Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

This didn't answer my question thought. Why is faith a good thing?
Hebrews 11:6
6 And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.
This doesn't really explain to me why faith is a good thing.  This just tells me that you need faith to please god. I'm asking why.
U know damn well no one is going to watch this..

Give me a synopsis before I check it out.

I know cats see that 1hr mark and :lol:

Biblically AND Historically why Christmas and Easter are NOT to be celebrated by Believers.
Step by step a,b,c, breakdown of scripture and historical facts that are easily researched and confirmed by anyone.
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I mean Santa aside even the story of Jesus Christ is plagiarized from Egyptian and I believe Greek mythology. Nothing about that story is original.

I posted a vid on that earlier. The primary source texts of the Egyptian tales of Horus and others, actually reflect different accounts than the one of Jesus tho.
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I. The Rabbinical Writings

When the city of Jerusalem fell in AD 70, together with the temple, the dominion of the priestly families and the supreme court of the Sanhedrin fell with them. The only party in Judaism which was capable of  undertaking the necessary work of reconstruction was that of the Pharisees, and this they did, not on a political but on a spiritual basis.

Led by Yohanan the son of Zakkai, they made their headquarters at Jabneh or Jamnia, in the southwest of Palestine. Here they reconstituted the Sanhedrin as a supreme court

for the organization of the whole range of religious law, with Yohanan as its first president in its new form.

A great body of case law, 'the tradition of the elders' mentioned in the New Testament, had been handed down orally from generation to generation, increasing with the years. The first step towards codifying all this material was now taken. The second step was taken by the great Rabbi Akiba, who was the first to arrange it according to subject matter. After his heroic death in AD 135, on the defeat of BarKokhba's rebellion against Rome, his work was revised and continued by his pupil Rabbi Meir.

The work of codification was brought to completion about AD 200 by Rabbi Judah, president of the Sanhedrin from 170 to 217. The whole code of religious jurisprudence thus compiled is known as the Mishnah.

This completed Mishnah itself became an object of study, and a body of commentary grew up around it in the rabbinical schools both of Palestine and of Babylonia. These commentaries or Gemaras formed a sort of supplement to the Mishnah, and Mishnah and Gemara together are usually known as the Talmud.

The 'Jerusalem Talmud', consisting of the Mishnah together with the accumulated Gemara of the Palestinian schools, was completed about AD 300; the much larger Babylonian Talmud continued to grow for two centuries more, before it was reduced to writing about the year 500.

As the Mishnah is a law code, and the Talmuds commentaries on this code, there is little occasion in these writings for references to Christianity, and what references there are hostile.

But, such as they are, these references do at least show that there was not the slightest doubt of the historical character of Jesus.

According to the earlier Rabbis whose opinions are recorded in these writings,

Jesus of Nazareth was a transgressor in Israel, who practiced magic, scorned the words of the wise, led the people astray, and said he had lot come to destroy the law but to add to it. He was hanged on Passover Eve for heresy and misleading the people. His disciples, of whom five are named, healed he sick in his name.

It is clear that this is just such a portrayal of our Lord we might expect from those elements in the Pharisaic party which were opposed to Him. Some of the names by which He is called bear witness directly or indirectly to the Gospel record.

The appellation Ha-Taluy ('The Hanged One') obviously refers to the manner of His death; another name given to Him, Ben-Pantera ('Son of Pantera'), probably refers, not (as has sometimes been alleged) to a Roman soldier named Pantheras, but to the Christian belief in our Lord's virgin birth,

Pantera being corruption of the Greek parthenos ('virgin').' This does not mean, of course, that all those who called Him by this name believed in His virgin birth.

The New Testament Documents: Are They Reliable by FF Bruce
I've been told that all negativity gets wiped from your mind once you enter heaven.

It's just another catchall answer to another question that can never really be answered.
Faith is the act of diving into the spiritual to conquer the things of the physical.

It takes faith, that is confidence in God, to see the works that God can do in the physical

and spiritual.

 James 2:26 says,

The body without the Spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead.

If your prayers aren't producing works then your faith might be dead.

Reading the Word of God will help build your faith and intimacy with God.

For my brothers in Christ.

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Faith is the act of diving into the spiritual to conquer the things of the physical.

It takes faith, that is confidence in God, to see the works that God can do in the physical

and spiritual.

 James 2:26 says,

The body without the Spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead.

If your prayers aren't producing works then your faith might be dead.

Reading the Word of God will help build your faith and intimacy with God.

For my brothers in Christ.


Since faith is trusting in god and believing without proof, having faith in another god should be acceptable, yes? How can you know if you are following the one true god if you rely on blind faith? 
N.C. — Four years after her baby was violently shaken by a babysitter, Kristie Hammonds is still waiting for a miracle cure.

She thought she had found her miracle in Pastor Sheryl Brady and The River Church in Durham, but when their financial help ran out, she took issue.

Hammonds told WRAL News in December 2009 that doctors had given up on 8-month-old Christiana, so she took her to the altar. A widely circulated YouTube video shows a comatose Christiana appear to grow alert as Brady prays.

The River congregation followed up with a collection to provide Hammonds with a car, household supplies and rent for a year.

But after Brady moved in 2010 to take a job at a church in the Dallas area, Hammonds accused the church of keeping some of the funds designated for her daughter.

Steve Sims, current pastor at The River, said the congregation is saddened by the rift. He provided detailed financial records that show they raised just over $7,000 and actually spent more than $12,000 to help Hammonds.

Hammonds lives with her mother, in Monroe, N.C., where she helps with Cristiana's care.

"It's been four years, and I don't really see much of a change. She still can't talk, she still eats out of her stomach. She's totally care disabled," she said.

"She just cries out and lays there. By us not knowing what's wrong with her, it's kind of hard for us to help her out."

Hammonds is certain the church raised more money than they gave her, and she would like that money to go toward Cristiana's care.

"I want a better life for my baby," she said. "I do want her to walk and talk. She's been deprived of everything and I think she deserves a better life."

The babysitter who injured Christiana, Tammy Evans, is facing one count of intentional child abuse inflicting serious bodily injury. Her case is still pending.

Looks like God lacks follow-through.
I was born and raised without religion. My girlfriend of a few years have been trying to introduce me to Christianity. I truly do give an honest effort but I just can't believe in it. It sucks because she's very passionate about it and I want to support her but I just can't follow through with it. How can I witness his existence? Why doesn't he give us clear evidence that he in fact does exist? The more I hear about the stories the more I question. How come we don't hear stories like those in the bible in our present day? He seems a lot more evident and apparent in the bible than he does today in our life. How can I witness a miracle?
Heaven sounds horrible, I just envision church for eternity. I rather be in hell with all the homosexuals, ****, and sinners.
Which is why I said people don't really want to go to Heaven, they just fear going to Hell

:lol: I feel it.

OP may be the greatest troll of all time.

I just can't get down with OP using god as a response to everything. God isn't the reason people are successful. I hate it when athletes say, "Thank god" or other things like that. God wasn't lifting those heavy *** weights or taking those big *** hits with you.
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