and respect , which we give  to others. I don't walk into a room or knock on peoples doors pointing out flaws in the christian or other biblical canons, nor do I push my beliefs on those who like yourself choose to be christian or follow any abrahamic faith, nor will I insist or imply you are following the wrong path and bc of that you will essentially suffer for enternity via Hell, not being resurrected or etc. Your religion which happens to be christianity , works for you. It's giving you something you feel you lacked before , and thats awesome. 

However, "The Truth" and "Your Truth" are two different things. Every man, women and child are entitled to believe what they want, but that doesn't make it "the truth". The Truth is based on facts and can be proven. The Sun is hotter than my stove is "the truth". Draya is hotter than Ms. Piggy is "My truth" . There is no way to prove my truth , similarly you cannot prove nor disprove faith , bc faith is what YOU believe. If you choose to believe carbon dating is bunk that's fine, but that doesn't mean that Jesus or any other messiah is "The Truth". It's still "Your Truth" and while your truth is real and unquestioned to you , it doesn't mean that it stands up that way for everyone else. 
Why can't G-d and science co-exist? Why does it have to be an absolute on either side of the argument?
This is where I stand. I can accept the possibility of a creative force, but also see the logic in nature.

Case in point earth is not only 6,000 years old


My wife and her parents really do believe the world is only 6,000 years old and we came from Adam and Eve. I was always taught that Adam and Eve (along with other stories in the bible) instruments to teach. Not that I'm saying that the stories in the bible are true or not.
There's a talking donkey in the bible....

anyway can you explain Judges 19:22-30 [@=/u/129175/DurtyRaspburry]@DurtyRaspburry[/@]
The wickedness of the
men of Gibeah 
after they had abandoned

So it's ok to offer up your daughter or a female guest of yours to a group of strangers to have their way with rather than a male guest? Or is this not an important part of the story?
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I have no problem finding a happy medium, I encourage it. If someone wishes to believe man's science is trust us learning more about their God's way then there is no issue to me.
What you described was evolution. A tiger is not a house cat. Those changes making them different is evolution as they diverged into other species.

Have you considered that could be God's will?
Then just say adaption.

Evolution by most standards is 

the interchanging of a kind to a kind.

I'm here for


Not my personal belief

So it's ok to offer up your daughter or a female guest of yours to a group of strangers to have their way with rather than a male guest? Or is this not an important part of the story?

It is important, as 

it displays the true 

wickedness and lawlessness

of people without God.
The word Dinosaur was first used in the mid 1800s. Why would it be in the bible?

They're other names in the bible that very well describe what seems to be "Dinosaurs".
What's funny is that most people who claim science, have probably never studied actual science in their entire academic career

(If said career even exists)
come off your soap box.
The word Dinosaur was first used in the mid 1800s. Why would it be in the bible?

They're other names in the bible that very well describe what seems to be "Dinosaurs".

The word Dinosaur was first used in the mid 1800s. Why would it be in the bible?

They're other names in the bible that very well describe what seems to be "Dinosaurs".

Post them. I'm curious

Behemoth and Leviathan is what I believe he'll say
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Then just say adaption.
Evolution by most standards is 
the interchanging of a kind to a kind.

I'm here for
Not my personal belief

No one is saying something changes from 'Kind' to 'Kind' (whatever that is) apologist like to say kind because it is loosely defined.

fyi, " Biological evolution, simply put, is descent with modification. This definition encompasses small-scale evolution (changes in gene frequency in a population from one generation to the next) and large-scale evolution (the descent of different species from a common ancestor over many generations). "

But i'm done with this thread, it's been entertaining at the very least. :rofl:
Thanks for the comedy Durty
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