Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

So according to the narrative, God only does one thing? He only creates, so if he rests from creating he should not do anything else?

Well by definition if one is at rest then no you really can't be doing other things but that's by human standards. This is another gripe I have with religion god can love, hate, be jealous and need rest but on the other hand he's this omnipotent infinitely wise deity. And they pick and choose when he's one or the other for their convenience. It's too contradictory. I don't view the anthropomorphized god of the bible as the true underlying consciousness of creation.
So according to the narrative, God only does one thing? He only creates, so if he rests from creating he should not do anything else?

Well by definition if one is at rest then no you really can't be doing other things but that's by human standards. This is another gripe I have with religion god can love, hate, be jealous and need rest but on the other hand he's this omnipotent infinitely wise deity. And they pick and choose when he's one or the other for their convenience. It's too contradictory. I don't view the anthropomorphized god of the bible as the true underlying consciousness of creation.

But isn't that the way personalities are? Aren't they supposed to be complex and dynamic?
'Tell a Christian that his wife is cheating on him, and he is likely to require as much evidence as anyone else, and to be persuaded to the extent that you give it. Tell him that the book he keeps by his bedside was written by an invisible deity who will punish him with fire for eternity if he fails to accept its every incredible claim about the universe, and he seems to require no evidence what so ever.' - Sam Harris
Why did he rest on the 7th day? Why would god need rest at all?
Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable. Isaiah 40:28

If God can rest, no man has the excuse of

all work, no rest.
[quote name="Retro23J"][What did the non-biblical record of Paul say?

While the calling for Paul had to be in his own spirit/heart, there was also provision made elsewhere to confirm what was done/said.

Different POVs between you and me, really.

I see that the unraveling of these stories reveal how in tune they were with God as opposed to now where we are in tune with ourselves. Dangerous ground.

You see our current times as being more aware of certain elements and majority of it is true.
I see that but also see how far removed we are from having a reverence of God. I don't take away from explanations and procedures for dealing with the sick or natural events but I won't dismiss God either.
[/quote]On the different perspectives: I agree. And I have no problem believing that I'm right while understanding that you're not wrong (since I can't prove that you are), and my hope would be that you believe you're right while understanding that I'm not wrong (for the reason). :smile:

As far as the bold: I think that's a destructive part of the religious narrative, that 'mankind = bad'. Everything that mankind has ever done... can be traced back to mankind.

Pyramids? Man.

Vaccines? Man.

Prosthetics? Man.

Vehicles, space exploration, saving endangered species? Man, man, man.

Why is it a bad thing to be in tune w/ the most visibly powerful force on the planet, mankind?

(and I say 'visibly' to include a possibility that I don't believe in: a supreme being. Even though I don't believe, there might be... HOWEVER... if there is, it's obviously not a visible force, and mankind obviously is)

And sure, mankind is also responsible for the extinction of species, and emissions, and wars and atrocities, but if I'm going to hear a believer excuse the murders of a god they believe in, then I'm going to expect them to excuse the blunders of what I'm calling the most powerful force on Earth. If they expect mankind to be held in lower regard because of things like the holocaust, then, you know: The Flood, and Passover, and Red Sea. Which would mean they hold 'him' in lower regard.
And, maybe god has a personality, no?

Well me personally, I study natural law amongst other things. And if you're familiar with it these are the laws inherent in nature that exist with or without man and are very impersonal. They are exact and unwavering. And we are governed by these laws regardless if we are cognizant of it or not. U can live in accordance with it and align your frequency with a higher spiritual existence. Or you can not.

If youre on a mountain with a 2 year old and while youre not paying attention the 2 year old walks off the cliff not knowing the dangers will he fall and die? Yes because the law of gravity doesn't care. At all. It just is. You do A? The result is B. Period end of story. The divine law works under those same principals. It's exact and impersonal.
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YOU do realize that they're are believers who have lived and lived very long lives don't you?

You do know they're people IN the science community that are believers, right?
You do realize they're one in the same, right? Your examples.

A believer is a believer, doesn't matter what their occupation.

*insert non believer* into any of your examples and you come to the same pointless conclusion.

God isn't the defining factor in your statements
[quote name="RKO2004"]You do know they're people IN the science community that are believers, right?[/quote]Christian propaganda. :smh:

Believing in a higher power while practicing science? Yes, but do they rely on faith and an ancient text to do their job? No.

Big difference.
Christian propaganda.

Believing in a higher power while practicing science? Yes, but do they rely on faith and an ancient text to do their job? No.

Big difference.
Yes, God inspires his children.
On the different perspectives: I agree. And I have no problem believing that I'm right while understanding that you're not wrong (since I can't prove that you are), and my hope would be that you believe you're right while understanding that I'm not wrong (for the reason).

As far as the bold: I think that's a destructive part of the religious narrative, that 'mankind = bad'. Everything that mankind has ever done... can be traced back to mankind.

Pyramids? Man.

Vaccines? Man.

Prosthetics? Man.

Vehicles, space exploration, saving endangered species? Man, man, man.

Why is it a bad thing to be in tune w/ the most visibly powerful force on the planet, mankind?

(and I say 'visibly' to include a possibility that I don't believe in: a supreme being. Even though I don't believe, there might be... HOWEVER... if there is, it's obviously not a visible force, and mankind obviously is)

And sure, mankind is also responsible for the extinction of species, and emissions, and wars and atrocities, but if I'm going to hear a believer excuse the murders of a god they believe in, then I'm going to expect them to excuse the blunders of what I'm calling the most powerful force on Earth. If they expect mankind to be held in lower regard because of things like the holocaust, then, you know: The Flood, and Passover, and Red Sea. Which would mean they hold 'him' in lower regard.
Definitely can understand that.

I see it as a bad thing to be in tune w/ ourselves without any regard to God because then we begin to put all of our trust in ourselves, become high minded and forget all about God. Believers perspective of course.
Anyone going to address that list of bible busters? :lol:
Durty did.

He pointed out that first one is actually true. There was evidence that what the Bible said is false, but as Durty said, what the Bible said is actually true. The proof he provided was nothing more than "Trust me. It's true."

Second one? Again, although evidence shows Biblical inaccuracy, he poignantly pointed out that there is no error, using his word as supporting evidence again.

And 'god'; the biblical inaccuracies are accurate, because he said so, and because an invisible, inaudible being said so.
Durty did.

He pointed out that first one is actually true. There was evidence that what the Bible said is false, but as Durty said, what the Bible said is actually true. The proof he provided was nothing more than "Trust me. It's true."

Second one? Again, although evidence shows Biblical inaccuracy, he poignantly pointed out that there is no error, using his word as supporting evidence again.

And 'god'; the biblical inaccuracies are accurate, because he said so, and because an invisible, inaudible being said so.
Sooooo. ....... Nothing :lol:

If you aren't qualified to answer the question that fine bro. Just say so. If there isn't an answer, just say so.

You don't have to use generic answer #3 of "believe" all the time
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