Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

What is lust? Are you lu****l just because you like to look at the opposite sex?

I'm a good person mostly, will I go to hell just because I like to look?
What is lust? Are you lu****l just because you like to look at the opposite sex?

I'm a good person mostly, will I go to hell just because I like to look?

I would say its one thing to notice a woman's body. Its another to start the thought process of what you would do to her.

For example:

"Wow she's gorgeous" I would say it pretty acceptable.

"Woo Wee she got a phat ___" Not appropriate.
I would say its one thing to notice a woman's body. Its another to start the thought process of what you would do to her.

For example:

"Wow she's gorgeous" I would say it pretty acceptable.

"Woo Wee she got a phat ___" Not appropriate.

What's the difference in those two statements? You're simply acknowledging what you find attractive.
Honestly, I don't know how a believer can have the gall to call nonbelievers arrogant or condescending. To me the definition of arrogance is to fly in the face of empirical evidence and deny your own relationship to the animal Kingdom. Ignoring science and logic in order to appease some inflated sense of importance to this universe is the most fathomable example of arrogance.
What's the difference in those two statements? You're simply acknowledging what you find attractive.

The 2nd is more vulgar.

Better yet...

Thinking a girl is cute and has a nice figure. VS Thinking about sexual acts with her.
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What is lust? Are you lu****l just because you like to look at the opposite sex?

I'm a good person mostly, will I go to hell just because I like to look?
Lust biblically is a desiring or craving for something to please oneself.

If your looking at a woman or man and thinking of sexual things, you are lusting.

You won't go to hell for just looking at a woman.

You'll go to hell for living in lust over her.
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Lust biblically is a desiring or craving for something to please oneself.
If your looking at a woman or man and thinking of sexual things, you are lusting.

You won't go to hell for just looking at a woman.
You'll go to hell for living in lust over her.

So, who created the creator?

Well to me, God exist outside our realm. Like we have time, beginning and end. We are born, we age, we die. God has always been. Alpha/Omega

I'm sure you've seen the mortal kombat movies where they speak about other realms.

I used to think about it all the time.
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Honestly, I don't know how a believer can have the gall to call nonbelievers arrogant or condescending. To me the definition of arrogance is to fly in the face of empirical evidence and deny your own relationship to the animal Kingdom. Ignoring science and logic in order to appease some inflated sense of importance to this universe is the most fathomable example of arrogance.
Lets be real here, only reason the world has the mindset is because they 

taught us that in school. You seriously think if evolution wasn't

imagined we'd be saying "Oh I evolved from that fruit fly. Sup cousin."?

Even if you didn't have religion or knowledge of evolution, you'd still

know you had a creator.
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I will pick one
G: G. Death or illness is caused by sin (Gen 2:17, Lev 26:16, 21, 25, Deut 7:15, 28:21, 27, James 1:15).

Death: Sin caused MAN a physically and spiritual death (man was never meant to die)

ILLNESS: Homosexuals and HIV, fornication; sleeping with prostitutes, ***** ect..= HERPES or any other permanent STD :x

Someone elaborate on this please?
Lets be real here, only reason the world has the mindset is because they 

taught us that in school. You seriously think if evolution wasn't

imagined we'd be saying "Oh I evolved from that fruit fly. Sup cousin."?

Even if you didn't have religion or knowledge of evolution, you'd still

know you had a creator.
The same can be said about religion.

Religion was taught in school WAYYYYYY before evolution was.
Just to add, since I went over into the IRAQ ISIS thread.

There's Christian children being beheaded. Why hasn't GOD stepped in?
Living in lust over her? Are you implying that if all you do and say is in pursuit of what you lust, that's a problem
Lusting is simply idolizing something that pleases you.

In which case is contrary to God's law and separates 

one from God.

Separation from God is the definition of hell.
Lets be real here, only reason the world has the mindset is because they 
taught us that in school. You seriously think if evolution wasn't
imagined we'd be saying "Oh I evolved from that fruit fly. Sup cousin."?

Even if you didn't have religion or knowledge of evolution, you'd still
know you had a creator.

Why do you assume that second part? What do you think agnosticism is? They don't know either way. I am Atheist, I know there isn't a creator. I don't live my life in spite of logic. If you are truly a logical person, no amount indoctrination or illness can rob you of truths. Atheism is the denial of the supernatural in favor of accepting logic and real evidence
Just to add, since I went over into the IRAQ ISIS thread.

There's Christian children being beheaded. Why hasn't GOD stepped in?
Persecution of Christians is something Jesus warned 

his believers in the gospel. The risk is low here in America,

but all around the world it differs.
Why do you assume that second part? What do you think agnosticism is? They don't know either way. I am Atheist, I know there isn't a creator. I don't live my life in spite of logic. If you are truly a logical person, no amount indoctrination or illness can rob you of truths. Atheism is the denial of the supernatural in favor of accepting logic and real evidence

Lobo. You know there isn't a God? Everything else has a creator but the universe?

You came from your mother and father. As did I. This laptop I'm using was created by Asus. My shoes = Nike. But not the universe? Like 0 chance?

Is it truly logic to say, everything we see and know of in our universe didn't have a creator? Is there really evidence to disprove God? Because we can't see him?
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Why do you assume that second part? What do you think agnosticism is? They don't know either way. I am Atheist, I know there isn't a creator. I don't live my life in spite of logic. If you are truly a logical person, no amount indoctrination or illness can rob you of truths. Atheism is the denial of the supernatural in favor of accepting logic and real evidence
You don't have to agree with me, but I know you know.

For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--

have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made,

so that people are without excuse. Roman 1 20
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