Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

Post them. I'm curious

Job Chapter 40

15 Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee; he eateth grass as an ox.

16 Lo now, his strength [is] in his loins, and his force [is] in the navel of his belly.

17 He moveth his tail like a cedar: the sinews of his stones are wrapped together.

18 His bones [are as] strong pieces of brass; his bones [are] like bars of iron.

19 He [is] the chief of the ways of God: he that made him can make his sword to approach [unto him].

20 Surely the mountains bring him forth food, where all the beasts of the field play.

21 He lieth under the shady trees, in the covert of the reed, and fens.

22 The shady trees cover him [with] their shadow; the willows of the brook compass him about.

23 Behold, he drinketh up a river, [and] hasteth not: he trusteth that he can draw up Jordan into his mouth.

24 He taketh it with his eyes: [his] nose pierceth through snares.
yeah..I was speaking on the behemoth part.

The bible and most religious scholars dismiss dinosaurs because they believe the world is only 6k years old.

The Bible does not dismiss dinosaurs.

Many, probably most (which is sad) religious scholars are variants, frauds, and fakes. Look for a pastor who actually studed the Bible, and Greek language and went to seminary.
The Bible does not dismiss dinosaurs.

Many, probably most (which is sad) religious scholars are variants, frauds, and fakes. Look for a pastor who actually studed the Bible, and Greek language and went to seminary.
I disagree.

I went to catholic school. The only time dinosaurs were brought up was when the book fair had books for sale about them.

I had religion trophies from the age of 7-14 when I graduated elementary. Went to high school, forced to take religion courses instead of useful college prep classes. I've tried to believe in religion, in "GOD" but I dont have no one coming to be in bread, water, or in my dreams telling me he/she exists.

If God exists, and religion is good, then why are priests molesting children in the name of God. Why are christians (mostly black super churches) so focused on tithes behind GOD? God wants them to drive bentleys while their congregation struggles.
A person who is more than qualified.

A person who has devoted years of his life to the studies and practices of science, physics and mathematics. You know, those things that prove how and why things in your everyday lives occur.

Ok, prove it

So far you've come in here to drop one liners with nobody paying you any attention
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dudes really don't believe in science tho

No one is outright disputing science. I'm not. What I will say, not all science explains things. The earth being Billions of years old is estimation. Saying Dinosaurs walked MILLIONS of years ago is a estimation. Estimations doesn't equate to absolute. Man is wrong A LOT. Man's systems aren't flawless. They're SCIENTIST and DOCTORS who are believers. I don't think they're any scientist here. But with all that intellect, they believe in a God/higher power/creator.
A person who is more than qualified.

A person who has devoted years of his life to the studies and practices of science, physics and mathematics. You know, those things that prove how and why things in your everyday lives occur.
Did you really just change your avi to come off as "more qualified"
I disagree.

I went to catholic school. The only time dinosaurs were brought up was when the book fair had books for sale about them.

I had religion trophies from the age of 7-14 when I graduated elementary. Went to high school, forced to take religion courses instead of useful college prep classes. I've tried to believe in religion, in "GOD" but I dont have no one coming to be in bread, water, or in my dreams telling me he/she exists.

If God exists, and religion is good, then why are priests molesting children in the name of God. Why are christians (mostly black super churches) so focused on tithes behind GOD? God wants them to drive bentleys while their congregation struggles.

He just said and I said earlier in the thread, all that glitters aint Gold. We have some false Christians. We have people who use the word for monetary gain. If you aren't inline with the Word. You're prone to falling out of line. That's why we call it the straight and narrow. The less traveled path. Its not easy. It takes dedication. Some believers have allowed their fleshly desires to take over and give in to sick and perverse things. Such as molestation, rape, stealing, lying, killing etc etc.

Not every church is a big super mega church. My pastor works a 9-5 like the rest of us. We discuss tithes only because it shows obedience to God.
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Actually, it seems like I've got quite a few people's attention.
Especially those who, well you know. Refer back to my initial statements.

Again, what would you like me to prove?
You're a rich kid.

The type to get spoiled and use #blessed to appear "humble"

He just said and I said earlier in the thread, all that glitters aint Gold. We have some false Christians. We have people who use the word for monetary gain. If you aren't inline with the Word. You're prone to falling out of line. That's why we call it the straight and narrow. The less traveled path. Its not easy. It takes dedication. Some believers have allowed their fleshly desires to take over and give in to sick and perverse things. Such as molestation, rape, stealing, lying, killing etc etc.
There's a way.... and a highway
He just said and I said earlier in the thread, all that glitters aint Gold. We have some false Christians. We have people who use the word for monetary gain. If you aren't inline with the Word. You're prone to falling out of line. That's why we call it the straight and narrow. The less traveled path. Its not easy. It takes dedication. Some believers have allowed their fleshly desires to take over and give in to sick and perverse things. Such as molestation, rape, stealing, lying, killing etc etc.
You, I can deal with, 

I respect your response.

I still think religion is stupid. I feel like it's a "thing" to do. You get a house..."thank god", You buy a new car "thank god". Why you only thanking god for good things? 

When your mom passes away from cancer, why shouldn't I "thank god"? I mean it's what I'm suppose to do right? 

When my mother passed, the idea of GOD died with her.
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I disagree.

I went to catholic school. The only time dinosaurs were brought up was when the book fair had books for sale about them.

I had religion trophies from the age of 7-14 when I graduated elementary. Went to high school, forced to take religion courses instead of useful college prep classes. I've tried to believe in religion, in "GOD" but I dont have no one coming to be in bread, water, or in my dreams telling me he/she exists.

If God exists, and religion is good, then why are priests molesting children in the name of God. Why are christians (mostly black super churches) so focused on tithes behind GOD? God wants them to drive bentleys while their congregation struggles.

Just like theres dirty cops, theres dirty preachers and pastors.

"Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheeps clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.You will know them by their fruits...."
Just like theres dirty cops, theres dirty preachers and pastors.

"Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheeps clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.You will know them by their fruits...."
That's the thing. The sheep continue to baa-baa.

How many preachers have been exposed...give a sermon on apologies and bam, right back at the Bentley dealership with that week tithes? All in the name of GOD.

Why would GOD want people to continue to follow that false prophet.
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