Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

:lol:  I figured you were trolling kuz of the way you've asked n answered questions. Do you know how hard it was for me to decipher it in order to make it fit with what I was saying? :lol:

Lol lol lol lol no offense to anyone but that's how I feel when most of the posts in here are answered

I understand.

One more:

If God resides everywhere, is it fair to assume he is also in Hell?
Ahhhhhhh...that's a good question.

the evil counterpart of god is the devil who was lucifer. god made NO mistakes in genesis, it was Lucifer who f'ked up with his arrogance and fell hard to hell, then he got revenge and deceived woman who in turn deceived man

the devil loves to think that he is the most powerful but that itself is a LIE. the greatest trick ever done was trying to fool jesus when he was tempted by saying I dont exist at all. Believe it that basterd does.
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I understand.

One more:

If God resides everywhere, is it fair to assume he is also in Hell?
Ahhhhhhh...that's a good question.
the evil counterpart of god is the devil who was lucifer. god made NO mistakes in genesis, it was Lucifer who f'ked up with his arrogance and fell hard to hell, then he got revenge and deceived woman who in turn deceived man

the devil loves to think that he is the most powerful but that itself is a LIE. the greatest trick ever done was trying to fool jesus when he was tempted by saying I dont exist at all. Believe it that basterd does.
It sounds more like it's god's fault for creating Lucifer. After all, he knew what would happen. 

I understand.

One more:

If God resides everywhere, is it fair to assume he is also in Hell?
Ahhhhhhh...that's a good question.

the evil counterpart of god is the devil who was lucifer. god made NO mistakes in genesis, it was Lucifer who f'ked up with his arrogance and fell hard to hell, then he got revenge and deceived woman who in turn deceived man

the devil loves to think that he is the most powerful but that itself is a LIE. the greatest trick ever done was trying to fool jesus when he was tempted by saying I dont exist at all. Believe it that basterd does.

It sounds more like it's god's fault for creating Lucifer. After all, he knew what would happen. 

i dont really know or believe so, imo God was deceived
you see the devil is very clever, he wants to make you think he is not real while he tries to cloud your mind with evil negative thoughts, he is like a right (wrong) hand man who uses humans as "pawns" to commit bad actions. then when judgment comes the devil is the first one to Lie and deceive by saying I didnt exist therefore I am not responsible for ruining mankind life. Instead the devil will cast blame upon God which he will try to use to influence man and turn man against God. this is what God doesnt want to happen

How can an omniscient, omnipotent being be deceived by his creation? 

God allowed Lucifer to be the brightest angel, however it was excessive pride on his part that God kinda got taken a back by, he didnt really expect Lucifer to act that and when Lucifer became too adamant God wrote Lucifer's fate on the spot, rather than predicting it before.

God did give man free will and independence, however the only golden rule he had was not to disobey him by taking cursed fruit. thats when all rules were broken and hell broke loose

People think it was all written and predicted long time ago. Imo things are fated or written as time passes by like in the current moment, not like decades from now. Maybe god uses a mixture of logic and illogical things. I remember when it said something in the bible like jesus/god could turn a rock into water.

There are so many illogical sounding things in the bible but I guess thats where faith and reason collide. When someone who has all the power and everything in the world is so extremely complicated says "Do not try to understand my ways" when we humans try to prove or disprove the existence of god I think madness will ensue.
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King James Bible: How it changed the way we speak

The impact of the King James Bible, which was published 400 years ago, is still being felt in the way we speak and write, says Stephen Tomkins.

No other book, or indeed any piece of culture, seems to have influenced the English language as much as the King James Bible. Its turns of phrase have permeated the everyday language of English speakers, whether or not they've ever opened a copy.

The Sun says Aston Villa "refused to give up the ghost". Wendy Richard calls her EastEnders character Pauline Fowler "the salt of the earth". The England cricket coach tells reporters, "You can't put words in my mouth." Daily Mirror fashion pages call Tilda Swinton "a law unto herself".

Though each of those phrases was begotten of the loins of the English Bible, it's safe to say that none of those speakers was deliberately quoting the Bible to people they expected to be familiar with its contents.

And while a 2009 survey by Durham University found that only 38% of us know the parable of prodigal son, a recent book by the linguist David Crystal, appropriately called Begat:

The King James Bible and the English language, counts 257 phrases from the King James Bible in contemporary English idiom.

Phrases still with us

Turned the world upside down Acts 17:6
God forbid Romans 3:4
Take root 2 Kings 19:30
The powers that be Romans 13:1
Filthy lucre 1 Timothy 3:3
No peace for the wicked Isaiah 57: 21
A fly in the ointment Ecclesiastes 10:1
Wheels within wheels Ezekiel 10:10
The blind leading the blind Matthew 15:13
Feet of clay Daniel 2:33

Such statistics take us back to days of old when this Bible was the daily reading of millions of people throughout the English speaking world, from Northamptonshire cobblers to US presidents - though not perhaps so far distant in the latter case.

Readers absorbed its language both directly and through other reading.

Tennyson considered Bible reading "an education in itself",
while Dickens called the New Testament
"the very best book that ever was or ever will be known in the world."

The US statesman Daniel Webster said: "If there is anything in my thoughts or style to commend, the credit is due to my parents for instilling in me an early love of the Scriptures." Equally celebrated as a British orator, TB Macaulay said that the translation demonstrated "the whole extent of [the] beauty and power" of the English language.

Based in Oxford, Cambridge and London
Drew heavily on the work of William Tyndale, who was one of the first to translate the Bible into English from Hebrew and Greek
It was all at the request of King James I, who was unhappy with existing translations and regularly visited the scholars .

He points to several reasons. The Bible was "a very public text", he says. "It would have been read aloud in churches very, very extensively, which would have imprinted it on people's minds."
50 sayings that came from the King James VI Bible.

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

All things must pass

A man after his own heart

A wolf in sheep's clothing

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth

Apple of your eye

As old as the hills

At their wits' end

Baptism of fire

Bite the dust

Bread of life

Broken heart

By the skin of your teeth

Can a leopard change its spots?

Cast the first stone

Eat drink and be merry

Fall from grace

Flesh and blood

Feet of clay

Fly in the ointment

Fight the good fight

Forbidden fruit

Give up the ghost

Gird your loins

Heart's desire

Holier than thou

In the twinkling of an eye

It's better to give than receive

Labour of love

Law unto themselves

Living off the fat of the land

Love of money is the root of all evil

No rest for the wicked

O ye of little faith

Out of the mouths of babes

Powers that be

Put your house in order

Reap what you sow

Red sky at night; shepherds' delight

Sour grapes

See eye to eye

Set your teeth on edge

Sign of the times

Strength to strength

The blind leading the blind

The root of the matter

The salt of the earth

The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak

Wages of sin

Writing on the wall
:lol: sounds like a preteen novel?

nah im not 100% sure since I haven't been keeping up with church past 8 years.

The thing that the last piece of the puzzle is Revelations.

Yall see this religious war going on?

Jew vs Muslim. since 1947

Jihad holy war commencement to WW3?

How many of yall gonna fall on one knee calling to "God" where are you please help us. That will be the test for all non believers if it does come. Those who have faith might perish, those who disbelieve might have a chance to realize before they live for a few seconds before perishing.

Why do people murder in the name of god when we were supposed to worship one. the more I analyze it seems all of the worlds problems, divisions, crimes, bias, racism ALL are a result of mankind's reasoning.

However on the plus side its only because of advanced thinking have we made so much progress in life only to destroy it with our own hands.

Im not talking about randomness right now, Im talking about conscious decisions that are controllable. Im talking about the fact that despite how much we hated God and how much God loved us, the real problem is humans hating one another, humans doubting one another because of deception, lies and wrong things. Humans question what is god yet god is the complete positive good truth that we are blind to because we do not see his works in front of our faces every time, every place, every situation.

That is the final point, fate vs choice. Humans have choice on their side. But Fate, in whatever form it comes, religious or not, may or may not be on our side. One fault of humans is that when things are right we are happy. When things are wrong we start cursing God and questioning and doubting everything in our life until we feel satisfied to make it "right"
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thats the thing when it comes to faith we cant always prove whether it works, its true, its stupid or whatever. when it comes to anything requiring proof and reasoning then it must be proved or disproved. some things sound like legends and tall tales but if you choose to believe in it then it will "sound" true. Ok, but to prove that faith works could drive anyone to madness imo
People dismiss Greek mythology because it's just "silly" yet Christianity does the same thing


Their stories were far better at getting a point across than the bible.

Icarus flew too close to the sun and fell. Moral of the story...know your limits

Need to get your people across a body of water...part it...wait, wut?!
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sounds like a preteen novel?

nah im not 100% sure since I haven't been keeping up with church past 8 years.

The thing that the last piece of the puzzle is Revelations.

Yall see this religious war going on?

Jew vs Muslim. since 1947

Jihad holy war preclude to WW3?

How many of yall gonna fall on one knee calling to "God" where are you please help us. That will be the test for all non believers if it does come. Those who have faith might perish, those who disbelieve might have a chance to realize before they live for a few seconds before perishing.

Why do people murder in the name of god when we were supposed to worship one. the more I analyze it seems all of the worlds problems, divisions, crimes, bias, racism ALL are a result of mankind's reasoning.

However on the plus side its only because of advanced thinking have we made so much progress in life only to destroy it with our own hands.

Im not talking about randomness right now, Im talking about conscious decisions that are controllable. Im talking about the fact that despite how much we hated God and how much God loved us, the real problem is humans hating one another, humans doubting one another because of deception, lies and wrong things. Humans question what is god yet god is the complete positive good truth that we are blind to because we do not see his works in front of our faces every time, every place, every situation.

That is the final point, fate vs choice. Humans have choice on their side. But Fate, in whatever form it comes, religious or not, may or may not be on our side. One fault of humans is that when things are right we are happy. When things are wrong we start cursing God and questioning and doubting everything in our life until we feel satisfied to make it "right"
Your completely right, the enslaving of an entire continent for the sole purpose of a free work force used to work the land on a continent stolen from an indigenous people that was systematically slaughtered is entirely based upon reason. No, it was the Christians, that had just fought the Muslims (Who controlled the world's most important trade port n Holy Land) in the Crusades, that "discovered" a new land n felt it was theirs. The God-appointed kings n queens of Europe then slaughtered, raped, n robbed the Native Americans (From Canada to Patagonia, present-day Argentina) because they were seen as savages that did not know the 'lord'. Then these native peoples had their homelands, as well as their entire histories wipe from record, along with the Africans who had their entire history wiped from their memory when they made it to the New World. All of this was compounded by the fact that if these heathens did not accept the 'one true god' as their own they were subject to torture, rape, n death. Yeah, your right it was reason that put all of this into place.

Religion as a whole has done this throughout man's history. Before Christianity was the majority, people were wiped out for not believing in Sumerian/Babylonian/Egyptian/Hebrew/Greek/Roman/Hindu beliefs. My gripe isn't just with Christianity, but the entire concept of religion. The printing press is responsible for more deaths than any invention ever. Know why? Religious texts n the hatred, animosity, n violence they incited. People fighting due to religious beliefs has always occurred. From the Israelites n Canaanites, to the Christians n Muslims. It is the ideals each religion ingrains into its blind followers that causes people to do harm without attempting to draw from reason. So I ask, is logic really the reason why these attrocities happen?

When one gets to Heaven, do you believe the idea of boredom is no longer existent? How will constant worship of anyone/anything for eternity be something worth looking forward to?
It'll be in a new body that's prepared for eternity. In our current state, our body's would get tired.
If Satan's job is to sow evil, why does he punish evil people in hell? Wouldn't he be happy with them?
Hell was originally designed for his torment, not ours. He is not the tormenter. He's tormented as well. His reward for them that are deceived by him is death and eternal damnation. His happiness comes from deceiving/drawing people away from God.
Originally Posted by Edshoecator  

Now you say Jesus was in Hell. Why would God send his son to hell? Wasn't being part of your pops social experiment, leading to your crucifixion, not enough?
1 Peter 3:18 For Christ also suffered once for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive by the Spirit, [sup]19 [/sup]by whom also He went and preached to the spirits in prison, [sup]20 [/sup]who formerly were disobedient, when once the Divine longsuffering waited[sup][f][/sup] in the days of Noah, while the ark was being prepared, in which a few, that is, eight souls, were saved through water.
when i mean reasoning i imply thinking, so i was referring to the bad part (evil thinking). good thinking and logic advanced mankind

evil emotions tie into evil thoughts tie into evil actions. thats the birth of ignorance, which could be a sin
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God doesn't know separation from self.

I can walk through a jail and not be a prisoner

Again, I get your metaphor but it's not comparable to the scope of what being discussed. God is everywhere at all times thus being omnipresent. You cannot be omnipotent if you're not omnipresent
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