Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

Is it good because god says it's good or is it good on it's own and god just tells us to do it?

Why give eternal punishment for finite crimes?

Isn't true that god isn't perfect or omni-benevloent but more like his old testaments as a petty vengeful jealous god? We aren't perfect and he made us in his image no? We do all sorts of heinous **** isn't that more in line with who made us?

If god is all powerful why does he allegedly let the devil run wild on Earth?

If god knows everything didn't he know before he created anything exactly what was going to happen? Why set us up? Isn it just a game to him?

If god knows everything including the future doesn't that make it so that are actions are not of free will but already pre-determined? While we might think our actions are our choice given god knows what they will be already how can they truly be free?

Why is Jadakiss as hard as it gets?
There are probably people with stories like that but idk for sure. God spoke to him in Human form alongside two angels. You may never hear God in your lifetime, especially being so skeptical. He doesnt do requests.
Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.

Heb 13:2
This doesn't really explain to me why faith is a good thing.  This just tells me that you need faith to please god. I'm asking why.
Faith is good because it means you trust God. I don't know what other answer you're looking for.
What if a person uses faith to trust the wrong god? 
You'll never get an answer that you will deem acceptable/understandable from your perspective. 

I ask that question and similar ones constantly to myself, and to others who are religious. How can you say your god is right? How self centered of a thought is that? What is the issue with an individual having faith in a god with similar concepts, but simply a different god. Ultimately two people are using their faith for the same reasons, to better themselves, but one person is deemed hell bound.

A really good one is when you ask a religious person about other religions and what's wrong with them. One of the issues people have with a religion like Hinduism is the concept of polytheism (even though ultimately hindus believe in one supreme being). They immediately say that is blasphemous. I can't help but laugh at that statement because it's like how do you know? If anything more gods make more sense to me than one god. God needs some homies too 

Ultimately the answer is faith = faith. There's no substantial evidence for this stuff and never will be. It's just a matter of preference and you just have to accept that. I just hate when individuals say you are hell bound for not believing in a specific religion, or believing in any religion as a whole. Pure nonsense because there's no backing for that and it just screams ignorance, disintegration, and a prejudice. Things the world needs less of. 
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You'll never get an answer that you will deem acceptable/understandable from your perspective. 

I ask that question and similar ones constantly to myself, and to others who are religious. How can you say your god is right? How self centered of a thought is that? What is the issue with an individual having faith in a god with similar concepts, but simply a different god. Ultimately two people are using their faith for the same reasons, to better themselves, but one person is deemed hell bound.

A really good one is when you ask a religious person about other religions and what's wrong with them. One of the issues people have with a religion like Hinduism is the concept of polytheism (even though ultimately hindus believe in one supreme being). They immediately say that is blasphemous. I can't help but laugh at that statement because it's like how do you know? If anything more gods make more sense to me than one god. God needs some homies too 

Ultimately the answer is faith = faith. There's no substantial evidence for this stuff and never will be. It's just a matter of preference and you just have to accept that. I just hate when individuals say you are hell bound for not believing in a specific religion, or believing in any religion as a whole. Pure nonsense because there's no backing for that and it just screams ignorance, disintegration, and a prejudice. Things the world needs less of. 
I'm mostly interested in asking the questions that bothered me when I was a Christian. I'm interested to see how people resolve these issues. The only answer I've ever heard is that you shouldn't think about it and you should feel bad for questioning god. 

Just look at this topic. It's a lot of "we can't understand god's logic because we use human logic" and "have faith in god and he will give you answers". It really blows my mind that people are willing to sweep these gaping holes under the rug. 
What does every in here think strong faith is?.... Blind belief? Concentrated thought? Ignorant hope?
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I'm pretty sure Muslims have faith that they are following the right god. 
I'm positive that they do have that faith.
But, according to Christianity, they are going to hell because they have faith in the wrong god? The fact that they have faith in this god likely has to do with where they were born and how they grew up.

I'm just trying to understand because we've been told to have faith repeatedly throughout the topic. 
Here's a question if gluttony is a deadly sin does that mean that fat people don't go to heaven?

Do people with sin go to heaven? Yes.

God wants for you to accept His gift of eternal life through Yeshua. Sincerely doing so mean you teshuva/ repent/ turn away from your sins. If you are sincere you will do your best to turn away. Not everyone is successful. Some habits, demons, and issues are hard to break. Some will say the drive/taste for this sin went away instantly. Some may say it took years. Some will still struggle til their death. But if you have sincerely accepted Yeshua and WANT to be sin free ( faith), and do whatever you can to accomplish it weather (works) successful or not , you will be saved.
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But, according to Christianity, they are going to hell because they have faith in the wrong god? The fact that they have faith in this god likely has to do with where they were born and how they grew up.

I'm just trying to understand because we've been told to have faith repeatedly throughout the topic. 
Their fate isn't something I can speak on
I really don't know how that's handled because of the bolded.
How much can a person sin and still make it to heaven ?
Are they knowingly practicing sin? Are they aware that it's sin? Are they striving to stop?
Read the first handful of pages and skipped to this. I will say one thing though...(or a few things)

I grew up Seventh-Day Adventist but am not really active anymore. I still believe in God but my mature perception of who he is does not run parallel with what most people believe. BUT, the morals and overall reflections of GOD just make sense to me. Basically, common sense. And during rough times and personal battles turning towards acceptance (not necessarily of God, but just being honest with yourself), constantly reminding yourself of your goals and working towards improvement (praying), supporting others more, surrounding yourself with people who have common goals (going to church groups), and being extremely moderate so you can stay focused (abstaining) are all key elements to living a greater life. God or no God, these steps are UNDENIABLE.

But, when you get deep into religion and start dealing with people it goes off the rails quickly

But I appreciate OP and his post
And another thing I have noticed about these arguments is that people never really argue the overall messages. They just go to the extreme.

"So if I don't believe I am going to hell?"

"Noah's Ark and the flood?"

"Moses split the Red Sea?"

"Jonah was really swallowed by a whale? And then accepted Christ and was spat ashore?"

No wonder we just argue
And another thing I have noticed about these arguments is that people never really argue the overall messages. They just go to the extreme.

"So if I don't believe I am going to hell?"

"Noah's Ark and the flood?"

"Moses split the Red Sea?"

"Jonah was really swallowed by a whale? And then accepted Christ and was spat ashore?"

No wonder we just argue

Because those aren't extremes. They're actually pretty common stories told by the bible. We have a creator of all living being in question but a flood is the extreme?
God needed a man whose faith in Him was unwavering to lead his chosen people. He gave Abraham the gift of his son when his wife was no longer of child bearing age to showcase his power and compassion. Then he tested him with the prospect of losing what he held dearest. All to make sure Abraham would follow his instructions without fail.

Wether you believe it or not is whatever

But in your life, when have you ever been able to achieve something genuinely great and long lasting without making legitimate sacrifices?

Obviously this may not be the best example :lol: but think about the message!
Because those aren't extremes. They're actually pretty common stories told by the bible. We have a creator of all living being in question but a flood is the extreme?

My point is is that those are how typical conversations go when religion, atheism, and science are brought up.

The actually act of doing those things is focused on. The fact that they are not believable etc

I am saying that it is about the message

Why can't getting my CPA be like parting the Red Sea for me? Accepting my struggles and different things I need to work on. Living a lean life so I can keep my head straight. Pray or meditate to keep reminding myself of what I should or should not be doing (measuring my progress). And then using these things to get my CPA and start the next chapter of my life at a higher quality.

I am just saying why can't that be a miracle for me? Or for you? The message is true man
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My point is is that those are how typical conversations go when religion, atheism, and science are brought up.
have you read the whole thread? Plenty of different questions have been asked.

People always come to those questions because they're the most common stories.
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No I haven't. I am just going off of general views I have witnessed personally. I understand that there are sometimes legit arguments.

Hence why I said that when you get into religion and people it quickly goes off the rails. At the end you just have to believe it or no
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