Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

There are thousands of species of ants. Ants from the time of the dinosaurs have been preserved in amber. They are identical to those living today. The fossil record shows that they have not evolved from other insects; ants have always been ants.
Cool fact.
Please post the article that shows that the DNA is identical. 
Ohhhh, NOW  I get it, all of a sudden God is present in Hell. Okay, you guys got this one 

But to the question before: Can I have a source on that ant info?
Who said I am talking about our bodies.
I'm talking souls.
Oh so God isn't powerful enough to save our souls? Your God is FRAIL.
Well damb 
the only unforgivable sin was blasphemy of the spirit, which means you believe the devil holds supreme power over god, so chances are you will be sent to hell easily. but for other forgivable sins you end up in purgatory, which is a mixed form of hell, but not extreme. everyone else relatively ends up in heaven or something like heaven/earth.

again cant prove anything that was written or talked about

i dunno if god is present anywhere BUT he does observe anything
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Oh so God isn't powerful enough to save our souls? Your God is FRAIL.
Bet you wouldn't say that to his face.
Bet he won't show his
the only unforgivable sin was blasphemy of the spirit, which means you believe the devil holds supreme power over god, so chances are you will be sent to hell easily. but for other forgivable sins you end up in purgatory, which is a mixed form of hell, but not extreme. everyone else relatively ends up in heaven or something like heaven/earth.

again cant prove anything that was written or talked about

i dunno if god is present anywhere BUT he does observe anything
At least you admit there is no proof. I can respect that 
the only unforgivable sin was blasphemy of the spirit, which means you believe the devil holds supreme power over god, so chances are you will be sent to hell easily. but for other forgivable sins you end up in purgatory, which is a mixed form of hell, but not extreme. everyone else relatively ends up in heaven or something like heaven/earth.

again cant prove anything that was written or talked about

i dunno if god is present anywhere BUT he does observe anything

Where did you get this? Man up monkey $%$ God punishes peopel for less, there's no actual method to his madness. So the only unforgivable sin is offending God, child molesters end up in purgatory.

again just off the top of my head general stuff, but i wouldnt think god is stupid enough to bunch up violent sinners with minor ones, there's possibly some sort of distinction
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hey if it was objective cold hard facts we'd have a hell of a lot of followers who suddenly have "faith"

the whole point of any "religion" is to believe without any reservations or conditions or proof
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hey if it was objective cold hard facts we'd have a hell of a lot of followers who suddenly have "faith"

the whole point of any "religion" is to believe without any reservations or conditions or proof
Why is this supposed to be a good thing?
hey if it was objective cold hard facts we'd have a hell of a lot of followers who suddenly have "faith"

the whole point of any "religion" is to believe without any reservations or conditions or proof

Why is this supposed to be a good thing?

well i guess strong persistent faith seems to produce inexplicable events like miracles that non believers may call coincidence. miracles can and do happen when you decide to depend upon a supreme being that no one has truly seen before. when you lose practically everything and you realize that some things are just uncontrollable, i mean doesn't some people call a hail Mary? for reasons unknown you just never know
hey if it was objective cold hard facts we'd have a hell of a lot of followers who suddenly have "faith"

the whole point of any "religion" is to believe without any reservations or conditions or proof
Why is this supposed to be a good thing?
well i guess strong persistent faith seems to produce inexplicable events like miracles that non believers may call coincidence. miracles can and do happen when you decide to depend upon a supreme being that no one has truly seen before. when you lose practically everything and you realize that some things are just uncontrollable, i mean doesn't some people call a hail Mary? for reasons unknown you just never know
This didn't answer my question thought. Why is faith a good thing?
There are thousands of species of ants. Ants from the time of the dinosaurs have been preserved in amber. They are identical to those living today. The fossil record shows that they have not evolved from other insects; ants have always been ants.
Cool fact.
Please post the article that shows that the DNA is identical. 
Would you believers say that god does everything in his power to save people?
for example this thread.
Does that mean god is not all powerful since there are people that go to hell?
hey if it was objective cold hard facts we'd have a hell of a lot of followers who suddenly have "faith"

the whole point of any "religion" is to believe without any reservations or conditions or proof

Why is this supposed to be a good thing?

well i guess strong persistent faith seems to produce inexplicable events like miracles that non believers may call coincidence. miracles can and do happen when you decide to depend upon a supreme being that no one has truly seen before. when you lose practically everything and you realize that some things are just uncontrollable, i mean doesn't some people call a hail Mary? for reasons unknown you just never know

This didn't answer my question thought. Why is faith a good thing?

faith, in general, is meant to display the point that man can be weak and vulnerable at times. its these trying times where a person belief or confidence is put to a test. the gods want you to acknowledge that you do depend on something more superior to man. gods like to be pleased in form of worship by faith as well as witnessing mankind perform good deeds. in return the gods may satisfy and reward man for his faith and deeds in the form of miracles, or whatever.

if you think, believe, and solve then you can overcome some problems and then you have passed your test and you are independent, and those which you fail in are obviously are in the hands of "someone else", some spirit or ghost that has miraculous powers no human can comprehend. this is why some people summon the devil for bad purposes and others call upon god for good purposes. i don't think a good god would answer bad prayers. point is, even bad people have some belief in a power that's superior to them

there are so many synonyms for god, but again when it comes to incalculable randomness (infinity), is there some type of force that just "solves" our problems because we put our "faith" in it? because we know no possible solution can exist? i think there is, but i dont know for sure because faith cannot be proved like science can. people feel like "faith" works for them and not for me, whereas logic and science is meant to work for everyone.
This didn't answer my question thought. Why is faith a good thing?

Hebrews 11:6
6 And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.
Faith isn't a good thing, in fact the bible teaches otherwise correct? "Faith with works" meaning believe you can do it and then get up and do it. Faith takes a back seat to actually doing it.

You pray for protection yet you still lock your door. You pray to pass a test yet you study. You pray to lose weight yet you go on a diet.
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Faith isn't a good thing, in fact the bible teaches otherwise correct? "Faith with works" meaning believe you can do it and then get up and do it. Faith takes a back seat to actually doing it.

Faith is the foundation and engine to works. Where does the bible teach not to have faith? Faith is what will propel you to do something.
Faith is the foundation and engine to works. Where does the bible teach not to have faith? Faith is what will propel you to do something.

That's called motivation. Bible never says to never have faith but it also says that faith alone is dead correct?

Try this

Go out and do something without faith. Just do it.

Now sit at home and try to do the same thing with faith and attempt to make it materialize by doing anything.

See which one is more effective
You got me blaster. You are victorious.
"Beware of anyone who views debates as something to win or lose."
- Anonymous

That's at least the third time I've seen you say something like "You win" or "Ok, you guys got me" or whatever.

It's an exchange/discussion of of ideas, bro, not a battle. :smile:

*waits for "Just kidding"* :lol:
That's called motivation. Bible never says to never have faith but it also says that faith alone is dead correct?

Try this

Go out and do something without faith. Just do it.

Now sit at home and try to do the same thing with faith and attempt to make it materialize by doing anything.

See which one is more effective

Proverbs 13:16 Wise people think before they act; fools don't--and even brag about their foolishness.
Don't see the word faith in any of that.

Because it's acting without faith. Without faith it is impossible to please God. If I'm acting without faith, I'm not pleasing God. Why would you ask me to do something that God would not be pleased with?
Because it's acting without faith. Without faith it is impossible to please God. If I'm acting without faith, I'm not pleasing God. Why would you ask me to do something that God would not be pleased with?

When you go to the drive through at McDonald's are you doing that to please god? You're over thinking the question.

Get very hungry and do 1 of the 2 things and see what happens

1. Have faith god will feed you, as much as you possibly can, lock yourself in your room, and wait for food to materialize in front of you.

2. Go out and get something to eat,
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